Real Reason They Love Reps Under 30...


1. They are easy to mind control and can drink the K O O L AID better than anyone.

2. They are cheap.

3. They think selling pharmaceuticals is the best sales job in the world.

4. They think a good job is one with a company car.

These are only 4 that I came up with. If you are under 30, I hope you will seriously consider finding a real sales job and get out of this mess. You will pay for it later in life. Unless, you are a total sell out and want to go into management. Not many good people left in this industry as well, only a bunch of psychopaths and sociopaths.


1. They are easy to mind control and can drink the K O O L AID better than anyone.

2. They are cheap.

3. They think selling pharmaceuticals is the best sales job in the world.

4. They think a good job is one with a company car.

These are only 4 that I came up with. If you are under 30, I hope you will seriously consider finding a real sales job and get out of this mess. You will pay for it later in life. Unless, you are a total sell out and want to go into management. Not many good people left in this industry as well, only a bunch of psychopaths and sociopaths.

its an image industry, not a substance industry.
still, you do have some very smart and motivated people in this industry. however, most of these people just leave the industry after a year or two because they can see the socialist tendencies in the industry and can recognize the zombies that are in management.

and especially those managers/companies who specifically recruit new college graduates who are ATHLETES. Usually it's a manager who fit that scenario himself, and knows how to prey upon your arrogance/attitude and competitiveness. Duh. They stroke your ego with oh how wonderful you are and how great you did in X sport and thus how great you'll be in pharma. Have you eating out of their hand and calling your momma. Then use you to the best of their ability and you are so stupid to not realize it. Poor souls just suck up the Kool Aid as fast as they can.

and especially those managers/companies who specifically recruit new college graduates who are ATHLETES. Usually it's a manager who fit that scenario himself, and knows how to prey upon your arrogance/attitude and competitiveness. Duh. They stroke your ego with oh how wonderful you are and how great you did in X sport and thus how great you'll be in pharma. Have you eating out of their hand and calling your momma. Then use you to the best of their ability and you are so stupid to not realize it. Poor souls just suck up the Kool Aid as fast as they can.

Its such a joke.
The best move for high school kids is to stay out of college and start a business, like barber or landscaping, something like that.

If you want sales, go work for a car dealership. That is the way to go. No doubt about it. My friend is a Mexican immigrant, barely graduated high school, and he pulls in over 100k. Sure, he works 6 days a week, 10 hours a day, but that is still pretty darn good for a job with little running around and not too much stress.

1. They are easy to mind control and can drink the K O O L AID better than anyone.

2. They are cheap.

3. They think selling pharmaceuticals is the best sales job in the world.

4. They think a good job is one with a company car.

These are only 4 that I came up with. If you are under 30, I hope you will seriously consider finding a real sales job and get out of this mess. You will pay for it later in life. Unless, you are a total sell out and want to go into management. Not many good people left in this industry as well, only a bunch of psychopaths and sociopaths.

This only refers to primary care positions. It takes real sales people with real skills to be successful in hospital/specialty sales.

This only refers to primary care positions. It takes real sales people with real skills to be successful in hospital/specialty sales.

real skills??? uh yeah…right…whatever you say…

once you leave the pharma industry for a real sales job, you will see how lacking in real sales skills you are, no matter if you were in hospital, specialty, or whatever…

you are completely deluded…(as I was when I was in pharma.)

I am making the following assumptions:
1) You are a female
2) You physical looks have not aged well
3) You never won President's Club
4)You were laid off and could not find another pharma job

Question: If you have a "real sales" job, why are you still on Café Pharma?

Go away stalker!

Real reason: Money, young, new to industry = less expense (bonus: feel their brain with company gibberish like "our training is the equivalent 3 years of medical school")

As for hospital/specialty being 'sales' , that's not worth a reply.

real skills??? uh yeah…right…whatever you say…

once you leave the pharma industry for a real sales job, you will see how lacking in real sales skills you are, no matter if you were in hospital, specialty, or whatever…

you are completely deluded…(as I was when I was in pharma.)

I left pharma right after the guidelines kicked in because I knew the train wreck was coming. 11 years later I've enjoyed a successful sales career selling real products and now I'm a product manager.

I didn't make my point clear. There are always going to be duds for sales people and that would be the majority of reps. But the top 10-20% of true hospital specialty reps that focus on the cath lab/OR are the cream of the crop and they could be successful no matter what they wanted to sell.

But they are rare. I see a lot of duds in my position because I handle new hire and field training. I see it every day that complete lack of awareness of what it takes to be successful. Companies need to do a lot better job of interviewing to weed out the phoneys, my company strongly included.

I left pharma right after the guidelines kicked in because I knew the train wreck was coming. 11 years later I've enjoyed a successful sales career selling real products and now I'm a product manager.

I didn't make my point clear. There are always going to be duds for sales people and that would be the majority of reps. But the top 10-20% of true hospital specialty reps that focus on the cath lab/OR are the cream of the crop and they could be successful no matter what they wanted to sell.

But they are rare. I see a lot of duds in my position because I handle new hire and field training. I see it every day that complete lack of awareness of what it takes to be successful. Companies need to do a lot better job of interviewing to weed out the phoneys, my company strongly included.

Most companies today hire on image.
Sure, it important to present yourself well physically, but that is hardly what counts in the real world. Experience, intelligence and drive is what counts.

Every now and then, I scan linkedin profiles, and it is comical to see all these beautiful women from average schools and average background somehow ending up with very good medical device or pharmaceutical sales jobs. They hid in the pods, and let the achievers do the work. Worse, they look for every opportunity to back-stab the performers.

Now, this counts for the men too. I have been in pharma, device, and other outside sales. And the pharma/medical easily has the biggest terds running the ship.

Too funny. I scan these linked in profiles myself and cannot believe some of the bimbos both and male and female in these positions that sound pretty intense selling in the OR etc. I try to imagine these dipshits talking intelligently to surgeons and I just don't get it. it seems to me even in the "big bad medical device" world they hire the same type. How the hell do they get in? Some of them look like strippers and down right unprofessional, tits hanging out, hair down to their ass, always blonde it's like the same type over and over. Maybe I should just get breast implants? Obviously guys are doing the hiring or maybe it just works. These surgeons must go for it. I thought for years you "had to be really smart to get these jobs and be successful at them....think Im wrong!!!!

I left pharma right after the guidelines kicked in because I knew the train wreck was coming. 11 years later I've enjoyed a successful sales career selling real products and now I'm a product manager.

I didn't make my point clear. There are always going to be duds for sales people and that would be the majority of reps. But the top 10-20% of true hospital specialty reps that focus on the cath lab/OR are the cream of the crop and they could be successful no matter what they wanted to sell.

But they are rare. I see a lot of duds in my position because I handle new hire and field training. I see it every day that complete lack of awareness of what it takes to be successful. Companies need to do a lot better job of interviewing to weed out the phoneys, my company strongly included.
Gee Whiz, so impressive. How does a person who is a product manager who also handles new hires and field training find time to waste on Cafe Pharma??

Gee Whiz, so impressive. How does a person who is a product manager who also handles new hires and field training find time to waste on Cafe Pharma??

haha, CP is my "drug" for when I need a laugh and to hopefully hand out some good career advice. I spend lots of idle time at night in hotels while on the road so I do have downtime.

You lame whiners should go find whoever told you life was fair and punch them in the snoot! Is this some sort of news flash to you? Do you think this is unique to Pharma? Heck I've worked in a variety of different industries and I can tell you the 'ladies of Pharma' are not close to being A+ talent in the looks department when compared to other industries...go into financial services, entertainment, or hospitality industry and hiring on looks is far more rampant. Not saying it's right, I'm saying that is the way it is, and it will never change, so stop bitching about it.

not bitching about it. I can understand it in those industries but if you are selling a device to a physician or surgeon don't you need half of a brain? Not in the industry but it would seem like you need a bit more than looks to do that - guess Im wrong

not bitching about it. I can understand it in those industries but if you are selling a device to a physician or surgeon don't you need half of a brain? Not in the industry but it would seem like you need a bit more than looks to do that - guess Im wrong

Not really. First most medical devices are not all that complicated...if you can read you'll be able to pick it up. The devices and equipment that are more technical or complicated you usually have to go through special training i.e. pacemaker school or have worked as a tech or something like that...think radiology devices and equipment lots of x-ray, rad, and nuc techs, etc. selling those.

I think that people, especially pharma people, use a very broad brush when they say "device" as it could mean hundreds if not thousands of different products in hundreds of different therapeutic specialities. Saying, "I sell to surgeons" really doesn't mean anything as you could be selling in a very low paying entry level job like selling surgical trays or you could be selling a De Vini system. They both sell to surgeons but the jobs have no parallels at all and are nothing alike hence the people they look to hire are rarely in the same talent pool. Same goes for ortho, you could be selling very basic surgical instruments or you could be selling very high tech hip and knee implants, same goes for diagnostics, entry level = selling ultrasounds, higher end selling CT/MR. In any giving medical speciality there are going to be a wide range of equipment and devices that each uses and like anything else there is a wide rage of the type and quality of rep who sells them and furthermore what each earns. From experience I can tell you in Ortho, Derm and Surgery they love to hire what you would call "Barbies". These docs are smart people, mostly men, and they think they know everything and they rely very little on what the reps says about the products(especially in this day and age) versus what they rep does for them as most devices are commodities and if they are not and they are truly best in class or only device in the class then they sell themselves so all you really need to hire is a good customer relationship type of rep. The other side especially in Ortho is they hire ex-jocks for obvious reasons.

Lastly I would ask that you not stereotype people based on their appearance. Unless you really know the "Barbie" you see in the hospital you have no idea if she is smart or not, if she went to an Ivy League college or a community college or what her qualifications are. I've sold lasers to many of Barbie'esq dermatologits and they went to top notch med schools and fellowship programs and if you saw them walking down the street never in a million years would you think they are MD's...

This is a sad thread.

What I gather from this thread is that most of you are smart and hard-working, but older and unattractive. If that is not the case, please tell me. If it is, why are you so mad about it?

I never understood why people get angry over someone else's looks. If you are not a sex worker, your looks do not matter. Just put in the work to be the best salesperson you can be. Also, why do people think attractive people are unintelligent? How in the hell do looks have anything to do with intellect?

Too many jealous and insecure people out here.

This is a sad thread.

What I gather from this thread is that most of you are smart and hard-working, but older and unattractive. If that is not the case, please tell me. If it is, why are you so mad about it?

I never understood why people get angry over someone else's looks. If you are not a sex worker, your looks do not matter. Just put in the work to be the best salesperson you can be. Also, why do people think attractive people are unintelligent? How in the hell do looks have anything to do with intellect?

Too many jealous and insecure people out here.

It's because this thread is filled with heinous fatties with crappy 'whoa is me' attitudes who THINK they are smart and have it all figured out...sorry old fatties but you are not has savvy and wise as your think you are. If anything the industry today is unrecognizable to the industry you came up in during the 80's and 90's so most of your 'experiential knowledge' is useless in this day and age. If I have to hear one more of you say, "well back in the 90's we could do this" or "well pre Pharma guidelines we could do that". Guess what...the 90's are over and we do have Pharma guidelines like it or not so stop living in and wishing for a return to the past. You sound out of touch, obnoxious, and entitled...not a good look coupled with age, weight and bad clothes.