RD National meeting thread!

Just so excited that senior leaders are going to upskill me. Imagine the skills I might pick up:

-self promotion
-exaggerating to the top
-dodging skills when fielding IC questions
-regular RIFs and realignments to confuse both above and below
-turning setbacks into promotions
-surrounding oneself with devoted followers (even if it means placing drunks in RSD roles)
-tolerating ERG warriors who don't leave home
-badmouthing subordinates who are smarter than me
-getting coaching guides in ahead of time
-avoiding any contact with customers regardless of the space worked

Let's get this up skilling going!

Next level, here we come!!!!!!

Just so excited that senior leaders are going to upskill me. Imagine the skills I might pick up:

-self promotion
-exaggerating to the top
-dodging skills when fielding IC questions
-regular RIFs and realignments to confuse both above and below
-turning setbacks into promotions
-surrounding oneself with devoted followers (even if it means placing drunks in RSD roles)
-tolerating ERG warriors who don't leave home
-badmouthing subordinates who are smarter than me
-getting coaching guides in ahead of time
-avoiding any contact with customers regardless of the space worked

Let's get this up skilling going!

Next level, here we come!!!!!!
Over a decade of public school education in this post

Perhaps….but all accurate! Such a waste of time and money…:but “leadership” gets to treat their subordinates like children, which makes them happy so we continue

Wasn't a bad meeting for most of the teams. Except Tepezza. Wow. Once Amgen gets it's people in things change for the worst. Dr. Village was the laugh of everyone at this meeting. Priority was reach and frequency. Marketing head looked like an Amgen lifer.

They not like us!

Wasn't a bad meeting for most of the teams. Except Tepezza. Wow. Once Amgen gets it's people in things change for the worst. Dr. Village was the laugh of everyone at this meeting. Priority was reach and frequency. Marketing head looked like an Amgen lifer.

They not like us!
exactly the blueprint for dermatology - once they got their people in charge, the entirety of focus was the execution report - targets at frequency and capped call attainment or something like that - no one knows.

they brought in their acolytes to marketing, none of which have ever been in dermatology and they brought in their NUBU soldiers to chase off anyone who dared to question why I should be calling on a mohs surgeon 4x a month.

can't believe I'm still here, but I do like unlimited TOT

I'ts middle of February and I still don't know if I won the award, but then again, I don't even know my rank so I'll just hit the free drinks in Georgia and if someone tells me to go up on stage, I'll do it.

They are not like us either!

Wasn't a bad meeting for most of the teams. Except Tepezza. Wow. Once Amgen gets it's people in things change for the worst. Dr. Village was the laugh of everyone at this meeting. Priority was reach and frequency. Marketing head looked like an Amgen lifer.

They not like us!
TEP team was treated terribly. Dr. Village was a joke, every workshop was rushed and chaotic. Not motivating, felt like a beat down. Middle of February with no goals.

I'm on krystexxa team. My first wtf with tepezza was during Jasper general session and its brand priority was about targeting tier 1-3 drs. Do they really think that tepezza sluggish performance is because the reps aren't targeting drs? I think 2 of its bullet points had to do with call metrics. None of the other brands had that. I barely even enter calls in vevva! But the 2nd was during Broadways talk about how great amgen is (while being fed a dinner of nacho chips, popcorn, and pretzels) i look over and see someone in a Dr lab coat. Come to find that was the "head trainer" dressed as a dr for the role playing in Dr Village. What a schmuck. I don't have to meet him to know I don't respect him or anything he brings to the table.

Lol they "aren't like us".

I'm on krystexxa team. My first wtf with tepezza was during Jasper general session and its brand priority was about targeting tier 1-3 drs. Do they really think that tepezza sluggish performance is because the reps aren't targeting drs? I think 2 of its bullet points had to do with call metrics. None of the other brands had that. I barely even enter calls in vevva! But the 2nd was during Broadways talk about how great amgen is (while being fed a dinner of nacho chips, popcorn, and pretzels) i look over and see someone in a Dr lab coat. Come to find that was the "head trainer" dressed as a dr for the role playing in Dr Village. What a schmuck. I don't have to meet him to know I don't respect him or anything he brings to the table.

Lol they "aren't like us".
Yep, I was shocked that the "level up" is just make more calls. Just make more targeted calls. WTF? That's your only leadership?

It's as if Amgen's commercial VPs and EDs only know one thing: make more calls (because it can be measured) so they can tell Biker Boy and Grumpy Glaswegian they are making progress.

Yeah, I felt bad for Tepezza. Not sure what they can do about it, though. Bonus at plan is still 16k a quarter and most (Horizon legacy) making close to 200k base. Not many other companies offer that. I guess you suck it up and give them what they want? It is the start of a horrible culture, and everyone could tell the new marketing director is way over her head.

Funny, my team also saw that idiot dressed like a Dr. at the stadium.

I'm on krystexxa team. My first wtf with tepezza was during Jasper general session and its brand priority was about targeting tier 1-3 drs. Do they really think that tepezza sluggish performance is because the reps aren't targeting drs? I think 2 of its bullet points had to do with call metrics. None of the other brands had that. I barely even enter calls in vevva! But the 2nd was during Broadways talk about how great amgen is (while being fed a dinner of nacho chips, popcorn, and pretzels) i look over and see someone in a Dr lab coat. Come to find that was the "head trainer" dressed as a dr for the role playing in Dr Village. What a schmuck. I don't have to meet him to know I don't respect him or anything he brings to the table.

Lol they "aren't like us".
What’s a sales meeting without whining from the field pussies

I'm on krystexxa team. My first wtf with tepezza was during Jasper general session and its brand priority was about targeting tier 1-3 drs. Do they really think that tepezza sluggish performance is because the reps aren't targeting drs? I think 2 of its bullet points had to do with call metrics. None of the other brands had that. I barely even enter calls in vevva! But the 2nd was during Broadways talk about how great amgen is (while being fed a dinner of nacho chips, popcorn, and pretzels) i look over and see someone in a Dr lab coat. Come to find that was the "head trainer" dressed as a dr for the role playing in Dr Village. What a schmuck. I don't have to meet him to know I don't respect him or anything he brings to the table.

Lol they "aren't like us".
The Dr. in the lab coat also wore it on my flight, what a tool! I was hoping someone would have a medical emergency on the plane and they would ask him to provide medical attention. Maybe he would pull out his iPad and detail the ailing person. Question is, would he enter this as a call?

Yeah, I felt bad for Tepezza. Not sure what they can do about it, though. Bonus at plan is still 16k a quarter and most (Horizon legacy) making close to 200k base. Not many other companies offer that. I guess you suck it up and give them what they want? It is the start of a horrible culture, and everyone could tell the new marketing director is way over her head.

Funny, my team also saw that idiot dressed like a Dr. at the stadium.
Yeah it’s nice when they tell you that we are paid TOO much. Yet they couldn’t, or wouldn’t get out in the field and deal with the BS we deal with each day. They’d rather sit behind their computers and conference calls and reminding us that “they once carried the bag”. When was that? When dine and dashes were still the norm?
physicians village was an comical. Still can’t believe they wanted to bring in ACTUAL doctors?
Off to check the box and make sure that reach and frequency is tight! so I can stay off Tads lists.

The Dr. in the lab coat also wore it on my flight, what a tool! I was hoping someone would have a medical emergency on the plane and they would ask him to provide medical attention. Maybe he would pull out his iPad and detail the ailing person. Question is, would he enter this as a call?
He will beat your ass loser!

Yeah it’s nice when they tell you that we are paid TOO much. Yet they couldn’t, or wouldn’t get out in the field and deal with the BS we deal with each day. They’d rather sit behind their computers and conference calls and reminding us that “they once carried the bag”. When was that? When dine and dashes were still the norm?
physicians village was an comical. Still can’t believe they wanted to bring in ACTUAL doctors?
Off to check the box and make sure that reach and frequency is tight! so I can stay off Tads lists.
Cry about it some more, field pussy. You will continue to do whatever the training team tells you.