RD Body Count after 7/14

RD here monitoring posts: What are you .......one lazy Rep???? The industry norm is 12 calls a day. Forest reps average between 2 and 3 a day. We in senior management have tried everything to promote higher productivity and NOTHING has worked.......not even PClub. As such the Board demands that we do a 'forklift replacement' and just replace the Rep team en mass. If you have some suggestions pass them along to your DM..Your. DM is your friend. AND will REWARD you if you come up with some solutions other than the terrible layoff planned.

As an RD I will listen to all my DMs and evaluate their proposals, even the hair-brsined ones they sometimes come up with. But as the DMs are the future of the company they demand your respect. Do not post critical trash against your leaders.
Industry norms are 12 huh? Unfortunately sir or madam some of us remember the slide deck Bill Muery put up showing industry norms are around 8 and forest reps average 9 or more so we are above the industry. Yeah sorry facts again get in the way , life must be hard for you?

Industry norms are 12 huh? Unfortunately sir or madam some of us remember the slide deck Bill Muery put up showing industry norms are around 8 and forest reps average 9 or more so we are above the industry. Yeah sorry facts again get in the way , life must be hard for you?

HR monitoring site:: My friend that was the OLD average. Today, with all the competition, etc the industry has had a 'stretch goal' of 12 per day AND many pharma are making or exceeding it. You are referring to the OLD Forest Labs which NO LONGER exists.

HR monitoring site:: My friend that was the OLD average. Today, with all the competition, etc the industry has had a 'stretch goal' of 12 per day AND many pharma are making or exceeding it. You are referring to the OLD Forest Labs which NO LONGER exists.

So this will serve as HR's official statement for every region and sales position? Oh that's right you can't cause each region has different standards and if you make that statement it is considered a hostile work environment. Can you include your employee ID number so we can add this to my lawyers stack of documentation?

So this will serve as HR's official statement for every region and sales position? Oh that's right you can't cause each region has different standards and if you make that statement it is considered a hostile work environment. Can you include your employee ID number so we can add this to my lawyers stack of documentation?

DM here on coffee break: Company standards are not etched in stone - they are a living 'document' and the rep street force must adapt to changing times. Remember always that 'repping' is not an entitlement program, and you should not get paid to play.

DM here on coffee break: Company standards are not etched in stone - they are a living 'document' and the rep street force must adapt to changing times. Remember always that 'repping' is not an entitlement program, and you should not get paid to play.
Interesting point but what are you doing on coffee breaks, you are salary and coffee breaks are for hourly employees. Back to your excel spreed sheet and watching the dashboard to control your reps monkey. You know a DM position in the reality of life is one rung above branch manager at enterprise rent a car, act like you care, regurgitate rd's lines verbatim, rinse and repeat. Oh I am an executive BP on a capper break.

Interesting point but what are you doing on coffee breaks, you are salary and coffee breaks are for hourly employees. Back to your excel spreed sheet and watching the dashboard to control your reps monkey. You know a DM position in the reality of life is one rung above branch manager at enterprise rent a car, act like you care, regurgitate rd's lines verbatim, rinse and repeat. Oh I am an executive BP on a capper break.

DM here quitting early for day: You are management material my friend. So Right On !! We exempt employees are special and do not follow the clock, and are expected to work until the job is done. Thanks for pointing that out. I will provide a recommendation to HR if you want me to.

DM here quitting early for day: You are management material my friend. So Right On !! We exempt employees are special and do not follow the clock, and are expected to work until the job is done. Thanks for pointing that out. I will provide a recommendation to HR if you want me to.
Send it care of quinn