RD Body Count after 7/14

Dude! You just don't get it! Scare tactics don't work. Have you ever taken a Zig, Carnegie, or any reputable management course? We're human beings for sh*ts sake & most of us work hard, appreciate & hope and deserve to keep our jobs. Who are you to threaten from your high horse? Would you respect someone who treated you that way?
You're not a doc nor are you any kind of superior being compared to reps. You just don't get it! Be real dude, be sincere, have some humility-that's how to motivate people.

I totally agree!!! I always wondered what kind of management training our managers get. I mean, it has to be substantial in any company our size. But the way they act you'd think they've had none. When my husband (who also works in big biz) or friend hear about my manager they think I'm exaggerating and can't believe it.

I totally agree!!! I always wondered what kind of management training our managers get. I mean, it has to be substantial in any company our size. But the way they act you'd think they've had none. When my husband (who also works in big biz) or friend hear about my manager they think I'm exaggerating and can't believe it.

DM here : My friend YOU are not qualified to judge management techniques. We at Foractavis are business school MBA or equivalent trained. We are under constant pressure from our RDs and VPs to improve our ROI. That's Return On Investment if you don't understand. Our reps are our Assets and when over 35% of their 'work' is fake we have to be proactive managers and take action. We respect our Reps who actually work. We push them to PClub and award bonus $. The 35% who don't work are dealt with by approved management techniques which you obviously are not knowledgeable of.Our management and RDs are world class. Recognize that what we do is in the beet interest of the 65% of reps who do work.....even if some are slackers and not PClib material.

Sit back and think. If DMs were and RDs were sooo smart. Why has it just been within the past 6-8 months fake calls started being realized. It's been going on for decades. What made this come to light? You big dummies think this just started? You all did it when you were reps. You probable faked more than 35% because its hard to make calls with your head buried up your bosses arse. Ask HR why all of a sudden fake calls are so important and mentioned on every post.

Sit back and think. If DMs were and RDs were sooo smart. Why has it just been within the past 6-8 months fake calls started being realized. It's been going on for decades. What made this come to light? You big dummies think this just started? You all did it when you were reps. You probable faked more than 35% because its hard to make calls with your head buried up your bosses arse. Ask HR why all of a sudden fake calls are so important and mentioned on every post.

Manager here monitoring posters: For the record management always suspected the fake call rate was high. An independent study commissioned by pharma investigated major pharma companies (ie E.L., PFE, , BMS, JJ, Mrk, etc). Guess what??? Our company had the distinction of the highest fake call rate, 'conservatively estimated' at over 35%. That put management on the point with the BOD and action was imperative. Heads have to roll, Reps need to be retrained, Reps need to be fired, bad apples need to be dumped. Then Actavis steps in to further clean house of the bad Reps. When the current DM and RDs were Reps they worked hard to out perform their peers and made PClub regularly, for the most part. They would never never sink to the fake call technique that has flourished over the past several years.

Manager here monitoring posters: For the record management always suspected the fake call rate was high. An independent study commissioned by pharma investigated major pharma companies (ie E.L., PFE, , BMS, JJ, Mrk, etc). Guess what??? Our company had the distinction of the highest fake call rate, 'conservatively estimated' at over 35%. That put management on the point with the BOD and action was imperative. Heads have to roll, Reps need to be retrained, Reps need to be fired, bad apples need to be dumped. Then Actavis steps in to further clean house of the bad Reps. When the current DM and RDs were Reps they worked hard to out perform their peers and made PClub regularly, for the most part. They would never never sink to the fake call technique that has flourished over the past several years.

Fake calls happen because FRX expects 11 calls a day. Unrealistic in this access environment.

Actavis to fire folks responsible for corporate integrity agreement. You're dangerous.

Not so. The new Institutional leader was an RD at the time. Not sure about the 2 DM's. I know one is in Managed Markets but not the other. I dunno, if your lack of oversight or out right violations caused me to cough up 88 million, I'd probably fire you. Not here. Here they get promoted

If the RD's have it proportionally as rough as the ABD's got it today I would think that the RD's should probably be scared. A few days from now there will be another email detailing what the hell their fate is...and it probably will not be pritt-ay.

August 1st is when DM's and Reps hear their fate. Just like the email and conference calls said. No delay, it's coming.

If the RD's have it proportionally as rough as the ABD's got it today I would think that the RD's should probably be scared. A few days from now there will be another email detailing what the hell their fate is...and it probably will not be pritt-ay.

August 1st is when DM's and Reps hear their fate. Just like the email and conference calls said. No delay, it's coming.

What are you talking about? There are the exact same amount of ABDs as their were before; well at least from a Forest Perspective. True, 2 of the people were "reassigned " but the total number is the same.

What are you talking about? There are the exact same amount of ABDs as their were before; well at least from a Forest Perspective. True, 2 of the people were "reassigned " but the total number is the same.

I think that's what OP meant. Still 6 ABD's but some got moved, one person got bumped up from RD and one is gone

Fake calls happen because FRX expects 11 calls a day. Unrealistic in this access environment.

RD here monitoring posts: What are you .......one lazy Rep???? The industry norm is 12 calls a day. Forest reps average between 2 and 3 a day. We in senior management have tried everything to promote higher productivity and NOTHING has worked.......not even PClub. As such the Board demands that we do a 'forklift replacement' and just replace the Rep team en mass. If you have some suggestions pass them along to your DM..Your. DM is your friend. AND will REWARD you if you come up with some solutions other than the terrible layoff planned.

As an RD I will listen to all my DMs and evaluate their proposals, even the hair-brsined ones they sometimes come up with. But as the DMs are the future of the company they demand your respect. Do not post critical trash against your leaders.

Dude! You just don't get it! Scare tactics don't work. Have you ever taken a Zig, Carnegie, or any reputable management course? We're human beings for sh*ts sake & most of us work hard, appreciate & hope and deserve to keep our jobs. Who are you to threaten from your high horse? Would you respect someone who treated you that way?
You're not a doc nor are you any kind of superior being compared to reps. You just don't get it! Be real dude, be sincere, have some humility-that's how to motivate people.

Brother let it go ok, do you actually think this guy is a DM or RD? Come on.. There are consistently recruiters or trolls that breed off this crap. They want to make you miserable and pissed off even more than you thought you were. This new company is not perfect and Amd I don't know what one is, and if it's not for you in the long run, then so be it. I am not here to stand up for every DM trust me, bc I know there are some crappy ones . but I am hear to tell you that 80% of them don't wake up in the morning trying to make your life miserable.

Fake calls happen because FRX expects 11 calls a day. Unrealistic in this access environment.

Agree! The 11 calls per day (especially in some of the larger territories) is a complete joke. The rule of "11" has "trained" most reps to lose focus on selling and building relationships (which does matter to a certain extent). Instead, it's all about securing the sig. I have never worked for a company where at certain times a doc/NP continues to talk to me (the rep) and I feel rushed to cut the convo short so I can secure more sigs.

This is not going to cut it. I guarantee you that if the "11" rule was lifted and put more towards "9" then the numbers would go up!

Sometimes, less is more and this is one of those times.

Agree! The 11 calls per day (especially in some of the larger territories) is a complete joke. The rule of "11" has "trained" most reps to lose focus on selling and building relationships (which does matter to a certain extent). Instead, it's all about securing the sig. I have never worked for a company where at certain times a doc/NP continues to talk to me (the rep) and I feel rushed to cut the convo short so I can secure more sigs.

This is not going to cut it. I guarantee you that if the "11" rule was lifted and put more towards "9" then the numbers would go up!

Sometimes, less is more and this is one of those times.

RD on lunch break: Get over it ! Any rep worth his salt will do 10 a day and should set a goal of 12. Forest has the highest fake call rate of over 35%. My colleagues at other pharma companies are ASTOUNDED by the poor performance by Forest reps. What do you want?? An entitlement program from the Feds?? If you cannot do 10 (even tho our expectancy is 11) you should quit now. Our DMs have done it in the past and there is no reason why you reps cannot do at least as well with all the IT tools we give you, the nice car, the assistants, and the guidance from a proven rep now in the DM slot. Get with it or move out !

RD on lunch break: Get over it ! Any rep worth his salt will do 10 a day and should set a goal of 12. Forest has the highest fake call rate of over 35%. My colleagues at other pharma companies are ASTOUNDED by the poor performance by Forest reps. What do you want?? An entitlement program from the Feds?? If you cannot do 10 (even tho our expectancy is 11) you should quit now. Our DMs have done it in the past and there is no reason why you reps cannot do at least as well with all the IT tools we give you, the nice car, the assistants, and the guidance from a proven rep now in the DM slot. Get with it or move out !

Why get out when I can coast by and hope for a severence package? Work at a pace that is comfortable for me, not stressing about stupid metrics, and if I get let go...oh well! At least I get to enjoy the last month of the summer.

Why get out when I can coast by and hope for a severence package? Work at a pace that is comfortable for me, not stressing about stupid metrics, and if I get let go...oh well! At least I get to enjoy the last month of the summer.

HR Here: Unacceptable! You must meet your numbers. Coasting on job is destroying Foractavis. Stockholders will demand your dismissal. Posts like this encourage other Reps to F off.

RD on lunch break: Get over it ! Any rep worth his salt will do 10 a day and should set a goal of 12. Forest has the highest fake call rate of over 35%. My colleagues at other pharma companies are ASTOUNDED by the poor performance by Forest reps. What do you want?? An entitlement program from the Feds?? If you cannot do 10 (even tho our expectancy is 11) you should quit now. Our DMs have done it in the past and there is no reason why you reps cannot do at least as well with all the IT tools we give you, the nice car, the assistants, and the guidance from a proven rep now in the DM slot. Get with it or move out !

So RD...when you hit 11 legit calls (including the total office call) you must have been on horseback. Yeah, we have nice cars but whatever car you had at the time accelerated too...got you from Point A to Point B. Also, I guarantee you were part of this "35%" fake call stat too.

Whoever you are, you are just another dumb and fake bitch.

RD on lunch break: Get over it ! Any rep worth his salt will do 10 a day and should set a goal of 12. Forest has the highest fake call rate of over 35%. My colleagues at other pharma companies are ASTOUNDED by the poor performance by Forest reps. What do you want?? An entitlement program from the Feds?? If you cannot do 10 (even tho our expectancy is 11) you should quit now. Our DMs have done it in the past and there is no reason why you reps cannot do at least as well with all the IT tools we give you, the nice car, the assistants, and the guidance from a proven rep now in the DM slot. Get with it or move out !

We have "assistants" now? How come I'm just now finding out about this?

Do they help with expense reports and those worthless reports that our managers want?

This is amazing!

We have "assistants" now? How come I'm just now finding out about this?

Do they help with expense reports and those worthless reports that our managers want?

This is amazing!

RD here leaving for office- Of course you have the option of having an assistant; this must have been covered in your training.. Check with your DM as they control the budget that covers this for their Reps.
If this funding is used for other purposes by your DM it had better be legit. !!