
The day IS coming. Losing market share in ALL divisions. Management is panicking and no one to blame except reps. When you fire everyone and you’re standing by yourself who do you blame then? Hire a Stryker rep I guess

No f-ing Stryker rep would go work there. The only way they would is if they were fired...and maybe then they still wouldn't.

Neuro is a dumpster fire with upper mgmt pouring gasoline on it!!

No f-ing Stryker rep would go work there. The only way they would is if they were fired...and maybe then they still wouldn't.

Neuro is a dumpster fire with upper mgmt pouring gasoline on it!!

Look here penis Chomper, you don’t know what the Fu?k your talking about , I heard SM “internal” say...”anyone with a quota blessing, is toast, meaning if you somehow got a cut, your ghost, as far as Stryker reps, some good some bad...but they’d last like the JJ reps do

what is up with tissue here? Sales are light and still having backorders, imagine if we were selling what they want us to would never have enough product to fill orders. Bad news is coming our way

What are you talking about. People are trying to get away from this neuro as fast as they can. Another neuro rep left last week and rumor is another manager just quit too. Everyone I know is looking around at a minimum. Most of them are actively interviewing or are trying to. This is the worst place I’ve ever worked.

yes this place is a horror show. If you’re looking for work run, don’t walk away. Reporting, inventory. and getting what you need in the field are a fucking joke. Yet you are expected to make you’re number or you are out!!!!! Fuck this place

You are expected to make your number at any company, the problem here is that the number is so inflated it cannot be hit so this cycle of who is targeted, put on a plan and pushed out just perpetuates. Tell anyone you interview with your current yoy assigned growth with this company and you are always met with shock and disbelief. The gaslighting that goes on here making people feel inadequate for not delivering an unrealistic goal is disgusting. The best thing to do is leave.

The number is important. However, it’s subjectively assigned by managers and directors who can’t retain and build territories. There should never be territories over 250% and some under 50% with no good reason other than a burn or assigning quotas by percentage growth with no insight to market. A monkey can manage from a spreadsheet.

The number is important. However, it’s subjectively assigned by managers and directors who can’t retain and build territories. There should never be territories over 250% and some under 50% with no good reason other than a burn or assigning quotas by percentage growth with no insight to market. A monkey can manage from a spreadsheet.

This post is pretty accurate, however the problem is the quota comes from above the VP. That quota is unrealistic, and based on historical numbers that are eroding and therefore extremely difficult to hit even for the best reps. The burn swing mentioned above is real. It affects some more than others but burns happen randomly. Unrealistic quotas will be our undoing, either that or the inflated price of our product into a market that is begging for a lower cost alternative to Integra.