Random ?: Facial hair policy


Totally out of left field but curious as to how this works here and at other big pharma companies. Coming on board soon from a smaller company where it never mattered. Do they have a policy on facial hair for male reps? I typically am not clean shaven (si have a 5 oclock shadow if you will typically) How does this get handled at big pharma? Is my DM gonna get into my passenger seat on a ride day and have me drive to a walgreens to buy shaving cream?

i know how absolutely absurd this sounds


Our DM requires us to shave our pubes weekly. We have to text him pictures of our freshly coiffed ball nags and cooters every Monday by 8am. At first it was a hassel but now I kinda enjoy the aerodynamic feel. It seems that I can make faster, more effective sales calls!
My DSM used to have black hair all over her arms and then one day she showed up either clean shaven or waxed. It makes me wonder if she does her back and chest too. Lord we have some ugly fucking women in this company. When they say the women managers need brass balls, I think they mean it literally.

If I were your DSM that's what I would do. Did you interview like that?

Your out in left field allright. 5 o'clock shadows are for people that are to f@#$%&g lazy to shave. I'm not surprised this company hired you. You are very unprofessional. Here you are a new hire and worried about your unkempt face..you are one naive MF NOW go study your modules. Unbelievable

Your out in left field allright. 5 o'clock shadows are for people that are to f@#$%&g lazy to shave. I'm not surprised this company hired you. You are very unprofessional. Here you are a new hire and worried about your unkempt face..you are one naive MF NOW go study your modules. Unbelievable

Does everyone at this nutbag company have a military view of work? I feel like I joined some strange cult. Actually, it is so bad here that I'm am (hopefully) about one month away from quiting and doing something completely different. AZ cured me of ever wanting to be a rep again.

Does everyone at this nutbag company have a military view of work? I feel like I joined some strange cult. Actually, it is so bad here that I'm am (hopefully) about one month away from quiting and doing something completely different. AZ cured me of ever wanting to be a rep again.
That is what AZ does best, traumatize,ridicule, demoralize, undermine, and destroy any last ounce of confidence and self respect you might have. It is their entertainment.

That is what AZ does best, traumatize,ridicule, demoralize, undermine, and destroy any last ounce of confidence and self respect you might have. It is their entertainment.

Well, I have never and I mean NEVER been so unmotivated, depressed, stressed and demoralized in my entire life. I mean that. Worked for lots of places and tried my hand at many different jobs. This place is horrific and the managers are all psychopaths. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I sure do not need nor deserve to be treated like a 10 year old who has no clue. We have three and four FV a month!!! Are you kidding me? What a humiliating experience it has been working here.

This is your manager speaking. Get your lazy ass back to work before I PIP you. You don't like it than quit. When are you going to realize this gig is almost over as soon as the putz's in "leadership" figure out how worthless this is. Now your job is to make me look good. Get your metrics in and have your expenses done on time. Send me a best practice every once in a while. When I'm with you I'll take you to lunch and we'll both play we give a shit. That's right I have to leave at two for an important conference call. I admit it this is the most idiotic place in the world but who cares? Ride it until the pay checks stop coming or you can't stand it anymore and get another gig.
Finally lighten up. Why take this so seriously. I play a game. People think I'm motivated and bleed for this organization. AGain....it's only a game. Play it and do well. You got to admit we make a shit load of money for very little of anything. Adios.

Why ask the question in the first place? What will your customers think? WIll it help your professional appearance, or your credibility or damage it? Or, none of these? If you wonder if it might be a problem, then you have already answered your stupid question. Error on the side of professionalism and minimize risk.