Business is business, I would say those two states combined probably account for 40% of the company's volume and revenue.

Illegal business activities could mean an end to business, and much collateral damage. If true, jail time and fines for the cl's involved. They would deserve it, and many of us would not mind seeing that happen.

Company should think about what kind of message this sends the rest of us. Makes me want to start blowing my own whistle.

ok Einstein, maybe you need to quit believing what you read here. In fact, most of this is such paranoid, drama Queen bullshit, I call BS on a much of it. Really people? You have to know better that to come to this website spreading half truths and paranoia. What are you thinking? This company has not, ever, ever, condoned anything to do with off label b.s. and you know it. If you don't, leave. You clearly cannot follow instructions. What is the matter with you?

I'm starting to believe that much of what is posted here, is not done by anyone with the company. Its just too damned false and ignorant.

Company probably did not support off-label prescribing, but they did nothing to stop high dose prescribing. That results in overpayments and ultimately OIG involvement. If you don't think this is serious, you're very wrong. If you don't believe this could bring down the entire company, you're very wrong.

The poster seems to be referring to the company not firing the individuals involved, and isn't saying the company knew or condoned it. Everyone I have talked to thinks the
TN and KY people involved need to go and doesn't understand why the company is retaining them.

Company probably did not support off-label prescribing, but they did nothing to stop high dose prescribing. That results in overpayments and ultimately OIG involvement. If you don't think this is serious, you're very wrong. If you don't believe this could bring down the entire company, you're very wrong.
If you believe posting every thought you have on this is helpful, then you are wrong. What results in what , bright bulb, is none of your business and until All the facts are out, its your loud mouthing your opinions on here that could hurt some one or the company. Take your tabloid views and high strung personality and STFU! If you wanted to be Perry Mason, you are in the wrong business. Lacking any common sense is likely going to continue to cause both you & the the unfortunate people around you, a lot of misery. Go buy yourself some common common sense. That will serve all of us a lot better, than your foolish speculations.

If you believe posting every thought you have on this is helpful, then you are wrong. What results in what , bright bulb, is none of your business and until All the facts are out, its your loud mouthing your opinions on here that could hurt some one or the company. Take your tabloid views and high strung personality and STFU! If you wanted to be Perry Mason, you are in the wrong business. Lacking any common sense is likely going to continue to cause both you & the the unfortunate people around you, a lot of misery. Go buy yourself some common common sense. That will serve all of us a lot better, than your foolish speculations.

Some people that post on here have first hand experience with being to do unethical, off label selling. Many have written documentation of it. This site was created for many purposes and one of them is to provide info. We are all adults and should be able to sift through what we are looking for and what may/ may not be useful. I appreciate having somewhere to go to get insight as to what others are experiencing. Much of what I read on this I have seen first hand. So, not all of this is BS. anyway, The government will decide...not some posters on CP, what the fate of RB is.

The poster seems to be referring to the company not firing the individuals involved, and isn't saying the company knew or condoned it. Everyone I have talked to thinks the
TN and KY people involved need to go and doesn't understand why the company is retaining them.

I for one happen to like all those people from there and count me out of getting rid of them.

If you believe posting every thought you have on this is helpful, then you are wrong. What results in what , bright bulb, is none of your business and until All the facts are out, its your loud mouthing your opinions on here that could hurt some one or the company. Take your tabloid views and high strung personality and STFU! If you wanted to be Perry Mason, you are in the wrong business. Lacking any common sense is likely going to continue to cause both you & the the unfortunate people around you, a lot of misery. Go buy yourself some common common sense. That will serve all of us a lot better, than your foolish speculations.
Sweetheart, I'm not dealing in speculation. I can assure you I have enough common sense and experience to know what I said is true

Save the Schmaltzy ssweetheart b.s. What you think you know may not add up to the whole picture. Use some discretion, get you Ego in check and Stfu. You help no one runnin your mouth on here. Common sense STIL
L isnt that common, now, is it?

Tell me then oh wise one, what are the charges? What is the prosecutor accusing these individuals of doing? Were they arrested? Were their Doctors also accused? What was on the search warrant? Company info or personal seizures? What has Javier or SLT said about this? You cannot answer one of these damn questions, so please shut the Hell up you shit starting Bitch

Everyone is so sorry you have never achieved Pinnacle but keep trying. That's what EVERYONE I've heard from said. True story.

So you condone the behavior of the TN and KY people? It puts all of our jobs at risk, as well as treatment, and then everyone loses because of a few assholes. Who taught you those morals? Have you any ethical standards?

So you condone the behavior of the TN and KY people? It puts all of our jobs at risk, as well as treatment, and then everyone loses because of a few assholes. Who taught you those morals? Have you any ethical standards?

Do you seriously believe reps can bring down an entire corporation doing field sales ? What an idiot.