Quillivant XR

If you've never sold a niche product before, here's the secret:

Find a handful of people that love it.
Live there.
Milk the shit out of them.
Spend rest of time meeting metrics.
Take your onesy twosies from others as they come.

This was the most deplorable job EVER. There ARE pharma jobs where your manager does not harass and belittle you like mine did on this contract. I hope he was let go, as he is the most unethical, dishonest creep of a human being I've ever met (he's in the South). Kuddos to the reps who have held on...I know this job is NOT easy.

January report is in. Wondering how long it would take to sandbag my way into bucket 2 and make 8-9K. Ridiculous. I'm glad they're increasing chance of making money for less advantaged territories but 9.5k for wat is really a national ranking of around 110? Mean while 2 spots better gets $0??? Bullshit.

January report is in. Wondering how long it would take to sandbag my way into bucket 2 and make 8-9K. Ridiculous. I'm glad they're increasing chance of making money for less advantaged territories but 9.5k for wat is really a national ranking of around 110? Mean while 2 spots better gets $0??? Bullshit.

Not hard to figure out who you are.