Hey, genius. All sex outside of marriage has historically been viewed as illicit in our society. You shouldn't be doing it, especially since you've made it painfully obvious that you have no interest in marriage. That makes it all the worse.
Thanks for the foolish question which allowed me the opportunity to school you yet again.
And your political analysis remains horrendously flawed. Pro-life and other socially conservative positions are winners in presidential politics, ESPECIALLY when accompanied by sound fiscal policies.
The first job of any Republican candidate will be to secure and energize their base, which will include a large percentage of socially conservative and religious voters. Without these they can't win. If independents are too stupid to accept the social positions, even if they don't agree with them necessarily, then they will deserve what they get with four more years of Odisaster! Sadly the rest of us won't deserve, but may have to endure it. Anyone who does not vote for a change is one sad, clueless puppy.