
This place is a joke! Love how they use units shipped! Does this equal sold? Way to include those demo units shipped! Joke! How low can the stock go?

I heard that Executive Management was going to give everyone in the company $5 with three options:

1) buy one share of stock
2) hold it and buy five shares of stock when stock hits $1/share
3) use it to buy part of one 6" sub from subway

Anyone else surprised about who won the Founders award? There is no doubt that this company plays favorites with certain reps and managers but wow, do they have to be so obvious about it? Why not just give EC the big check at the start of the NSM and stop trying to tell the new reps that you have a shot at winning that thing?

Lots of rumors about shady practices to get some of these Fuse deals done at the NSM. Especially some of the ones that were completed at the last minute in the SE.

That was my first NSM with EndoChoice and it will be my last because I am leaving this place ASAP.

When I was going through the interview process here, I was sold on the Fuse growth and all of the Fuse installations that have occurred over the last two years. However, when I started speaking with the other sales reps at the NSM, I figured out that a lot of these deals are due to relationships with the company or that the Fuse accounts don't like the product and we can't use them as references. When you hear about Carnegie(physician is an investor with EndoChoice), Atlanta Gastro (head physician is the dad of an EndoChoice employee), or Las Vegas(physicians are friends with COO), you start to realize pretty quickly that a lot of these Fuse deals aren't because the doctors thought Fuse was the best product available.

Speaking with the reps in the SE didn't make me feel any better about this place either. When you asked them how they secured their Fuse deals, they would get evasive. So either those people are just a$$holes who won't help other reps or they are hiding something.

Those same reps who are in the SE also can't provide you with references of Fuse accounts that actually like the product. They find it amusing that their accounts have issues with the device. Wow.

The same people who mislead me during the interview process are the same people who are in senior leadership that reward these sales reps/managers who use used-car salesman behavior. What I have figured out pretty quickly is that these people in leadership will do anything to close a deal, whether it's closing a rep to join EndoChoice or closing a customer to buy Fuse. They will tell you whatever you want to hear.

Something stinks at EndoChoice.

By the way, what CEO blames the drop in stock price on the idea that the reps aren't providing information to forecast properly? That shows some leadership.

I am angry at myself that I left a good company to come over here. Big mistake.

That was my first NSM with EndoChoice and it will be my last because I am leaving this place ASAP.

When I was going through the interview process here, I was sold on the Fuse growth and all of the Fuse installations that have occurred over the last two years. However, when I started speaking with the other sales reps at the NSM, I figured out that a lot of these deals are due to relationships with the company or that the Fuse accounts don't like the product and we can't use them as references. When you hear about Carnegie(physician is an investor with EndoChoice), Atlanta Gastro (head physician is the dad of an EndoChoice employee), or Las Vegas(physicians are friends with COO), you start to realize pretty quickly that a lot of these Fuse deals aren't because the doctors thought Fuse was the best product available.

Speaking with the reps in the SE didn't make me feel any better about this place either. When you asked them how they secured their Fuse deals, they would get evasive. So either those people are just a$$holes who won't help other reps or they are hiding something.

Those same reps who are in the SE also can't provide you with references of Fuse accounts that actually like the product. They find it amusing that their accounts have issues with the device. Wow.

The same people who mislead me during the interview process are the same people who are in senior leadership that reward these sales reps/managers who use used-car salesman behavior. What I have figured out pretty quickly is that these people in leadership will do anything to close a deal, whether it's closing a rep to join EndoChoice or closing a customer to buy Fuse. They will tell you whatever you want to hear.

Something stinks at EndoChoice.

By the way, what CEO blames the drop in stock price on the idea that the reps aren't providing information to forecast properly? That shows some leadership.

I am angry at myself that I left a good company to come over here. Big mistake.

I regret it every time I come on this site, but I'm just so fascinated by the level of ignorance which exists on this particular forum.

Those above are the perfect example of sales "professionals" who just don't get it. They'd rather disparage the company who is taking a chance on them and disrespect & undermine those who put the work in to overcome obstacles and challenges, which btw exist in every company. Those obstacles & challenges are much greater here at EndoChoice because we are trying to do something no one thought was possible, and we are succeeding. Slowly albeit, but yes we are succeeding! Stock price is completely irrelevant at this point.

Those who get on here and rip and question that success, without ever having fought for it or put in the effort it takes to achieve it, are a disgrace. How dare you insinuate that any Fuse sale was achieved by any means other than a passionate rep with a product that, without question, provides a better outcome for patients. Problems and hiccups along the way....of course! Has EndoChoice ever once run away from them? Have they ever once not put everything on the line to work through issues and correct them? You've been here less than a year and you think your opinions represent what we're all about?
You need to grow up.

Lastly, EndoChoice, like every sales organization out there, recognizes and rewards top performers. No one gets "favoritism" for any reason other than production and value to the organization. You should try working rather than waiting for that silver spoon you rely on!
My name is Ed Cochrane and you can call me anytime! I have built reference sites at all my Fuse installs who use it everyday, for every patient. I'm happy to help anyone who wants it.

I regret it every time I come on this site, but I'm just so fascinated by the level of ignorance which exists on this particular forum.

Those above are the perfect example of sales "professionals" who just don't get it. They'd rather disparage the company who is taking a chance on them and disrespect & undermine those who put the work in to overcome obstacles and challenges, which btw exist in every company. Those obstacles & challenges are much greater here at EndoChoice because we are trying to do something no one thought was possible, and we are succeeding. Slowly albeit, but yes we are succeeding! Stock price is completely irrelevant at this point.

Those who get on here and rip and question that success, without ever having fought for it or put in the effort it takes to achieve it, are a disgrace. How dare you insinuate that any Fuse sale was achieved by any means other than a passionate rep with a product that, without question, provides a better outcome for patients. Problems and hiccups along the way....of course! Has EndoChoice ever once run away from them? Have they ever once not put everything on the line to work through issues and correct them? You've been here less than a year and you think your opinions represent what we're all about?
You need to grow up.

Lastly, EndoChoice, like every sales organization out there, recognizes and rewards top performers. No one gets "favoritism" for any reason other than production and value to the organization. You should try working rather than waiting for that silver spoon you rely on!
My name is Ed Cochrane and you can call me anytime! I have built reference sites at all my Fuse installs who use it everyday, for every patient. I'm happy to help anyone who wants it.

*drops mic, bangs your girlfriend...

Pretty easy to determine from the SEC filings that a physician from Carnegie is an investor and helped fund the company. No surprise there. I can post the link if you doubt me.

Tessa's dad runs AGA and put the Fuse units into his facilities while she was his rep in Atlanta. Once again, not a surprise to anyone who worked or works here.

EC, you running for president? your better than the other candidates running. Agree with all you said brother. Fuse is changing the GI landscape and that is fact. There are plenty of people that have great reason for us to not succeed and this board gives them a forum. So be it, it will not stop us

I closed 3 Fuse deals and not one had a link to EndoChoice. All GI's that want to do a better colonoscopy, plain and simple. It's not been an easy ride, but I choose to believe because I have seen first hand that Fuse saves lives.

Anyone else surprised about who won the Founders award? There is no doubt that this company plays favorites with certain reps and managers but wow, do they have to be so obvious about it? Why not just give EC the big check at the start of the NSM and stop trying to tell the new reps that you have a shot at winning that thing?

Lots of rumors about shady practices to get some of these Fuse deals done at the NSM. Especially some of the ones that were completed at the last minute in the SE.

You mentioned the rumors, so what are they? How did the SE use shady tactics to get the deals done. You sound like a butt hurt rep who couldn't sell Fuse. How do they play favorites? You either have the numbers or you don't. I am not sure what you have an issue with here...

I regret it every time I come on this site, but I'm just so fascinated by the level of ignorance which exists on this particular forum.

Those above are the perfect example of sales "professionals" who just don't get it. They'd rather disparage the company who is taking a chance on them and disrespect & undermine those who put the work in to overcome obstacles and challenges, which btw exist in every company. Those obstacles & challenges are much greater here at EndoChoice because we are trying to do something no one thought was possible, and we are succeeding. Slowly albeit, but yes we are succeeding! Stock price is completely irrelevant at this point.

Those who get on here and rip and question that success, without ever having fought for it or put in the effort it takes to achieve it, are a disgrace. How dare you insinuate that any Fuse sale was achieved by any means other than a passionate rep with a product that, without question, provides a better outcome for patients. Problems and hiccups along the way....of course! Has EndoChoice ever once run away from them? Have they ever once not put everything on the line to work through issues and correct them? You've been here less than a year and you think your opinions represent what we're all about?
You need to grow up.

Lastly, EndoChoice, like every sales organization out there, recognizes and rewards top performers. No one gets "favoritism" for any reason other than production and value to the organization. You should try working rather than waiting for that silver spoon you rely on!
My name is Ed Cochrane and you can call me anytime! I have built reference sites at all my Fuse installs who use it everyday, for every patient. I'm happy to help anyone who wants it.

If this is indeed EC, I couldn't agree more. The trolls on here act like EC is the worst company to work for and the only company that doesn't have problems. We are given every opportunity to succeed and the reps that are passionate do it...extremely well I might add. There are no shady practices going on. Docs by Fuse bc they want to offer the highest quality of care to their patients. Do you honestly think any doc would buy Fuse based on a family relationship? As far as the doc being an investor with EC, he voted against Fuse the first time bc he didn't think it was where it needed to he still doesn't but he understands the need for it in the GI community.

If anyone is coming to CP doing research for ANY job they take regardless of company, needs their head checked. CP is a cess pool of opinions and hear say. Take your BS elsewhere and stop waiting for everything to be given to you...

That was my first NSM with EndoChoice and it will be my last because I am leaving this place ASAP.

When I was going through the interview process here, I was sold on the Fuse growth and all of the Fuse installations that have occurred over the last two years. However, when I started speaking with the other sales reps at the NSM, I figured out that a lot of these deals are due to relationships with the company or that the Fuse accounts don't like the product and we can't use them as references. When you hear about Carnegie(physician is an investor with EndoChoice), Atlanta Gastro (head physician is the dad of an EndoChoice employee), or Las Vegas(physicians are friends with COO), you start to realize pretty quickly that a lot of these Fuse deals aren't because the doctors thought Fuse was the best product available.

Speaking with the reps in the SE didn't make me feel any better about this place either. When you asked them how they secured their Fuse deals, they would get evasive. So either those people are just a$$holes who won't help other reps or they are hiding something.

Those same reps who are in the SE also can't provide you with references of Fuse accounts that actually like the product. They find it amusing that their accounts have issues with the device. Wow.

The same people who mislead me during the interview process are the same people who are in senior leadership that reward these sales reps/managers who use used-car salesman behavior. What I have figured out pretty quickly is that these people in leadership will do anything to close a deal, whether it's closing a rep to join EndoChoice or closing a customer to buy Fuse. They will tell you whatever you want to hear.

Something stinks at EndoChoice.

By the way, what CEO blames the drop in stock price on the idea that the reps aren't providing information to forecast properly? That shows some leadership.

I am angry at myself that I left a good company to come over here. Big mistake.

You honestly spoke to the reps in the SE and they were evasive? You are full of shit! Every rep in the SE has at least two systems and would be more than happy to use them as references. If you don't like it...leave. You won't be missed.

A drop to $4.64 on just 52,000 volume. Few are stepping in to buy. Sell orders outweigh buy orders by a factor of 7.4 to 1.

Your market capitalization is now $115 million, down from $475 million just 9 months ago.

You didn't execute. You rushed the product out before it was near ready. You failed with quality control, logistics, finance, production, sales, pricing, messaging, recruiting, executive leadership, among countless other areas.

You're losing $15 million per quarter. You'll be out of cash in 11 months at your burn rate.

These are facts.

Your company won't exist in November. That is opinion.