Question for HR....

Guess what? There’s massive reduction in force and warn letter coming. Can’t wait to see you despicable Reps let go. Let’s watch you squirm in before end of q4. December is when the axe drops.


Director of Sales....The one in charge of strategic decisions....didn’t graduate college and he was self-appointed “CEO“ of a crappy golf company with an employee of 1 that sold beer koozies and personalized ball markers before joining ACeLL. We are all embarrassed.

Says he “attended” college.

EVERYONE thinks this guy is a bumbling doofus. Half the people I talk to are leaving and the other half are selling other product lines. Nobody believes in this guy. Even his “buddies” think he’s a joke but they like their jobs too much to speak up. I get it.

We may grow sales this year, but it’s not because of him. But I’m sure he’ll take full credit. Sad to see how the company botched this one. Might be the death of us.

You guys are getting better on your accuracy of reporting on the unqualified management team. It’s flat out comical how these guys run around like they have years of experience and know what they’re doing. All you have to do is ask them about what their background is in medical device? Where did they get their years of experience on how to manage and develop teams? All you’ll hear is I carried the bag and killed it.

You guys are getting better on your accuracy of reporting on the unqualified management team. It’s flat out comical how these guys run around like they have years of experience and know what they’re doing. All you have to do is ask them about what their background is in medical device? Where did they get their years of experience on how to manage and develop teams? All you’ll hear is I carried the bag and killed it.

LOL! He “killed it” might be the funniest thing I have heard in a long time!

DOS isn’t bad. Except he’s not very smart. And a terrible leader. And it’s obvious he has no business or sales experience. And making bad decisions for the company. And people are looking to leave because of him. And he tries to intimidate those who speak up or question him. And he had a relationship with his TM and then lowered her quota to help her out last year. Did anyone also get their quota lowered? Oh! Right! He only helps his “friends”. Great leader.

Q: How is the South East Region doing on the quest to $100 million?
A: Losing business. Again.

Q: Why is it that TM’s are the only ones with grades?
A: To protect those who are in the inner circle.

South East RM gets a D
Florida AM gets an F

“To add value to others, one must first value others."

They don’t value us TMs. They think they can pay under market and just keep on hiring, all while repeating the mantra of “do more with less” and “focus will increase sales”. The strategic direction is to micromanage and tell TMs to work on weekends. Not gunna end well folks. The lack of brainpower at the top is scary.

I’ve seen a lot of whining on here and quite often though it’s distasteful it hits the target pretty close to the mark. Management is not full of Rhodes scholars and seasoned professionals, that’s for sure. On the other side of the coin though I have yet to recall a year where sales were less than the previous year. The company has kicked ass since day one, just chugged along a lot slower than it could have, and despite itself, and frankly with a lot less profit than it could have had had it just cut all the fat and wasteful spending. if you’re on here crying about your salary or working weekends you’re part of the wasteful spending and you can probably go without anyone noticing.

It’s almost as if the guy in charge of sales has no medical device or business experience prior to ACeLL.

Winging it, covering for your friends, and pushing out people that can expose you is the strategy from this guy. The company is a sinking ship with this guy at the wheel. He’s completely lost.

Florida AM was arrested for false imprisonment of a female and ACell knows it. HR ignores it. The director of sales ignores it and covers for this guy all the time. This company and the DOS refuse to protect their female employees from creepy managers that try to intimidate us and have a history of being arrested. Shame on you acell for supporting such a disgusting person and putting them in a position of power.

Florida AM was arrested for false imprisonment of a female and ACell knows it. HR ignores it. The director of sales ignores it and covers for this guy all the time. This company and the DOS refuse to protect their female employees from creepy managers that try to intimidate us and have a history of being arrested. Shame on you acell for supporting such a disgusting person and putting them in a position of power.