Qelbree Launch

No one will make " launch money". The sooner you realize this the better off you will be. Before anyone attacks and calls me negative or any other name, just think about it. Look at the launch and see the trajectory for your self. I am stating facts here. Take it however you like but don't lie to your self.

No one will make " launch money". The sooner you realize this the better off you will be. Before anyone attacks and calls me negative or any other name, just think about it. Look at the launch and see the trajectory for your self. I am stating facts here. Take it however you like but don't lie to your self.

We have been told for years that the launch of Qelbree was going to be a life changing event. Just at our most recent POA we were told how much money we were all going to make.

For anyone to seem surprised that the field is disappointed is crazy. You all have been teeing this product up to us for years. Well it’s here and we can’t even speak to a common objection like drug to drug interactions.

After spending $200M bringing a product to market you would think we would know how Qelbree would interact with blood pressure medication and anti depressants but we don’t.

Management needs to go back to the drawing board with Qelbree, specifically get us some data on DDI’s with common drugs.

Does anyone think they will give the reps a guarantee bonus for the 6 weeks? They should do at least $3K for everyone then if you had doctors write scripts then add the $75 per script on top of a guarantee in bonus in my opinion. Hopefully come Q3 we will make some money if not… Well, I think we all know people will be leaving.

Does anyone think they will give the reps a guarantee bonus for the 6 weeks? They should do at least $3K for everyone then if you had doctors write scripts then add the $75 per script on top of a guarantee in bonus in my opinion. Hopefully come Q3 we will make some money if not… Well, I think we all know people will be leaving.

Buh Bye

Look at this....a manager when you don't need him. Do us all a favor and stay home...no one wants/ needs you. You bring ZERO value to the SF. Good luck picking up a bag and trying to sell after you realize that there is no money to be made here. Just remember, you are an RD at an XR company. Most of us are here to build up industry experience and leave. You actually wanted to have a " career" here. How's that working for ya? Became an alcoholic yet? Do you enjoy having no purpose in life? Think about this. Anytime you step a foot in the field you are not welcomed, not liked, and offices dread seeing you. That is the reality of your job. Let that sink in.

Look at this....a manager when you don't need him. Do us all a favor and stay home...no one wants/ needs you. You bring ZERO value to the SF. Good luck picking up a bag and trying to sell after you realize that there is no money to be made here. Just remember, you are an RD at an XR company. Most of us are here to build up industry experience and leave. You actually wanted to have a " career" here. How's that working for ya? Became an alcoholic yet? Do you enjoy having no purpose in life? Think about this. Anytime you step a foot in the field you are not welcomed, not liked, and offices dread seeing you. That is the reality of your job. Let that sink in.

You are funny.

the anger and vitriol you spew constantly say a lot about your mental state and inability to cope with your situation.

don’t worry about anyone else sweetie, we will all be fine. You on the other hand, might want to see someone.

You are funny.

the anger and vitriol you spew constantly say a lot about your mental state and inability to cope with your situation.

don’t worry about anyone else sweetie, we will all be fine. You on the other hand, might want to see someone.

My mental state is perfectly fine. You on the other hand may need to see someone for your inability to post on here without saying sweetie. Maybe your mother didn't love you enough? Maybe she didn't hold you? Since you're constantly in psych offices annoying everyone, you may get a discount to see one of them. Anyways, make sure to increase your stock option contribution since Qelbree is a block buster. Good luck with all the fake success from the field.

My mental state is perfectly fine. You on the other hand may need to see someone for your inability to post on here without saying sweetie. Maybe your mother didn't love you enough? Maybe she didn't hold you? Since you're constantly in psych offices annoying everyone, you may get a discount to see one of them. Anyways, make sure to increase your stock option contribution since Qelbree is a block buster. Good luck with all the fake success from the field.

Do you feel better now honey?

it’s going to be a bit of a shock when you you find out your hubby is banging your bridesmaid, but no one likes an angry sour puss.

be better, not bitter.

Less personal and more on Qelbree, we really need DDI data. This is coming up on 30% of the calls and once Corium launches it will be brought up on 100% of the calls from our competition.