Q3 Bonus Reduction

Over budget every quarter? Who was in charge of those projections? Not TR, keep looking. Hold tight, we have a good captain and this stormy fiscal year is almost over, we will reset. For those who don’t want to stay, please go. There’s a solid base of us that want to be part of Supernus climbing back up where it belong$. Grow up and shut up

While I agree with the solid base who still want to be a part of this...the way that base is communicating with the rightfully upset is not right. While it is as simple as if you are upset then seek other opportunities, comments like “grow up and shut up” is only going to fuel the fire. If you are someone who still believes in this thing please act in a way that shows our peers that we acknowledge the justified emotional reaction to this situation. Kool aid won’t fix this. Honesty, respect, and hard work will.
While I agree with the solid base who still want to be a part of this...the way that base is communicating with the rightfully upset is not right. While it is as simple as if you are upset then seek other opportunities, comments like “grow up and shut up” is only going to fuel the fire. If you are someone who still believes in this thing please act in a way that shows our peers that we acknowledge the justified emotional reaction to this situation. Kool aid won’t fix this. Honesty, respect, and hard work will.
I don’t know if it will ever be fixed. Any time something doesn’t seem to pass the smell test, the field is going to go haywire
I will refute your comments. I thought the guy showed class today and took responsibility for the situation. He sounds torn apart by the reaction of the sales team and admitted that this was caused by his decision. He was trying to calm the group. You are trying to cause more pain. One man got on a conference call and showed regret and leadership. Another person is trying to incite a mob. You are entitled to whatever reaction feels right. But why do you need to get on a public forum and tear down a good man and discourage other people who are tying to get over a tough situation? There is a special place in hell for disgusting human beings like you.
Let's not muddy the waters. This isn't about TR. He is a great leader and a great guy. The issue is why Supernus didn't pay us! So I will ask you again to show me how healthy the company is by paying my bonus in full. If the company can be put in jeopardy over $400k its not a healthy company.
Think a little differently..

Maybe they NEED the money because they are about to make a purchase of something BIG...........hmmm

There’s other companies out there that have established products that don’t fit in their “global” direction....

Lol that’s a great thought... been hearing that since 2013, am I right? Business development rivals the 2017 Cleveland Browns (0-16) for the ability to score.
Let's not muddy the waters. This isn't about TR. He is a great leader and a great guy. The issue is why Supernus didn't pay us! So I will ask you again to show me how healthy the company is by paying my bonus in full. If the company can be put in jeopardy over $400k its not a healthy company.

great point
Lol that’s a great thought... been hearing that since 2013, am I right? Business development rivals the 2017 Cleveland Browns (0-16) for the ability to score.
That’s on par with filing for a new drug with the FDA next year. That winner has been around since 2014-15.

Remember the days when we could be selling a new drug “any day now?” Pepperidge Farm remembers
Over budget every quarter? Who was in charge of those projections? Not TR, keep looking. Hold tight, we have a good captain and this stormy fiscal year is almost over, we will reset. For those who don’t want to stay, please go. There’s a solid base of us that want to be part of Supernus climbing back up where it belong$. Grow up and shut up

you think 2019 was bad? Wait for next year.
Let's not muddy the waters. This isn't about TR. He is a great leader and a great guy. The issue is why Supernus didn't pay us! So I will ask you again to show me how healthy the company is by paying my bonus in full. If the company can be put in jeopardy over $400k its not a healthy company.

I think you’re missing the point a little. This isn’t about whether we have $400k to spare. What was communicated is that because we are likely going to miss our number, they can’t also go to investors saying the sales force got paid 150% for bonus. That looks pretty bad, so we got sacrificed. Do you really believe that this is a “rare” instance in our history that bonus was going to be paid at 150%? Just a coincidence? I’m sure we have been over in the past, but those were the happy days with gold cards and no competitors and hockey sticks. I’m as concerned about fairness and culture here as anyone, but hopefully you’re not mistaking money issues for reputation issues.
I think you’re missing the point a little. This isn’t about whether we have $400k to spare. What was communicated is that because we are likely going to miss our number, they can’t also go to investors saying the sales force got paid 150% for bonus. That looks pretty bad, so we got sacrificed. Do you really believe that this is a “rare” instance in our history that bonus was going to be paid at 150%? Just a coincidence? I’m sure we have been over in the past, but those were the happy days with gold cards and no competitors and hockey sticks. I’m as concerned about fairness and culture here as anyone, but hopefully you’re not mistaking money issues for reputation issues.

Thank you! Finally someone gets it.
I think you’re missing the point a little. This isn’t about whether we have $400k to spare. What was communicated is that because we are likely going to miss our number, they can’t also go to investors saying the sales force got paid 150% for bonus. That looks pretty bad, so we got sacrificed. Do you really believe that this is a “rare” instance in our history that bonus was going to be paid at 150%? Just a coincidence? I’m sure we have been over in the past, but those were the happy days with gold cards and no competitors and hockey sticks. I’m as concerned about fairness and culture here as anyone, but hopefully you’re not mistaking money issues for reputation issues.
Nah dude, we get it. We understand the choice was either piss off the investors or us. Funny though that it’s all being posted here on cp and they’re probably reading. So supn still can’t hide the fact that they suck at this. Their biggest worry was appearing to be irresponsible with the company assets, yet they just pissed off the company’s only moneymakers
I think you’re missing the point a little. This isn’t about whether we have $400k to spare. What was communicated is that because we are likely going to miss our number, they can’t also go to investors saying the sales force got paid 150% for bonus. That looks pretty bad, so we got sacrificed. Do you really believe that this is a “rare” instance in our history that bonus was going to be paid at 150%? Just a coincidence? I’m sure we have been over in the past, but those were the happy days with gold cards and no competitors and hockey sticks. I’m as concerned about fairness and culture here as anyone, but hopefully you’re not mistaking money issues for reputation issues.

The point is you owe me money on a job you agreed to pay me on. Everything else is a smoke screen.
Nah dude, we get it. We understand the choice was either piss off the investors or us. Funny though that it’s all being posted here on cp and they’re probably reading. So supn still can’t hide the fact that they suck at this. Their biggest worry was appearing to be irresponsible with the company assets, yet they just pissed off the company’s only moneymakers

First, not a dude lol. I’m annoyed with the company’s irresponsible behavior just as much as you, I’m a moneymaker here too. But seriously get a clue. “They just pissed off the moneymakers”? Cool. We are all replaceable. In the end, even at our next company, the company looks out for the company. Cement that in your mind. I’d like to say I’m on your side (because I mostly am), but you’re making it very hard to admit association
That actually sounded like an RD to me. Saying he needed to have another call with his team about the same GD thing.

Now THAT is sad. To hear how disillusioned even the RDs are. And he was obviously with a rep at the time.

Sheesh. Wouldn’t want to be him 10 minutes after that call.

Yeah, that sounded like an RD to me too. In the car with a rep. Which is surprising to think some RDs are actually that honest in front of their reps about how they feel since mine would never say anything even hinting at negative about Supernus in front of me. That would be straight up blasphemy in their mind. The brainwashing is strong.
First, not a dude lol. I’m annoyed with the company’s irresponsible behavior just as much as you, I’m a moneymaker here too. But seriously get a clue. “They just pissed off the moneymakers”? Cool. We are all replaceable. In the end, even at our next company, the company looks out for the company. Cement that in your mind. I’d like to say I’m on your side (because I mostly am), but you’re making it very hard to admit association
Lol definitely a dude
Yeah, that sounded like an RD to me too. In the car with a rep. Which is surprising to think some RDs are actually that honest in front of their reps about how they feel since mine would never say anything even hinting at negative about Supernus in front of me. That would be straight up blasphemy in their mind. The brainwashing is strong.

That was my RD and he is a total baller
First, not a dude lol. I’m annoyed with the company’s irresponsible behavior just as much as you, I’m a moneymaker here too. But seriously get a clue. “They just pissed off the moneymakers”? Cool. We are all replaceable. In the end, even at our next company, the company looks out for the company. Cement that in your mind. I’d like to say I’m on your side (because I mostly am), but you’re making it very hard to admit association

If the company is so delicate that paying $400k in bonus puts the company at risk, It's not a healthy company.