When will Q2 guidance be released? Or will we wait Til 21 days before q2 closes?
Guidance for Q2 2014
Job Searchers-Keep looking
Current Employees-If u aren't, you better start.
I am so mad at myself for not reviewing this site before joining LS. This site could not be more accurate. Where there is Smoke, there is Fire.
Get me out of here!
Lower Quotas in Q1 did squat to help people make any IC $$
Q2 quotas were suppose to be higher than Q1 (I hope that changes) and we lost HDL.
We now not only compete against a lower cost more readily available ApoB, but now our largest lab partner is a competitor.
We say this opens the door for us to work with in-network labs like LCA and Quest but Quest has LDLP by Ion mobility and LCA is a very slow growth engine.
BioReference and Boston Heart are the only real growth engines and lets be honest, Boston is just a newer version of HDL. We grow through them and we will be in the same position again down the road.
All the other small regional labs have always been a waste of time as they are either not in network or the NMR is sold as a loss. Lab Reps won't make any money off our test and it actually hurts their bonus payout.
Vanteras are collecting dust so...
If I had the old magic 8 ball and shook it really really good it would say "outlook is dim"