Putting in my notice next week!!!!

****Disclaimer- I am not the same poster as the message above

"for the people who want to own the future of the company" LOL You really think that your efforts of bringing Panera to a doctors office and talking about how 3 med school students shoved tylenol up their asses to prove that IV is more effective (very debatable point but thats a different argument) is owning the future of the company? I LOL at such stupidity, you are here because no one else wanted you. You are like the fat kid in gym class that gets picked last. "Own the future of the company" Hahahahahahaha thats a great one.

For the last time, go get a life. All you can bring up is "Panera bread?" You need new material douchebag. Let me sum it up for all the new people on this thread. The idiot that posted above (and so many other countless times) was fired and can't move on with his life. As much as we have pleaded that he continue to work with a therapist and stay on his psych meds, he has chosen not to do so. He continues to bad mouth Mallinckrodt reps in his meager attempt to make himself feel better in some far out sick way. Just laugh at his threads like you would a dancing monkey and continue to accept your pay checks while this fool Mayes a fool out of himself.

For the last time, go get a life. All you can bring up is "Panera bread?" You need new material douchebag. Let me sum it up for all the new people on this thread. The idiot that posted above (and so many other countless times) was fired and can't move on with his life. As much as we have pleaded that he continue to work with a therapist and stay on his psych meds, he has chosen not to do so. He continues to bad mouth Mallinckrodt reps in his meager attempt to make himself feel better in some far out sick way. Just laugh at his threads like you would a dancing monkey and continue to accept your pay checks while this fool Mayes a fool out of himself.

Actually I do work here you fucking loser. I know you have a hard on for some rep that was laid off last year but you got the wrong guy. I just have realistic expectations of our job. Just like every other Pharma rep out there we are overpaid caterers. If you think for one second that your making a difference in anyone life because you got to talk to a doctor about over priced Tylenol (yes we sell over priced Tylenol) then you are a fucking fool. There is no fucking debating that this company is horrible and a lot has to do with upper management (a lot) but the cock sucker, "I'm better then everyone else" attitude some of the reps here have has a lot to do with the shitty work environment. So stand tall on your fucking soapbox and cry everyone a river about some rep that got laid off over a year ago and convince yourself on how great you are but in reality your just an overpaid caterer, selling an overpriced commodity of a drug that nobody even knows the name of.

Your trashy and uneducated comment doesn't even deserve a response kid. You're not even worth the acknowledgement, but here goes. You're a complete idiot. I myself have two kids in college and I am close to retirement. Everyone's situation is different, but no one but a moron is going to leave a paying job with a substantial base (that took them years of hard work to build up to) and then take another job that pays significantly less. You will never get that base back. I have worked very hard to achieve the kind of base I have now and have several financial commitments that involve other people besides myself. You are a complete idiot. You are a complete ass. You can't fuck yourself because they call you the bug fucker. Go to hell.

Bug fucker?? What are you, 12? Oohhhhh, you called me a bug fucker.....I'm soooo scared of you Mr. Big Boy. Dumbass. Are we pairing random words with curse words now? Ok, car fucker. Dart fucker. Shall I go on?
Anyway, ass clown, glad I was worth the acknowledgement for you to respond anyway. I would hope your kids are intelligent enough to pay their own way (or at least 1/2) through college by getting jobs of their own, or applying for loans or grants like many of the rest of America does everyday.....and if they ARE smart, they shouldn't have a problem getting help to get through school. So that excuse is shit. Next, so you're close to retirement......the ONLY reason you should be worried about having to 'start over' losing everything you gained over the decades is if you really only have years of service going for you and not quality of work. I know plenty of guys in their 40s-50s that left for better things (outside of Pharma) and were still able to keep at the very least the base pay they were making when they left, because they didn't SUCK and had several accomplishments behind them. So, therefore, your fear of going elsewhere is really because you know there is nowhere else for you to go ......because you aren't that great to begin with......you just have several decades of being 'just good enough'.....same as the other poster(s) have said. Just own it, idiot. If, on the other hand, you really want to stay here because you want to finish out your easy living ride, then do it, and just stop your belly aching, sally-ass, pussy crying. Seems to me that since you don't truly have any other opportunities, and/or you are too average to really find anything better, then you really shouldn't be on here, biting the hand that feeds you, asswipe. Stop complaining about MNK, keep your head down, do your fucking job, and then retire well. Free advice. You're welcome.

Bug fucker?? What are you, 12? Oohhhhh, you called me a bug fucker.....I'm soooo scared of you Mr. Big Boy. Dumbass. Are we pairing random words with curse words now? Ok, car fucker. Dart fucker. Shall I go on?
Anyway, ass clown, glad I was worth the acknowledgement for you to respond anyway. I would hope your kids are intelligent enough to pay their own way (or at least 1/2) through college by getting jobs of their own, or applying for loans or grants like many of the rest of America does everyday.....and if they ARE smart, they shouldn't have a problem getting help to get through school. So that excuse is shit. Next, so you're close to retirement......the ONLY reason you should be worried about having to 'start over' losing everything you gained over the decades is if you really only have years of service going for you and not quality of work. I know plenty of guys in their 40s-50s that left for better things (outside of Pharma) and were still able to keep at the very least the base pay they were making when they left, because they didn't SUCK and had several accomplishments behind them. So, therefore, your fear of going elsewhere is really because you know there is nowhere else for you to go ......because you aren't that great to begin with......you just have several decades of being 'just good enough'.....same as the other poster(s) have said. Just own it, idiot. If, on the other hand, you really want to stay here because you want to finish out your easy living ride, then do it, and just stop your belly aching, sally-ass, pussy crying. Seems to me that since you don't truly have any other opportunities, and/or you are too average to really find anything better, then you really shouldn't be on here, biting the hand that feeds you, asswipe. Stop complaining about MNK, keep your head down, do your fucking job, and then retire well. Free advice. You're welcome.

Lol anyone that takes the time to write this much is this biggest ass clown douche of all. Do you think anyone would read that garbage? I hit reply right away not to read that trash.

Actually I do work here you fucking loser. I know you have a hard on for some rep that was laid off last year but you got the wrong guy. I just have realistic expectations of our job. Just like every other Pharma rep out there we are overpaid caterers. If you think for one second that your making a difference in anyone life because you got to talk to a doctor about over priced Tylenol (yes we sell over priced Tylenol) then you are a fucking fool. There is no fucking debating that this company is horrible and a lot has to do with upper management (a lot) but the cock sucker, "I'm better then everyone else" attitude some of the reps here have has a lot to do with the shitty work environment. So stand tall on your fucking soapbox and cry everyone a river about some rep that got laid off over a year ago and convince yourself on how great you are but in reality your just an overpaid caterer, selling an overpriced commodity of a drug that nobody even knows the name of.


Lol anyone that takes the time to write this much is this biggest ass clown douche of all. Do you think anyone would read that garbage? I hit reply right away not to read that trash.

Real snappy comeback, you unmuzzled, sheep-boning sleazoid. Lame. If you can't put forth a great reply, after lying about not reading what was written, then don't bore us further. Now be a good boy and go jersey turnpike your neighbor, Lou, before wifey comes home.

got to love the insecurity of some people. always run with the foul mouth and homoerotic comments. most likely an issue in the bedroom around performance and or size. you can always count on an insecure, immature male to try to prove his toughness on an anonymous website. you are merely a pharma rep and despite your long or most likely tiny list of accomplishments you are not an impressive example of success. i think the point from the guy about to retire is no one cares what you think. clearly you care about what you have to say but you really dont matter to us and in a broader sense are not relevant at all. i enjoy reading your stupid posts because i can see they give you confidence in a way that you aren't able to duplicate in the real world. feel safe that cp is a place that you can feel successful, smart and strong.

got to love the insecurity of some people. always run with the foul mouth and homoerotic comments. most likely an issue in the bedroom around performance and or size. you can always count on an insecure, immature male to try to prove his toughness on an anonymous website. you are merely a pharma rep and despite your long or most likely tiny list of accomplishments you are not an impressive example of success. i think the point from the guy about to retire is no one cares what you think. clearly you care about what you have to say but you really dont matter to us and in a broader sense are not relevant at all. i enjoy reading your stupid posts because i can see they give you confidence in a way that you aren't able to duplicate in the real world. feel safe that cp is a place that you can feel successful, smart and strong.

Says the rep with a small penis (takes one to know one) who doesn't have a future here either, lmfao!

got to love the insecurity of some people. always run with the foul mouth and homoerotic comments. most likely an issue in the bedroom around performance and or size. you can always count on an insecure, immature male to try to prove his toughness on an anonymous website. you are merely a pharma rep and despite your long or most likely tiny list of accomplishments you are not an impressive example of success. i think the point from the guy about to retire is no one cares what you think. clearly you care about what you have to say but you really dont matter to us and in a broader sense are not relevant at all. i enjoy reading your stupid posts because i can see they give you confidence in a way that you aren't able to duplicate in the real world. feel safe that cp is a place that you can feel successful, smart and strong.

Blah, blah, blah, shut the fck up! You talk about insecurity of others and homoerotic?! shit, then turn the comment into something similar, by commenting on penis size and sex performance. Pot meet kettle, dumbass. Go Fuck Yourself, preachy. No one really cares what you think.

it comes from a history of knowing insecure males like you. your traits stick out like a sore thumb and plain as day except to you. i was trying to speak on your level so you would understand. so sensitive when being questioned. so typical

it comes from a history of knowing insecure males like you. your traits stick out like a sore thumb and plain as day except to you. i was trying to speak on your level so you would understand. so sensitive when being questioned. so typical

Coming from a feminist male-hater, or a fellow insecure male. Sounds like you need counseling, man-she. Go get some....really.

it comes from a history of knowing insecure males like you. your traits stick out like a sore thumb and plain as day except to you. i was trying to speak on your level so you would understand. so sensitive when being questioned. so typical

It sounds like you're compensating for a small penis. Only question is, is it you or your husband with the small penis?

YAWN. You've already overplayed the small penis Shtik. Don't you have anything else?? Not enough brain cells? You're awfully obsessed with small penis. Maybe you should talk to your husband about "options", and talk to your doctor about appts ......include the psychiatrist too.

Nice try deflecting, bug fucker.

Nice try deflecting, bug fucker.

Car fucker, dart fucker, needle dick, etc., etc. Boring as hell, kiddo. Time for you to get off Cafepharma, bitching about the hand that feeds your lazy, worthless ass, who is also too afwaid to go back into the big world and take a pay cut in exchange for happiness & better treatment. Looks like your kids are going to have to tow the line in your household now......Daddy lost his backbone. Little Johnny, u r the "man" of the house now. Wahhh!

Car fucker, dart fucker, needle dick, etc., etc. Boring as hell, kiddo. Time for you to get off Cafepharma, bitching about the hand that feeds your lazy, worthless ass, who is also too afwaid to go back into the big world and take a pay cut in exchange for happiness & better treatment. Looks like your kids are going to have to tow the line in your household now......Daddy lost his backbone. Little Johnny, u r the "man" of the house now. Wahhh!

....awwww, did we hit a nerve? You're a joke.