Putting in my notice next week!!!!

at least be honest with yourself, you're staying here because you can't get a job anywhere else. Your a career fucking loser who has done nothing but survive your entire career. You have recruiters "hitting you up" on linkedin all the time but the jobs never pan out therefor they aren't good, am i right? Have fun riding shot gun while the ship sinks to the fucking bottom. When this shit hole company either goes under or gets sold then what will you do? You are the mayor of fucking loserville, have fun

Oh please. You're the sick one. You don't work here yet you post messages on here. How deranged is that? Scary shit. You need major psychiatric help. Major!

You asked them a question why they are staying and you got that answer. That's why I am staying. Maybe someone as pathetic as you will quit their job and take less money but most of us won't. So, once again, fuck off. You are the biggest loser of them all on here. Oh, go to hell too.

Aww, struck a nerve did we? Per your quote above, thanks for proving my point. Greed, Greed, Greed.....it's all about the money, money, money. The simple fact is that you jerks didn't get into this business to 'help patients'.....you thought it was a great way to get rich quick. The industry has changed so much since the time you entered, it's not that easy anymore. Boo fucking hoo!! There are PLENTY of ppl with big families that are in worse conditions than you that make it work....even if it means "downsizing" for a time....in order to be happy. Unless you're a single dad (which I doubt) tell wifey to get a job too, or to carry the burden until you can find your 'perfect opportunity'. Oh yea, and tell Kimberly, Johnny, Jethro and Sally to quit playing Xbox and get their asses a job to help support Dad in finding the big bucks job! Make all the excuses you want.....you are a greedy, soul-less slimeball who just likes to bitch but not do anything to better his circumstances unless he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. Now go fuck YOURSELF in hell........take your sally panties off, put on your big boy pants, and go get a sales job at Panera, selling corporate catering. :rolleyes::cool::p

Aww, struck a nerve did we? Per your quote above, thanks for proving my point. Greed, Greed, Greed.....it's all about the money, money, money. The simple fact is that you jerks didn't get into this business to 'help patients'.....you thought it was a great way to get rich quick. The industry has changed so much since the time you entered, it's not that easy anymore. Boo fucking hoo!! There are PLENTY of ppl with big families that are in worse conditions than you that make it work....even if it means "downsizing" for a time....in order to be happy. Unless you're a single dad (which I doubt) tell wifey to get a job too, or to carry the burden until you can find your 'perfect opportunity'. Oh yea, and tell Kimberly, Johnny, Jethro and Sally to quit playing Xbox and get their asses a job to help support Dad in finding the big bucks job! Make all the excuses you want.....you are a greedy, soul-less slimeball who just likes to bitch but not do anything to better his circumstances unless he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. Now go fuck YOURSELF in hell........take your sally panties off, put on your big boy pants, and go get a sales job at Panera, selling corporate catering. :rolleyes::cool::p

Your trashy and uneducated comment doesn't even deserve a response kid. You're not even worth the acknowledgement, but here goes. You're a complete idiot. I myself have two kids in college and I am close to retirement. Everyone's situation is different, but no one but a moron is going to leave a paying job with a substantial base (that took them years of hard work to build up to) and then take another job that pays significantly less. You will never get that base back. I have worked very hard to achieve the kind of base I have now and have several financial commitments that involve other people besides myself. You are a complete idiot. You are a complete ass. You can't fuck yourself because they call you the bug fucker. Go to hell.

Your trashy and uneducated comment doesn't even deserve a response kid. You're not even worth the acknowledgement, but here goes. You're a complete idiot. I myself have two kids in college and I am close to retirement. Everyone's situation is different, but no one but a moron is going to leave a paying job with a substantial base (that took them years of hard work to build up to) and then take another job that pays significantly less. You will never get that base back. I have worked very hard to achieve the kind of base I have now and have several financial commitments that involve other people besides myself. You are a complete idiot. You are a complete ass. You can't fuck yourself because they call you the bug fucker. Go to hell.

perfectly said by someone who can't find work elsewhere.

perfectly said by someone who can't find work elsewhere.

Dude, you need to give it up. Judging by all the messages, no one wants to hear from you. I find it hard to believe that you work somewhere else and then spend time on a Mallinckrodt thread to trash other people. Odds are you were fired. You trash people to make yourself feel better. Ironically, the people you trash get a paycheck and you don't. Don't you realize what a complete fool you look like? Guess not.

Dude, you need to give it up. Judging by all the messages, no one wants to hear from you. I find it hard to believe that you work somewhere else and then spend time on a Mallinckrodt thread to trash other people. Odds are you were fired. You trash people to make yourself feel better. Ironically, the people you trash get a paycheck and you don't. Don't you realize what a complete fool you look like? Guess not.

Judging by your actions, checking all the messages and responding at noon on a Wednesday I can only assume that you are one of the "unemployable" that can't find work elsewhere. Do be so concerned with everyone else and you'll be so much better off. That's the truth

Judging by your actions, checking all the messages and responding at noon on a Wednesday I can only assume that you are one of the "unemployable" that can't find work elsewhere. Do be so concerned with everyone else and you'll be so much better off. That's the truth

Don't be concerned about someone else??? Idiot, you are the one that leaves shitty messages about Mallinckrodt employees. 3pm is any better? You're a joke!!! A laughable joke. Now hurry up so you don't miss your psych appointment.

Don't be concerned about someone else??? Idiot, you are the one that leaves shitty messages about Mallinckrodt employees. 3pm is any better? You're a joke!!! A laughable joke. Now hurry up so you don't miss your psych appointment.

all i hear in this place is how great everyone is and how they have so many other opportunities that they pass up because they are waiting for that right one that is just so much better then any other opportunity. But in reality its shit jobs that you're interviewing for and not getting call backs. Its been almost 1.5 years that everyone is "putting my notice in" and still the same unemployable fucking losers are here with the same ol'story about how great they are and how the great opportunity is just days away.

its sort of like the schmo in weird science saying he has a girlfriend in Canada. Yep- I bet you are all going to leave for your hot babe at another company that is so much better. Keep dreaming. Maybe the problem is not mallinckrodt - maybe it's your poor work ethic and your dreams of getting paid for nothing...

its sort of like the schmo in weird science saying he has a girlfriend in Canada. Yep- I bet you are all going to leave for your hot babe at another company that is so much better. Keep dreaming. Maybe the problem is not mallinckrodt - maybe it's your poor work ethic and your dreams of getting paid for nothing...

Again, stop leaving messages 5 mins apart. You are something really scary that you were fired from here and won't give it up. Move on loser.

Again, stop leaving messages 5 mins apart. You are something really scary that you were fired from here and won't give it up. Move on loser.

you really think that theres only 1 person who can see thru your bullshit story of how you have recruiters contacting you about all these great opportunities? Fucking loser, come up with something better to justify in your mind that your not stuck here, better yet, tell everyone which opportunities you've passed up.

you really think that theres only 1 person who can see thru your bullshit story of how you have recruiters contacting you about all these great opportunities? Fucking loser, come up with something better to justify in your mind that your not stuck here, better yet, tell everyone which opportunities you've passed up.

Yes. Yes we do.

you really think that theres only 1 person who can see thru your bullshit story of how you have recruiters contacting you about all these great opportunities? Fucking loser, come up with something better to justify in your mind that your not stuck here, better yet, tell everyone which opportunities you've passed up.

No one but you, you fucking loser.

if you are worried about summer hours go work somewhere else. you are such a loser. we have real work to do here for people who want to own the future of the company. Summer hours....go ahead. Be unemployed and enjoy the summer. In fact ... Enjoy the fall, winter and spring too. Loser.

if you are worried about summer hours go work somewhere else. you are such a loser. we have real work to do here for people who want to own the future of the company. Summer hours....go ahead. Be unemployed and enjoy the summer. In fact ... Enjoy the fall, winter and spring too. Loser.

****Disclaimer- I am not the same poster as the message above

"for the people who want to own the future of the company" LOL You really think that your efforts of bringing Panera to a doctors office and talking about how 3 med school students shoved tylenol up their asses to prove that IV is more effective (very debatable point but thats a different argument) is owning the future of the company? I LOL at such stupidity, you are here because no one else wanted you. You are like the fat kid in gym class that gets picked last. "Own the future of the company" Hahahahahahaha thats a great one.