Put a fork in this turd

I feel bad for the people in the field because we are scared in the home office, I can't imagine what it is like in the field. We used to be a great little ethical company and GE was actually great in the beginning. Now there are so many unethical things going on and GE is a jerk backstabbing everyone. He may get his wish to be president soon but I'm not sure what our company will look like at that point. bJ has hauled plans on building the new home office which tells me that we are in trouble. Oh well it was a good run!

You obviously don't work here anymore otherwise you wouldn't be so blatantly wrong. Get over the fact that you we're let go and move on. In other words grow the hell up.

Sorry to disappoint Glenn but your feable attempts of reflective association fall on deaf ears. All the things you wrote are true about yourself. Why would you try to take down and deflect your own qualities on to others. My understanding is that You wouldn't even have your job unless BB QUIT. You should be thinking the guy not ripping him down. If the company valued you then they would make you an owner otherwise you are just another salaried grunt like the rest uof us so get off your high horse. bB is probably making 300k a year and happy. You make 160k a year and mad all the time. Who made a better choice now??? Lay off of BB and please just get better AT YOUr job. You suck, own it, learn from it and for gods sake so some improvement soon.

This is better than a soap opera. You've got all the characters there - greed, inappropriate use of power, $ex, deception. Someone should make this into a show, it would make millions more than the company.

TT must have gotten tired of posting how hot she thinks she is and now wants to shift conversation away from her boys LW and GE. She might want to look at her gut before posting!