Put a fork in this turd

I think it is sad but I think this is our sean song. The home office are the most guilty and the. We just have to see where the cards fall. Thanks HR isn't it your job to make sure this doesn't happen? You are worthless!

you all suck and a big wiener. every company goes through this. Stop complaining and just go sell! This is a great company. I'm contempt and a proud USWM RAM!!!! Complainers = Looser

The previous poster has some major spelling issues. Did they check degrees before we hire these people? I can say it use to be a great company but I can tell you everyone at Presidents Club is shaking In their boots. A bunch of fake smiles but most of us are already looking towards the future someone else. I know what I had to do to get business and my customers are tapped out. This investigation will change everything and I'm not going to stick around long enough to see something I helped build get destroyed. gE sucks and a black cloud follows him. So sad

Don't worry about GE. He has stab so many people in the back there is no way he is keeping his job. Just worry about making sales and I promise Lee will find us someone we can trust. It is abundantly clear that no one wants to work with him but I trust Lee and he will see through his bullshit soon enough.

Is that, "all you know"? If thats all you know than thats really not much more than an 8th grade bitch whining like a bitch. Stop being a bitch and grow the F up! Bitch.

I was laughing at the previous comments and then they were taken down. I just got a job offer which means I'm out of here -- yippe. Good luck everyone, I'll be reaching out to some of you soon to come join us. I couldn't stick around any more and watch a company I used to love working for managed into the ground. Apokyn rocks, USwM not so much.

I'm done too. There are so many people that act like they are looking out for you and them stab you in the back. Good luck at wherever you are going. Don't be afraid to post openings.

The only people that made presidents club are the territories GE did major discounts to their top customers. I might not have won presidents club but it was never a fair fight. GE's favorites won again...... At least I know I earned my bonus the honest way.

This is the worst company I have ever worked for in the industry . So many empty promises . GE acts cool but is nothing more than a puppet show. As soon as I get my bonus I'm gone.