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Pushing Virtual 15% qualifier for contest


Making a qualifier that 15 percent of the districts calls be virtual to win district of the year contest is a joke. What happened to meeting physicians how they would like to interact? Now everyone is going to be faking virtual just show the ELT team what a great success VCC”s are. Thought it was about sales not how you talked to providers. Been here over 20 years and this is one of the bigger check the boxes I ever seen. Thoughts?

Making a qualifier that 15 percent of the districts calls be virtual to win district of the year contest is a joke. What happened to meeting physicians how they would like to interact? Now everyone is going to be faking virtual just show the ELT team what a great success VCC”s are. Thought it was about sales not how you talked to providers. Been here over 20 years and this is one of the bigger check the boxes I ever seen. Thoughts?

Maybe someone should tell them that offices are back to pre covid access and no one wants to do the stupid virtual shit anymore.

What made these morons think that this wouldn't be the case?

Pfizer is all about meeting Pfizer where it's at. They don't give a shit about provider's preference.

Schedule those VCC's!
Check Fit for Role!
Flood doc's email with RTE's
Don't forget squire!

Corporate doesn’t want a sales force!!!!! They are doing anything in their power to get HCP’s to adopt virtual and this is a way to force it down their throats by providing the sales force an incentive to do so…. Then wha la rep’s just cost themselves their own job as corporate will dismantle the sales force in a heartbeat and go 100% Pfizer Connect. Gotta love being used by such a greedy unethical company!

Making a qualifier that 15 percent of the districts calls be virtual to win district of the year contest is a joke. What happened to meeting physicians how they would like to interact? Now everyone is going to be faking virtual just show the ELT team what a great success VCC”s are. Thought it was about sales not how you talked to providers. Been here over 20 years and this is one of the bigger check the boxes I ever seen. Thoughts?

I agree, it was supposed to be meet the customer where they want. I do try to schedule some virtual meetings but can’t put a gun to their to accept it. Total virtual WILL NEVER WORK!

Corporate doesn’t want a sales force!!!!! They are doing anything in their power to get HCP’s to adopt virtual and this is a way to force it down their throats by providing the sales force an incentive to do so…. Then wha la rep’s just cost themselves their own job as corporate will dismantle the sales force in a heartbeat and go 100% Pfizer Connect. Gotta love being used by such a greedy unethical company!

You are too “Woke”. Not supposed to be hip to this! Stay sleep and unaware!

This is total job justification. Someone thought this was a good idea. So good that they made Pfizer Connect. It has to look like some dum dum’s idea is wonderful. Leadership has no idea what’s going on in the field. They are living in a “breakaway civilization” void of any reality. Like our “leaders” in the”Uni Party”, it will be our demise.

Any justification they can find to cut people and use low cost call centers.

Just like the politicians they buy off, they want a group of elites and a great unwashed population of low paid serfs and peasants.

Makes me physically sick seeing what our "leadership" has become

There are docs that are easier to connect with virtually and there are a lot of docs that work in hospital systems that ban reps. I pulled into the parking lot at one of my accounts a couple of years ago and security told me reps were no longer allowed anywhere on campus including the parking lot. This is a system-wide policy. That is my 15% virtual.

Before the policy, I was in good with docs there and they were rep friendly.

If your territory is 100% open access, that’s great for you but you’ll have work to do to hit 15% virtual.

The best thing you can do as a district if you’re in that position is to win big in sales. Make it so it’s not even close. Then, see how leaders react to the idea of sending a distant second or third place district on a trip or none at all over a check the box activity.

Making a qualifier that 15 percent of the districts calls be virtual to win district of the year contest is a joke. What happened to meeting physicians how they would like to interact? Now everyone is going to be faking virtual just show the ELT team what a great success VCC”s are. Thought it was about sales not how you talked to providers. Been here over 20 years and this is one of the bigger check the boxes I ever seen. Thoughts?

This is only about saving their asses for mandating virtual calls. Leadership needs to their numbers so that they are not thrown out on their asses. LEading with a stick!