Purge the management team


Long overdue - Mr. "new CEO" ....
It's time for a Chinese-style purge of the managers and Veepees (which is all of them) who let this happen, and did not have a clue what your largest customer what doing. Let's see if you have any real guts to weather this storm. Spin is easy, action is hard. A company of big talkers will never get you out of this mess. Enough already.

Your biggest customer copied your product and them dumped you.
What does sales have to do with that sorry incompetence?
LipoScience managers are third rate pretenders and talkers. Idiots know not one damn thing about nothing other than bragging about themselves, and that just got exposed.
They are an embarrassment to employees, shareholders and patients.
Kick the morons out.

Amen. Clean out every manager in the building. Does anyone need any more proof of just what a clueless bunch of idiots run that place? Sit in conference rooms hidden behind closed doors all day and gossip about whom to fire next. Those who were laid off in January were done a favor. Hey, they got severance.

They should do themselves a favor And step down now!

Sure, but that would require integrity, credibility and humility. Not things that are usually for sale on NASDAQ, or in Raleigh supermarkets. Bring on the hacksaws and sledgehammers and cut the worthless managers lose. Hogging inflated salaries, option/share grants (while employees no longer get any, apparently), and caught napping on the job. What's taking so long?

It's not the management teams fault we're in the position we're in. I actually think this is the best leadership the company has had.

The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the sales force and they're lack of delivering on numbers. Period!

So it's the sales team's fault HDL dropped them and we had no strategic plan in place to proactively? It's the sales team fault we haven't had a significant payer win? It's the sales teams fault Vanteras are sitting and collecting dust? Oh and it's their fault that our next product launch will not happen... Yet another year goes by?

It's not the management teams fault we're in the position we're in. I actually think this is the best leadership the company has had.

The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the sales force and they're lack of delivering on numbers. Period!

Laughable is right, you are a joke. Hdl stole and copied your technology, you had nothing to protect the company or it's shareholders, no alternate plan even though you knew it was coming for at least a year and then they dumped you, and that is the fault of sales? You must be one of the useless lipo managers to defend them on this.

nothing really funny about any of this.
sad part is that honest, hard working employees who do the real work will pay all the penalties, yet again.
The clueless jerks (managers, directors, VPs) will take their hefty security blanket employment contracts and escape "for family reasons", like the old guy did with his confidential buy-out. What else is new.