Profitability Solution

guess the new breed is sheep...crab your toes goes here it comes...spose you can't read to good or study would have read that it has been since the new bred sheep have caused a lot of the porblems

Did you graduate from elementary school?? Your spelling and sentence structure are equivalent to a 2nd grade level!! Wow!

If the HPD personnel was so great, why did ABT jettison the division?? Simple - The business wasn't profitable under the HPD workers! That is why the new breed needs to take charge.

HPD was highly profitable however- IVs were a mature market and Miles wanted to jettison some upcoming retirement payments. Also there were several highly profitable parts of HPD that Abbot kept. Obviously you know nothing about HPD before the spin. Even the first yr we spun we had a solid profit. So do your homework or keep your mouth shut.

Is this a threat, geezer? I am just stating the facts, MAN UP!

No threat, after all what could I an old worn out geezer possibly do to a big strong brave brilliant aggressive young buck as you. As to maning up I am pretty sure that is what I was telling you but you seem nervous about actually meeting one of those who you so eagerly disparage while hiding behind "anonymous"

Fool Joey,
The issue is not about old versus you started this thread. Well run companies rely on experience (me) to make good business decisions and look to new ideas (you) to make continuing good business decisions in an evolving workplace.
The issue is about integrity and keeping your word. Something most American businesses has forgotten and will pay for....

I have 20 years with Abbott/Hospira. Multiple National/Regional All-Star winner. My pension was frozen in 2005 with about 14 years credit. I still have in my brief case the "Letter to the Shareholders" from Miles White and Chris Begley on the seperation. And it says this:
(Since your in sales and should be good with numbers, look at these, Joey:) Based on the money I was making at that time my retirement benefit was $45,000/year. In reality, my frozen retirement is a little over $8,000/year, without retiree medical.

That number is frozen. If I ever took a proposal into a hospital where the benefit to that hospital was actually $8,000 each year instead of $45,000 each year I could guarantee myself a significant loss in business over time.....because of my bad decision, my lack of integrity so to speak....

I had a VP tell me 35 years ago, "Nothing is forever and always"....which was so true. Back then that company had to shut down our facility. Back then, that VP, kept his promises to his employees. That organization still does good today.

Greatness is not based on how big your company is or how fast it grows. Greatness comes from making the right decision at the right time, every day.

That is what Chris Begley and Terry Keaney and the rest lacked....integrity, in a word.

Joey, I'll be OK for retirement, I spent less than most, saved and invested diligently and done well. I am just afraid most of my colleagues have not. I hope you do too.

Mandatory Retirement for all former HPD personnel. All they do all day is bitch and wish for a return of the old days at HPD! As a young employee, I want to dump the negative baggage and build this company to greatness.

Fool Joey,
The issue is not about old versus you started this thread. Well run companies rely on experience (me) to make good business decisions and look to new ideas (you) to make continuing good business decisions in an evolving workplace.
The issue is about integrity and keeping your word. Something most American businesses has forgotten and will pay for....

I have 20 years with Abbott/Hospira. Multiple National/Regional All-Star winner. My pension was frozen in 2005 with about 14 years credit. I still have in my brief case the "Letter to the Shareholders" from Miles White and Chris Begley on the seperation. And it says this:
(Since your in sales and should be good with numbers, look at these, Joey:) Based on the money I was making at that time my retirement benefit was $45,000/year. In reality, my frozen retirement is a little over $8,000/year, without retiree medical.

That number is frozen. If I ever took a proposal into a hospital where the benefit to that hospital was actually $8,000 each year instead of $45,000 each year I could guarantee myself a significant loss in business over time.....because of my bad decision, my lack of integrity so to speak....

I had a VP tell me 35 years ago, "Nothing is forever and always"....which was so true. Back then that company had to shut down our facility. Back then, that VP, kept his promises to his employees. That organization still does good today.

Greatness is not based on how big your company is or how fast it grows. Greatness comes from making the right decision at the right time, every day.

That is what Chris Begley and Terry Keaney and the rest lacked....integrity, in a word.

Joey, I'll be OK for retirement, I spent less than most, saved and invested diligently and done well. I am just afraid most of my colleagues have not. I hope you do too.

Well put writer "Joey" listen and learn from this writer. I also have several National and Area awards both before and after the spin yet you are afraid to meet any of us and say to our faces what you so easily put forth here.

Fool Joey,

That is what Chris Begley and Terry Keaney and the rest lacked....integrity, in a word.

Joey, I'll be OK for retirement, I spent less than most, saved and invested diligently and done well. I am just afraid most of my colleagues have not. I hope you do too.

what was written in this post was very well put, with one change in my opinion. cb and tk had to learn the lack of integrity from someone and that was mw. i to have many years with the company (+26) not in sales but in manufacturing and will be ok for retirement also. to have all the benefits that were promised and used as a hiring tools be taken away makes one wonder where big business will stop. maybe when they move to china or india.

what was written in this post was very well put, with one change in my opinion. cb and tk had to learn the lack of integrity from someone and that was mw. i to have many years with the company (+26) not in sales but in manufacturing and will be ok for retirement also. to have all the benefits that were promised and used as a hiring tools be taken away makes one wonder where big business will stop. maybe when they move to china or india.

Well then just RETIRE! Make way for the young and aggressive business folks. The only way to move Hospira forward is with new and fresh strategies and razor keen execution. Quit hanging on, let people who care join the company. As for those gray and tired sales reps, I will gladly buy you a cup of warm milk at the NSM.

Well then just RETIRE! Make way for the young and aggressive business folks. The only way to move Hospira forward is with new and fresh strategies and razor keen execution. Quit hanging on, let people who care join the company. As for those gray and tired sales reps, I will gladly buy you a cup of warm milk at the NSM.

if that is the attitude of you and management i think i will just hang on and collect a check..since you have so much energy with razor keen execution i will not have to take care of all of it and i will be sipping tea all day...thankyou in advance for you helping an old timer out.......

I had a collegue in IT who was going to be let go last yr. and when they backed Him into the corner, He came out swinging against the corporate directors. Of course He didn't have much of a chance and they axed Him on His final week and didn't get the severence pay. So much for 20+ yrs of loyalty and quality work.

I had a collegue in IT who was going to be let go last yr. and when they backed Him into the corner, He came out swinging against the corporate directors. Of course He didn't have much of a chance and they axed Him on His final week and didn't get the severence pay. So much for 20+ yrs of loyalty and quality work.

Business is Business. If you want loyalty look to your dog!

After being in the same Abbott/Hospira manufacturing site for well over two decades it's a pretty ugly trip down memory lane. Miles and his cronies at McKinsey (his former employer, by the way) cooked up the spinoff of HPD because of the upcoming financial burden of the 15,000 most experienced and, yes, oldest employees. Then, when these integrity-free leaders were grilled by the lawyers during the lawsuit they start forgetting and outright lying about why they did what they did (read the depositions). As mentioned earlier, it was simply and all about greed for the SLT (short for SLUT); they win and the rest of us lose, the new American way. Flash forward to the present day with the FDA nailing every single Hospira manufacturing site in the US, not to mention Australia and others, and there's no doubt more warning letters are being readied for our reading enjoyment. At the same time, LEAN has taken a stranglehold on operations bleeding the manufacturing sites dry of resources and saving the Big H into starvation. So much so that we can no longer make enough of what is needed in the market place not mention being unable to reliably make quality products. LEAN is fine process when implemented in the textbook manner but as we typically do, we jump to the end where the money is, move people into positions they have no business being and start removing resources without first improving processes and we end up with a broken operation full of demoralized employees (young and old). The veterans hold the place together as much as possible since these "new bucks" can't survive in constant chaos and flee to safer havens or are butchered by the veteran managers. So, junior, go sell your load of crap elsewhere, while us old farts are busy trying to bail water out of the sinking ship. That is, until all production can be moved out of the US to India and other exotic places listed in the Conde' Nast Traveler ....

Business is Business. If you want loyalty look to your dog!

I guess some people believe in doing the right thing. Things that don't always need a dollar sign behind it. Even when running a business. That's the companies people respect. Leaders that have real integrity. Some thing that is actually practiced. Not just expected from your subordinates.

After being in the same Abbott/Hospira manufacturing site for well over two decades it's a pretty ugly trip down memory lane. Miles and his cronies at McKinsey (his former employer, by the way) cooked up the spinoff of HPD because of the upcoming financial burden of the 15,000 most experienced and, yes, oldest employees. Then, when these integrity-free leaders were grilled by the lawyers during the lawsuit they start forgetting and outright lying about why they did what they did (read the depositions). As mentioned earlier, it was simply and all about greed for the SLT (short for SLUT); they win and the rest of us lose, the new American way. Flash forward to the present day with the FDA nailing every single Hospira manufacturing site in the US, not to mention Australia and others, and there's no doubt more warning letters are being readied for our reading enjoyment. At the same time, LEAN has taken a stranglehold on operations bleeding the manufacturing sites dry of resources and saving the Big H into starvation. So much so that we can no longer make enough of what is needed in the market place not mention being unable to reliably make quality products. LEAN is fine process when implemented in the textbook manner but as we typically do, we jump to the end where the money is, move people into positions they have no business being and start removing resources without first improving processes and we end up with a broken operation full of demoralized employees (young and old). The veterans hold the place together as much as possible since these "new bucks" can't survive in constant chaos and flee to safer havens or are butchered by the veteran managers. So, junior, go sell your load of crap elsewhere, while us old farts are busy trying to bail water out of the sinking ship. That is, until all production can be moved out of the US to India and other exotic places listed in the Conde' Nast Traveler ....

It is refreshing to read such a thoughtout post. And I liked the pro and con of the LEAN process. I could not agree more. You could have swayed some of the young bucks across the aisle.

I guess some people believe in doing the right thing. Things that don't always need a dollar sign behind it. Even when running a business. That's the companies people respect. Leaders that have real integrity. Some thing that is actually practiced. Not just expected from your subordinates.

Are you still living in the 1950's! OMG!!!

It is refreshing to read such a thoughtout post. And I liked the pro and con of the LEAN process. I could not agree more. You could have swayed some of the young bucks across the aisle.

You're all full of shit! Business, politics, religion, etc. is all based on one premise; it's every man for himself, and the golden rule: Screw them before they screw you. It has nothing to do with young vs. old, we're all in this together. Do you "youngsters" think you'll have a pension, benefits, etc. when it's your time to go? If you do, you're dumber than whale shit.

Senior people only ask what was promised, but was reneged on. The big boys pillage the company lining their own pockets...screw the workers who actually generate profit despite the bumbling of the execs who spend their days kissing each other's asses. They couldn't lead a blind man to the toilet.

You're all full of shit! Business, politics, religion, etc. is all based on one premise; it's every man for himself, and the golden rule: Screw them before they screw you. It has nothing to do with young vs. old, we're all in this together. Do you "youngsters" think you'll have a pension, benefits, etc. when it's your time to go? If you do, you're dumber than whale shit.

Senior people only ask what was promised, but was reneged on. The big boys pillage the company lining their own pockets...screw the workers who actually generate profit despite the bumbling of the execs who spend their days kissing each other's asses. They couldn't lead a blind man to the toilet.


Please note Abbott got rid of HPD due to changing market conditions. It was a brilliant strategic move on the part of Abbott. Abbott leadership should be commended for its foresight and execution.