To the snot nosed little baby who started this thread - you are so green you don't even know what you don't know. Sure there are some malcontents who need to go. The others are those that are rightfully infuriated by the way Begley and his cronies have taken a golden opportunity to build something great starting in 2004 and screwed it up with total all consuming greed. You don't seem to know for starters that Mr Begley got a 4mm settlement to keep himslef whole as it related to his lost retirement from Abbott while he screwed others out of theirs, that is what the lawsuit is about you ignorant rookie. You also don't know how Mr Integrity launched the founders stock option bonus, 2.6 mm shares to be divided up amongst the employees who were employed at the spin. If they would have been equally divided, each employee would have gotten approx 660 shares. But MR. Integrity had it split up by pay grade. The average sales rep is a level 14 or 15 and they got 400 shares. What did the worker in the factory get? 10 shares maybe 20. Mr. Integrity got 500,000 shares at the IPO rate of 26.50 then sold it at well over $42 per share. That's just a minimum profit of $8,000,000, nice little scam. Did you know Mr. Integrity got a 20% pay raise a yr ago when you got nothing. I think that was a reward for firing good quality american workers and bringing in WiPro and their bunch of Indian script readers. Did you also know that when WiPro came in they tried to hire back the fired IT people at half their pay and they weren't that highly paid to begin with. So before YOU set out to turn HSP into a GREAT! company all by your little self I suggest you get some experience beyond mommy and daddy telling you how great you are Buckwheat.