We here out west like to meet for cluster meetings at lunch-of course without the CTL. Have the company pick up the tab. You know-just fake an RFM. Forge names for attendees in the office. We just like to stab others in the back-the one's not in attendance. Nothing gets fucking done but at least its a free lunch. This is how we implement "collaboration." What a fucking joke. We have a feeling something big is coming, and so the browners are really working hard at licking CTL asses. And the CTL's are letting them, and they even like it. The local reps seem to like doing it too! Do you really think there will be some sort of reorganization? We're really liking being on the dole for as long as we can. Few of us older folks only have a couple more years to go.
Might as well ride ride this horse until it drops.