Prepare yourselves, EVERYONE is going on a PIP!

I think this just shows what a joke of an industry this is. PIP!!! Give me a break!!! This is like kindergarten. Management is not capable of helping or accepting responsibility. They just threaten. They suck!!! No one cares about another oral narcotic!! They have no clue!!!!

So help me understand what you want. You choose to work here but you think the company, it's product and management all suck. You hate your job, hate your DM, and think the product you sell is useless. Why are you here?

Just confirmed, one of my colleague from training just put on PIP for not having enough Rx and not setting up enough stupid webinar programs. She is taking in real bad and very upset

They need to downsize people! How can they afford to pay this many reps when the product is a flop? It's just business. The next product won't be any better. All the issues that are happening now WILL NOT CHANGE with a 12 hour Hydro/APAP. What a shame.

They may not be PIPs but they are setting up grounds for dismissal.

It even says that you will be in the field from 8:30am to 5pm. All administrative reports and such are to be done at night. ALL calls are to be entered immediately. Hmmm the time stamp could be trouble if you don't enter calls immediately.

Cell phones are to be use only for occasional personal calls. Hmmm another report to monitor if you are trying to catch a rep using company materials for personal use.

Sometimes I get going and don't enter a clinic until later. Like if I might be late or close to being late for a lunch or appointment. Or keep rolling between retail pharmacies.

It seems that it is setting up ways to catch you not obeying the rules so terminations can be justified.

Let's hope we are wrong. But if it looks like duck and quacks like a duck and lays duck might be a duck.

There was a time they would try to catch us doing good things. It was better. Looks like it may be a rough road. Let's hope we are wrong and just go to work and do something different because what we have been doing is not working.