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Predictions for Takeda 2013

Agree with Poster #95 that we probably won't have layoffs in the "near future" (be no one can even guarantee that), but it's after we have been selling our new products down the road (10-12 mo) is when we should be concerned. If sales are doing great then all should be okay, but if not then layoffs are a distinct possibility. Normally with a new product company sets goals at a rapid growth rate since they are basing the growth off of a 0% market share & it is later when they reduce the rapid growth escalation that they expect when the product us newer. If this rapid growth does not occur to the companies satisfaction then layoffs are a strong possibility. Don't know how much plainer can put this to the one who keeps wanting someone to agree with them that everything is ok. If reps do their job well & sales are excellent then probably no cut backs, but if sales do not meet corporate expectations then he will be eating his words when they announce that a RIF will be necessary.

So true. The know it all's who think they are the only ones who are right have such tunnel vision that they want every one to agree with their assessment that there will never be any layoffs no matter what so their inflated ego is built up. Sales success or not of new products is going to be the lone deciding factor in the long haul whether we are right sized or not regarding layoffs.

Yeah, the "know it all's" do believe in their minds that alo is a billion dollar drug & that's even what they dream about at night. Unfortunately that's just what it is, a dream. While alo may have some success in some pockets of the country, it's a long shot at best for saving the jobs of many reps. Now just wait for "Mr. Prove It" to come on here & beg for someone to give him proof regarding what's going to happen sales wise in 9-12 months. LOL

Yeah, the "know it all's" do believe in their minds that alo is a billion dollar drug & that's even what they dream about at night. Unfortunately that's just what it is, a dream. While alo may have some success in some pockets of the country, it's a long shot at best for saving the jobs of many reps. Now just wait for "Mr. Prove It" to come on here & beg for someone to give him proof regarding what's going to happen sales wise in 9-12 months. LOL

"The know it all's believe that alo is a billion dollar drug"? Where did you get this from??? You are an idiot to even think that anyone would think this way. Takeda is only expecting this product to be a $30-40 million per year. Of course we would have layoffs if we are expecting this to be a billion dollar product bc it has no shot to be one. But maybe if you opened your eyes and ears and stop reading the bs on here, then maybe you would have a clue. As I keep on saying over and over again, I dont see why one would expect that we are going to have layoffs based on alo getting approved and based off of us not having actos anymore bc we already had layoffs due to that. Anyone can say "there might be layoffs" or this and that but nothing on here is based off what we are forecasting. Now if they decided to do something drastic like sell dex to a contract company or if we stop promoting Edarbi, then hell yeah, layoff will happen. "Mr Prove it" is asking what are you basing your reasoning on here and you think its bc of Alo not doing well.

LOL-Billion dollar drug....idiot!

"The know it all's believe that alo is a billion dollar drug"? Where did you get this from??? You are an idiot to even think that anyone would think this way. Takeda is only expecting this product to be a $30-40 million per year. Of course we would have layoffs if we are expecting this to be a billion dollar product bc it has no shot to be one. But maybe if you opened your eyes and ears and stop reading the bs on here, then maybe you would have a clue. As I keep on saying over and over again, I dont see why one would expect that we are going to have layoffs based on alo getting approved and based off of us not having actos anymore bc we already had layoffs due to that. Anyone can say "there might be layoffs" or this and that but nothing on here is based off what we are forecasting. Now if they decided to do something drastic like sell dex to a contract company or if we stop promoting Edarbi, then hell yeah, layoff will happen. "Mr Prove it" is asking what are you basing your reasoning on here and you think its bc of Alo not doing well.

LOL-Billion dollar drug....idiot!

Does Edarbi even do $15 million a year in sales? You just lowered the price on Ebarbi, I'm sure that will boost the profits! So where is Takeda going to find the $8 billion it needs to replace what Prevacid and Actos did? Your only shot is Colcrys, that's it.

Well, we all knew "Mr Know It All" would be back (ego too big to stay away). OK let's turn the tables. I want proof that we will absolutely will hit the $30-$40 sales projection for alo for rest of this year. Go ahead & feed us some of you constant BS, but we all know that's what it is BS, because until after the fact no one can prove one way or the other that something won't happen or will happen as you are no psychic. You can give us all kinds of crap regarding why should hit $ & at same time others can give all kinds of reverse reasons why won't. So just hold on to you jock & then come back here in Dec. & then you can tell us all I told you so if you happen to be right, but not before then.

Well, we all knew "Mr Know It All" would be back (ego too big to stay away). OK let's turn the tables. I want proof that we will absolutely will hit the $30-$40 sales projection for alo for rest of this year. Go ahead & feed us some of you constant BS, but we all know that's what it is BS, because until after the fact no one can prove one way or the other that something won't happen or will happen as you are no psychic. You can give us all kinds of crap regarding why should hit $ & at same time others can give all kinds of reverse reasons why won't. So just hold on to you jock & then come back here in Dec. & then you can tell us all I told you so if you happen to be right, but not before then.[/QUOTE

Name one "constant bs" I stated? Everything I said is FACT. You say there will be layoffs because we have to replace 8 billion but Takeda is telling their stockholders we are going to be a 1.2 billion company until 2015. That is a fact not bs. What we currently have in our portfolio is enough for that 1.2 billion. I cant guarantee that we will hit the 30-40 million but I also never guaranteed anything. I just dont think we would have layoffs based off of that info. They have no obligation to us but they do to their stockholders and that is public info. Look it up.

So I guess it is ok that people can be absolutely certain we will have layoffs based on zero facts, pure speculation but one cant dispute that with facts. Classic. I will sit back and comment in Dec when we dont have layoffs and tell you I told you so while there will be a thousand more post over the next year stating the different dates we will have layoffs. And if we are lucky we will get a message from the "Huge Mole". Enjoy your miserable life waiting for something not might not happen.

1. Major reorganization that will result in a minimum of 15% reduction in head count.

2. Edarbi will no longer be promoted and production will end by beginning of 4Q.

3. I will continue to work only 15 to 20 hours a week and my numbers will be in the top 30% of my district and I will continue to make an ungodly amount of money for working very little.

Hey loser. $150 is not an ungodly amount of money even for working 20 hours per week. you have no idea what good money in sales truly can be because you're too chicken and inept to try something where you can actually do more with you life other than peddle BS drugs.

Yo! Mr Know It All strikes again speaking out of both sides of his mouth. Says "I never guaranteed anything" & then goes on to give us "his opinion" regarding why he shouldn't be laid off even though corporate bigwigs have not told him anything. If Mr Know It All would have read all of the previous posts he would have seen that others are saying or guaranteeing anything oher than "may or may not" have layoffs so is that guaranteeing anything. All Mr Know It All can do is speculate, but never know what generic Nexium, etc. will do to total revenue picture even without newer products hitting or missing goals. All anybody can do is wait & see what "all" the contributing factors do to the overall profit picture of Takeda & then corporate mgt. will decide if staff numbers should stay the same.

Looks like everybody has Mr Know It Alls number. All he can do is get all huffy when everyone doesn't agree that he is right. When in reality he has a 50/50 chance of being right & therefore the others also have a 50/50 chance of being right.

1. Major reorganization that will result in a minimum of 15% reduction in head count.

2. Edarbi will no longer be promoted and production will end by beginning of 4Q.

3. I will continue to work only 15 to 20 hours a week and my numbers will be in the top 30% of my district and I will continue to make an ungodly amount of money for working very little.

OP was dead on regarding the reorganization and dropping Edarbi. 15% headcount to remains to be seen..