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The naivety here is astounding. This restructure should have happened at least 10 years ago. Finally, Merck has done something that makes sense in downsizing middle management that offers zero value to the company. The salaries that have been paid over the years to managers, DCO's, & VP's, not to mention travel expenses, bonuses, and stock options for driving not one penny of revenue has been sickening to watch....insulting to those of us who are customer facing. The model has been broken for years. Doctors don't have time for redundancy. They're trying to manage patient lives. The fact that they put up with us at all was generous considering our intrusive nature with the same tired messages by multiple representatives. Give yourself more credit & admit that the value you were trying to bring had fallen short over the last several years. Integrity matters. I'm actually proud of Merck for finally taking a step in the right direction. Anyone with half a brain would admit that we cannot afford to operate in the same tired structure pretending we were generating profits in a down economy where the healthcare model and reimbursement platform are changing so dramatically. Hopefully, we will achieve the right balance and cause a "reset" within the industry that is more common sense over greed. If you ever really understood the mantra of Merck and quality of company this really is, you would agree that today's announcement was welcome to many; albeit, a little late. It's time to restore our core values and once again take pride.

The naivety here is astounding. This restructure should have happened at least 10 years ago. Finally, Merck has done something that makes sense in downsizing middle management that offers zero value to the company. The salaries that have been paid over the years to managers, DCO's, & VP's, not to mention travel expenses, bonuses, and stock options for driving not one penny of revenue has been sickening to watch....insulting to those of us who are customer facing. The model has been broken for years. Doctors don't have time for redundancy. They're trying to manage patient lives. The fact that they put up with us at all was generous considering our intrusive nature with the same tired messages by multiple representatives. Give yourself more credit & admit that the value you were trying to bring had fallen short over the last several years. Integrity matters. I'm actually proud of Merck for finally taking a step in the right direction. Anyone with half a brain would admit that we cannot afford to operate in the same tired structure pretending we were generating profits in a down economy where the healthcare model and reimbursement platform are changing so dramatically. Hopefully, we will achieve the right balance and cause a "reset" within the industry that is more common sense over greed. If you ever really understood the mantra of Merck and quality of company this really is, you would agree that today's announcement was welcome to many; albeit, a little late. It's time to restore our core values and once again take pride.

Naivete idiot. You need to look in the mirror and realize who is naïve. Seriously, core values?? ROTFL

As far as I am concerned, get rid of any Merck person who voted for Obama, especially for his 2nd term. The changes we see in the overall healthcare market are directly a result of his botched healthcare reform plan. He sure as hell "reformed" healthcare. He is fundamentally changing America alright! Makes me sick. I honestly don't know how any Obama supporting rep (whose clients are doctors) can complain about possibly losing their job in the aftermath of the Obamacare debacle. I have yet to meet one doctor in my territory who supports Obamacare; not one. Frankly, if you were too stupid to realize the impact Obamacare would have on the healthcare industry, of which the pharma industry is a part of, then you are obviously too stupid to work in this industry and need to go. Yes Merck has gone downhill for awhile now, but the changes that are happening (layoffs, etc.) are a result of the changing healthcare environment and we as a member of it also need to make changes in order to stay in business. The Obama supporters got what they voted for: CHANGE!! Maybe once they have to start paying for their own health insurance to realize the financial impact these new policies available through the government or state exchanges have on them, they will realize just how dumb their decision was to vote him into office. Sure there are a handful of docs who support his mission, but I would bet the vast majority do not. I'm glad I was able to see thru the "Promise of Change" rhetoric spewed by the guy knowing his idea of change was not in the best interest of America. If anyone disagrees, watch three videos on You Tube: Do a search for
"Conservatism is Calling"
"Obamacare Deconstructed"
"A Time for Choosing"

The naivety here is astounding. This restructure should have happened at least 10 years ago. Finally, Merck has done something that makes sense in downsizing middle management that offers zero value to the company. The salaries that have been paid over the years to managers, DCO's, & VP's, not to mention travel expenses, bonuses, and stock options for driving not one penny of revenue has been sickening to watch....insulting to those of us who are customer facing. The model has been broken for years. Doctors don't have time for redundancy. They're trying to manage patient lives. The fact that they put up with us at all was generous considering our intrusive nature with the same tired messages by multiple representatives. Give yourself more credit & admit that the value you were trying to bring had fallen short over the last several years. Integrity matters. I'm actually proud of Merck for finally taking a step in the right direction. Anyone with half a brain would admit that we cannot afford to operate in the same tired structure pretending we were generating profits in a down economy where the healthcare model and reimbursement platform are changing so dramatically. Hopefully, we will achieve the right balance and cause a "reset" within the industry that is more common sense over greed. If you ever really understood the mantra of Merck and quality of company this really is, you would agree that today's announcement was welcome to many; albeit, a little late. It's time to restore our core values and once again take pride.

The same idiots who are now preaching "core values" are the same geniuses who thought having 12 reps and 4 managers call on a physician made sense. Its all about "share of voice" they proclaimed, even though the field reps told them that we have way over saturated the market with reps and need to have respect for our customers time. They created this monster and now have to watch as this lunacy is systematically dismantled. Way to go Merck!

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way! See my added post about Obamacare a.k.a. Affordable Care Act.

Look, even in spite of all of Merck's misgivings, you cant ignore the fact that our great leader (and those in power that support him) has enacted the most economically destructive, anti-business, job destroying law that this country has ever seen. When the Obamacare bomb finally detonates (the fuse has just been lit) the true horror of this socialist architects wet dream will be felt by everyone. Innovation and excellence in healthcare will be a distant memory. But hey, if you can find a doctor that hasn't thrown in the towel, you can use your overly priced Affordable Care Act insurance to use on substandard care that the rest of the world enjoys. I guess freedom means having the right and the stupidity to vote nitwits in office that will take that freedom away

The naivety here is astounding. This restructure should have happened at least 10 years ago. Finally, Merck has done something that makes sense in downsizing middle management that offers zero value to the company. The salaries that have been paid over the years to managers, DCO's, & VP's, not to mention travel expenses, bonuses, and stock options for driving not one penny of revenue has been sickening to watch....insulting to those of us who are customer facing. The model has been broken for years. Doctors don't have time for redundancy. They're trying to manage patient lives. The fact that they put up with us at all was generous considering our intrusive nature with the same tired messages by multiple representatives. Give yourself more credit & admit that the value you were trying to bring had fallen short over the last several years. Integrity matters. I'm actually proud of Merck for finally taking a step in the right direction. Anyone with half a brain would admit that we cannot afford to operate in the same tired structure pretending we were generating profits in a down economy where the healthcare model and reimbursement platform are changing so dramatically. Hopefully, we will achieve the right balance and cause a "reset" within the industry that is more common sense over greed. If you ever really understood the mantra of Merck and quality of company this really is, you would agree that today's announcement was welcome to many; albeit, a little late. It's time to restore our core values and once again take pride.

DITTO! It is sad but as an employee of Merck and a significant shareholder, everything you said is true. But, with access being significantly less, they should go to 1 rep per territory even if they have several drugs in the bag as Drs are tired of us!!!! Its is embarassing now!!

What the hell does Obama have to do with this? This company has been going downhill for at least the last 10-15 years. We are where we are because we did not make the right investments back then and have little to show for all of the money spent on R&D, mergers, acquisitions etc.
don't be an idiot. No one has patience for idiots during rough times.

I agree, anyone blaming The President or anyone outside Merck upper management is misguided to say the least.

If I want lots of erudite ponderings from the right I watch FOX. Does anyone have a good synopsis of whats happening. PRE TEND you are at an interview and you need to be spot on.

obamacare?? has nothing to do with any of this. and i havent seen a single example on here of why obamacare is so bad. just a lot of blowhard bitching. that's what ignorant people do. they complain but cant really explain why. obamacare doesnt really matter. the system was changing way before obamacare was enacted. obamacare was just another change among a sea of changes. it changed because it sucked. it still may suck. but something had to be tried.

My thoughts exactly. Merck has reps out there who can't even recite the MOA for our drugs; pathetic considering I came from a time when Merck only hired high science individuals who could handle ANY objection using science and evidence based medicine. I laugh inside at the reps who have to rely on their glossy detail piece or regurgitated marketing messages that change every 6 months in order to convey the use of our medicines. I think Merck should give everyone an impromptu test to assess depth of knowledge; no open book crap either; and keep those that pass the test; you will quickly weed out the people who know their stuff and the people who simply know the detail piece/marketing messages OR those who spend hours just analyzing reports but when they get in front of a doctor, spew only marketing messages cuz their drug/science knowledge is very limited.

Random thoughts: This company has deteriorated significantly over the past few years. The members of our "safe" diabetes team are a laughing stock with the HCPs because they can only repeat the "key core messages" (I tried to explain to one of the that saying key and core is redundant but when the head is empty....). I've watched very good reps harassed to the point that they are broken. Sad to say but the only reason I can think of is that they are true professionals respected by the customers not "flirty little things". So I can pretty accurately guess who will stay and who will leave and because of these choices I also predict that this company will fail at the next few launches then go bankrupt or become part of another company within the next three years.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way! See my added post about Obamacare a.k.a. Affordable Care Act.

You idiots who blindly follow faux news. Did President Obama cause Vioxx, the layoffs before he was elected, ENHANCE, Juvisync, and ALL of the other HUGE blunders that have occured???? Tha ACA is not the final answer. I'm not sure what is, but the old system wasn't working either. Those same docs complaining about ACA were complaining about managed care dictating their decisions prior to 2008, so... If we spent as much time and energy into improving situations instead of complaining about them and trying to kill the bill, things might improve faster. Just a thought... To all of my fellow Merckies, good luck. Trust in your higher power and things will work out in the end.

I agree, anyone blaming The President or anyone outside Merck upper management is misguided to say the least.

And stupid. There are other companies that are thriving in the industry and eating our lunch; how come the President or anyone else is not to blame there? Only blame goes to our bad senior management.

Silly arguments from the same people who blame the floods, landslides and tornados on the President. Go find yourself a good candidate that is not in the pocket of billionaires and truly cares about you and me (and is not a racist, anti-women, homophobic, liar or thief) and you might very well get a chance I'll vote for him or her.

You are clearly misinformed...search for "Obamacare Deconstructed" via You Tube and watch it. Then tell us all Obamacare has absolutely NOTHING to do with the changes in healthcare. Curious, have you even bothered to ask your doctors their opinions on it? When they are affected, we in the drug industry are affected. I've personally heard higher ups at Merck say that Obamacare a.k.a. The Affordable Care Act is GREATLY affecting the healthcare industry of which the pharma industry is a part of and we as a company need to adapt to these ever-occurring changes. Have you been living under a rock? I'm guessing your Business Acumen and Market Profiling competencies need some work.

obamacare?? has nothing to do with any of this. and i havent seen a single example on here of why obamacare is so bad. just a lot of blowhard bitching. that's what ignorant people do. they complain but cant really explain why. obamacare doesnt really matter. the system was changing way before obamacare was enacted. obamacare was just another change among a sea of changes. it changed because it sucked. it still may suck. but something had to be tried.

Ah-ha! We found an Obama supporter! I'm not saying Merck hasn't made poor choices but Obamacare is and will continue to affect the healthcare industry as a whole, of which the pharma industry is a part of. Seriously, you need to start searching for the truth instead of listening to what you are told by YOUR Lord and Savior Barack Obama. And for the record, I don't particularly like the Republican party either but regardless of my political affiliation, I formulate my own viewpoints based on facts and acquired knowledge, not on what is fed to me by mainstream media. That is the true difference between those who hate the Right-Wingers and those of us who simply seek the truth but because our opinion isn't in alignment with the Left (or Right for that matter as in my case), we are racist, anti-women, homophobes, liars, or thiefs...seems like the Left are always resorting to name calling and very intolerant of anyone else's opinion if it doesn't completely conform to their way of thinking. Watch "Obamacare Deconstructed" on YouTube...all based on FACTS! Oh and I don't for a second believe any of the recent natural disasters are the President's fault; what idiot would think that or even infer that someone would think that?

And stupid. There are other companies that are thriving in the industry and eating our lunch; how come the President or anyone else is not to blame there? Only blame goes to our bad senior management.

Silly arguments from the same people who blame the floods, landslides and tornados on the President. Go find yourself a good candidate that is not in the pocket of billionaires and truly cares about you and me (and is not a racist, anti-women, homophobic, liar or thief) and you might very well get a chance I'll vote for him or her.

Surprised they are not just cutting the entire respiratory and cv teams and just giving the products to diabetes reps as reminders. Probably saving that for the next round. Also, managers are all in the same boat, correct? Sounds like being diabetes manager doesn't matter. Sad, but these cuts are necessary and have been for quite a while.

You are clearly misinformed...search for "Obamacare Deconstructed" via You Tube and watch it. Then tell us all Obamacare has absolutely NOTHING to do with the changes in healthcare. Curious, have you even bothered to ask your doctors their opinions on it? When they are affected, we in the drug industry are affected. I've personally heard higher ups at Merck say that Obamacare a.k.a. The Affordable Care Act is GREATLY affecting the healthcare industry of which the pharma industry is a part of and we as a company need to adapt to these ever-occurring changes. Have you been living under a rock? I'm guessing your Business Acumen and Market Profiling competencies need some work.

Buzzz in offices: ACA-Obamacare gets a resounding thumbs down!

Docs opting out of practice.....others ramping up money making services. Some unnecessary. Hawking, pushing is the tone 'ya feel from some......

Sad that the high and respected profession of doctoring gets a major downgrade. No longer paying them as they should be paid....No longer being seen at their true level of value.......

Thanks, but no thanks, ACA and Mr O!

Well, at least the proposed hike in the minimum wage got kicked out today. Luckily, for business owners and consumers. This guy cannot create the jobs he promised so this is his idea. Everything will be equal all right; China is taking over as the #1 producer in the world, there are no jobs here; many people are in some sort of debt whether it be college, etc. so much for the promising present day. And it goes on and on and on..........post 21 is great; yes too much repetitive, continual nonesense and that is why things are changing here and will change at other pharma companies. Merck is the just the initiator. You will see.

As far as I am concerned, get rid of any Merck person who voted for Obama, especially for his 2nd term. The changes we see in the overall healthcare market are directly a result of his botched healthcare reform plan. He sure as hell "reformed" healthcare. He is fundamentally changing America alright! Makes me sick. I honestly don't know how any Obama supporting rep (whose clients are doctors) can complain about possibly losing their job in the aftermath of the Obamacare debacle. I have yet to meet one doctor in my territory who supports Obamacare; not one. Frankly, if you were too stupid to realize the impact Obamacare would have on the healthcare industry, of which the pharma industry is a part of, then you are obviously too stupid to work in this industry and need to go. Yes Merck has gone downhill for awhile now, but the changes that are happening (layoffs, etc.) are a result of the changing healthcare environment and we as a member of it also need to make changes in order to stay in business. The Obama supporters got what they voted for: CHANGE!! Maybe once they have to start paying for their own health insurance to realize the financial impact these new policies available through the government or state exchanges have on them, they will realize just how dumb their decision was to vote him into office. Sure there are a handful of docs who support his mission, but I would bet the vast majority do not. I'm glad I was able to see thru the "Promise of Change" rhetoric spewed by the guy knowing his idea of change was not in the best interest of America. If anyone disagrees, watch three videos on You Tube: Do a search for
"Conservatism is Calling"
"Obamacare Deconstructed"
"A Time for Choosing"

Waaah, Obama!! It's sad how some need to raise the specter of socialism / Obama for every issue. We fell short on revenues and increased profitability by cutting costs, idiot. The PC purge should have happened long ago. Products not coming to market = less revenue, poor sales of in line products=less revenue. ObamaCare has little to do with it at this point.

Let's get back to the topic!

I am in vaccines & would like to hear what happened, worried we may be next.

Hope some of my friends survive the cuts...

What teams were effected & how bad?

Why is is that while top management was making so many stupid decisions, starting with hiring Ray Gilmartin, a group of thousands stood by like sheep and let it happen? If Merck were a country, there would have been rioting in the street and a new government installed. Why take over a loser like Schering Plough? A waste of money and a painful wound to take car of. It's not too late! Let your voice be heard! When you lose your house because you can't pay the mortgage, it will be too late!