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Post National Anthem & b/f Super Bowl Kickoff

All of a sudden the reps are lazy and faking stuff. With all the metrics they collect and observe faking things is minimal to almost nothing. Let me share the reality of the last 8 months with you. I have driven over 16 THOUSAND miles since June. I have blown through close to $40 Thousand dollars in lunch money. I have handed over 60 cases of Veozah and close to 100 cases of each does of Myrbetriq. My bonuses are averaging close to $5k with a sub-standard salary. My entire team is in the same boat. Now they are breathing down are necks and asking for impossible things. How long do you think I could keep this up. All of this with no insurance coverage. Then they spend $7 MILLION dollars for a 30 second ad during the Super Bowl while the reps aren't even going to come close to the measly $5k bonus.

Is this lazy? Please reply

No not lazy. I understand. What needs to be understood is none of you are special. Excuse me for being so candid. Pharma is as straight forward as it gets now. There are no "new" ideas. None. Over-regulating what one can do, how it can be done and what can be said are what they are. Simply put, disastrous launches where the entire salesforce is making no incentive comp are a dime a dozen. You're in the industry long enough it's nearly unavoidable. Way overzealous/over-ambitious forecasting, non-existent managed market results and leaving a salesforce with no ability to pull-through as scripts are being lost faster than poop through a puppy is the perfect storm. Layoffs will be likely, those who are affected will and will not make sense and those left must pull themselves up by the boot-straps and find a way to carry-on or do your best to land somewhere else promoting products that have better positioning. This is the unavoidable cycle of pharma life...it just is. The sooner one realizes this instead of the constant daily struggle of blame all day every day just sucks the life out of you. Hang in there and take control of your own well-being and next step. Get going.

Why not terminate all who are faking calls? That's falsification of records and eligible for immediate termination.

Now that IS funny! If we terminate everyone that is lying about calls we will have 0 reps!! I lie every single day and will continue to do so! They are too damn stupid to catch me! I have taken call lying to an art level. There was a thread here on CP that started on the AZ thread called the ALL DAY LIE. It has spread to other company threads as well. I am a full time member and proud to say so! Catch me if you can fuckers!

Now that IS funny! If we terminate everyone that is lying about calls we will have 0 reps!! I lie every single day and will continue to do so! They are too damn stupid to catch me! I have taken call lying to an art level. There was a thread here on CP that started on the AZ thread called the ALL DAY LIE. It has spread to other company threads as well. I am a full time member and proud to say so! Catch me if you can fuckers!

Good to know. Thanks for your candor.

Now that IS funny! If we terminate everyone that is lying about calls we will have 0 reps!! I lie every single day and will continue to do so! They are too damn stupid to catch me! I have taken call lying to an art level. There was a thread here on CP that started on the AZ thread called the ALL DAY LIE. It has spread to other company threads as well. I am a full time member and proud to say so! Catch me if you can fuckers!

See you guys straight up admit how lazy and worthless you really are. Sales reps are nothing but a bunch of drama queens, way overpaid, and frankly useless. You reap what you sow

I am seasoned successful Rep that worked for a few companies that had very successful product launches. Now, Astellas problem is the poor marketing plan and poor leadership. First, You must have a plan that engages the customer such as an experience program kit for your top Twelve offices and hold the sales group to those customers. Second, the commercials are terrible what a waste of money! Lastly, you need a celebrity spoke person for the product.

The only reason the West didn't nearly have the the amount of turnover the East had is because our A-Hole VP was shipped to Canada. The environment with him here the first few months of launch was atrocious. The EAST lost a ton of people!

The people with flames aren't making any money. EMBARRASSING!

We are definitely hemorrhaging a bunch of people. Our last call was only about 4 months ago and new people were introduced back then too. No way a company survives like this. The VP and the director level are real big problems here in addition to the lack of financial reward. Every time I heard the word dyson it irritated me.

The only reason the West didn't nearly have the the amount of turnover the East had is because our A-Hole VP was shipped to Canada. The environment with him here the first few months of launch was atrocious. The EAST lost a ton of people!

The people with flames aren't making any money. EMBARRASSING!

I will be back!

Honestly don't know how the leaders got through that community call yesterday. No mic's were opened.
No Q & A. You could sense the fear in most of the voices. Next group of leaders hired in the near future will need to put up a fight for the removal of bonus money for the salesforce. Let this be a lesson learned for their next job. West VP was removed shortly after survey results came out last year. Take surveys seriously!

Clinically, Veozah is a great product, and we hear that every day from our customers. We began this launch with forecasts that were ridiculously optimistic, and an even more optimistic reimbursement plan. Our Q2 and Q3 goals were based on these outlandish forecasts. Our reimbursement plan was based on the idiotic premise that “they will come to us” to negotiate formulary coverage. They were obviously passing around a crack pipe at those meetings…. To make it worse, nobody on our managed market teams could describe accurately how the process worked, but they assured us that “continuity of care” was bulletproof and would work great. Then the story changed again, and again, and again…. We totally jerked our customers and patients around for several months before somebody in leadership pulled their heads out of their a$$es and decided to unleash a copay card that actually worked. Our sales force was able to produce a “hockey stick” in the sales numbers with this new card, and proved once again how important it is for patients to have access to products during a launch. Now we’re on the verge of screwing up this copay card and REALLY pissing off our customers. Great move
We have a good sales force at Astellas. We did our part to launch Veozah and did not get paid decent bonuses during this launch because of the ridiculous product forecast and the poorly managed reimbursement process. MAKE IT RIGHT!!! Every rep in the country should be retroactively paid at target payout for Q2 and Q3, and those that did well should be paid accordingly.

Crybabies, here is news for you. Non-onco. assets will be sold off, talks in progress. Were all onco going forward. Happy unemployment!

You were in on the master plan to take away our bonus. You will pay! This is place is on fire because of that. Major repercussions. Big time mess up. You take my bread, I take your bread. You remove the food from my kids mouth, you will pay. You are already seeing it.

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