Guest tell me, why are you not with quest anymore? who initiated the divorce? on what grounds? what's your tat like? non-reportables? how do your white papers compare to your competitors? is your sales department construed to help your reps succeed? I know your, what percentage actually are successful and are around longer than 24 months? your sales strategy will fail miserably. broad shot-gunning the market-place with more-than-you-need reps in a pre-define territory that won't expand with limited products will only yield laughable results. another pump-n-dump lab. change your vision to be more progressive instead of more reactionary. "This is sales." wow. what an antiquated, obsolete and passe' way of thinking. go ahead and take a seat because there are other companies who not only see the future, but are helping to shape it and buddy......yours is not one of them. I was holding out for some small glimmer of hope with your company.....Failed.
LOL...You think you know so much. How is trolling the internet treating your pathetic excuse of actual industry knowledge? TAT is the exact same as any of the other lab companies so lets just not go down that path. Its irrelevant. Secondly, the Quest relationship was due in large because we would not make our prices cheaper. Simple as that. So the divorce was mutual. No big deal. Lets not make a mountain out of an ant hill with that one. Shot-gunning the market place? Just because a salesforce is expanding is in no way an indication that sales won't expand. Again, this is mostly in preparation for the new divisions that will be launching soon in oncology. However, beyond all the cliche responses to my post in typical CP fashion (also antiquated, obsolete and passe way of thinking) PLEASE enlighten everyone on which companies "see the future" and are "helping to shape it." I am generally curious as to what golden nuggets of information you have to share with everyone in that category.