Seriously? You aren't impressed with KS because he has had 4 different positions in the past 2 years with the company? Let me give you a bit of a clue...Natera is a start up. Yes, it has only been around for 6 years. During expansion years, it is very common to be shifted around to different positions. Some of you are just morons. You have no idea what its like to start and grow an organization. You are probably used to working big pharma jobs where everything is structured perfectly and the only time anything changes is when the company gets suddenly acquired out of thin air. Get over it. He is a great guy and the company is fantastic. New divisions in oncology launching within the next 6 months. Huge expansion in the NIPT division going on right now. They would not need to go through the expansion if the capital and runway wasn't there. So, to answer your question, IF you get hired next week, the odds of you being around 6 months or a year from now are the same as they would be with any other company that is measured on performance base metric system. This is sales. Get it together and quit trolling around on CafePharma. Geez, I promised I wouldn't respond to any ignorance I knew I was going to see on this board.....Failed.