Position- How is the company?


Folks I may have an opportunity in sales. I dont know much about the company but what I read on the site. Tell me about how the technology is being recieved by OBGYNs as well as payers. How much of the sales force is making goal? How much can a rep earn at plan? Just give me your top couple things you like and dont like about the company.


Folks I may have an opportunity in sales. I dont know much about the company but what I read on the site. Tell me about how the technology is being recieved by OBGYNs as well as payers. How much of the sales force is making goal? How much can a rep earn at plan? Just give me your top couple things you like and dont like about the company.


Run Forest Run!

How's it going? Quest dropped Natera like a nasty habit, SQNM just signed with ILMN, but if you like cake this BE the place!

Cake, what the heck does that mean? Like dropping off cake like a pharma rep for business?.....haha ok.

Why did quest drop the assay? Could they not sell it or is the technology crapp? Little more info on why to Run Forest Run would be much appreciated.


Quest dropped Natera due to poor turnaround time and an increased amount of non-reportables.
Then Progenity dropped them the week after.
Then LabCorp started offering their own NIPT and dropped Ariosa.

Ariosa got very lucky by the Roche purchase of the company, otherwise they'd be going down the crapper Natera is going down.

Bottom line is, if you need the money and stability, don't expect this to be long term.

Eat some chili....take a dump....look in toilet....that's Natera. They rob patients and insurance companies, have zero published clinical trials, fire people with zero reason, advance buffoons to management with zero experience, have minimal lab channel partnerships, highest U reportable results in the industry....need a few more reasons?

Eat some chili....take a dump....look in toilet....that's Natera. They rob patients and insurance companies, have zero published clinical trials, fire people with zero reason, advance buffoons to management with zero experience, have minimal lab channel partnerships, highest U reportable results in the industry....need a few more reasons?

Yeah but remember the free cake!

Love DC

Eat some chili....take a dump....look in toilet....that's Natera. They rob patients and insurance companies, have zero published clinical trials, fire people with zero reason, advance buffoons to management with zero experience, have minimal lab channel partnerships, highest U reportable results in the industry....need a few more reasons?

What's the longevity there? Realistically, if I get hired next week.....how long are the odds are I'll be around in 6 months? 1 year?

Seriously? You aren't impressed with KS because he has had 4 different positions in the past 2 years with the company? Let me give you a bit of a clue...Natera is a start up. Yes, it has only been around for 6 years. During expansion years, it is very common to be shifted around to different positions. Some of you are just morons. You have no idea what its like to start and grow an organization. You are probably used to working big pharma jobs where everything is structured perfectly and the only time anything changes is when the company gets suddenly acquired out of thin air. Get over it. He is a great guy and the company is fantastic. New divisions in oncology launching within the next 6 months. Huge expansion in the NIPT division going on right now. They would not need to go through the expansion if the capital and runway wasn't there. So, to answer your question, IF you get hired next week, the odds of you being around 6 months or a year from now are the same as they would be with any other company that is measured on performance base metric system. This is sales. Get it together and quit trolling around on CafePharma. Geez, I promised I wouldn't respond to any ignorance I knew I was going to see on this board.....Failed.

Seriously? You aren't impressed with KS because he has had 4 different positions in the past 2 years with the company? Let me give you a bit of a clue...Natera is a start up. Yes, it has only been around for 6 years. During expansion years, it is very common to be shifted around to different positions. Some of you are just morons. You have no idea what its like to start and grow an organization. You are probably used to working big pharma jobs where everything is structured perfectly and the only time anything changes is when the company gets suddenly acquired out of thin air. Get over it. He is a great guy and the company is fantastic. New divisions in oncology launching within the next 6 months. Huge expansion in the NIPT division going on right now. They would not need to go through the expansion if the capital and runway wasn't there. So, to answer your question, IF you get hired next week, the odds of you being around 6 months or a year from now are the same as they would be with any other company that is measured on performance base metric system. This is sales. Get it together and quit trolling around on CafePharma. Geez, I promised I wouldn't respond to any ignorance I knew I was going to see on this board.....Failed.

lol....ummm.....no. tell me, why are you not with quest anymore? who initiated the divorce? on what grounds? what's your tat like? non-reportables? how do your white papers compare to your competitors? is your sales department construed to help your reps succeed? I know your answer......so, what percentage actually are successful and are around longer than 24 months? your sales strategy will fail miserably. broad shot-gunning the market-place with more-than-you-need reps in a pre-define territory that won't expand with limited products will only yield laughable results. another pump-n-dump lab. change your vision to be more progressive instead of more reactionary. "This is sales." wow. what an antiquated, obsolete and passe' way of thinking. go ahead and take a seat because there are other companies who not only see the future, but are helping to shape it and buddy......yours is not one of them. I was holding out for some small glimmer of hope with your company.....Failed.