Poorly Dressed Reps

I am new to the field, working in specialty Pharma for a small private co.(save all the negative notes on the industry and its demise please, it beats where I was previous). My question re dress is this; How can it hurt to be suited up each day if I am calling on office based customers? Beats dressing like a clown does it not?

Are these boards worth anyones time that is new to the biz, it appears in the few threads I have read its mostly for folks pissed off or reps with to much time on there hands and looking for conflict. Please send me to any boards that may actually be helpful....Thanks.

I have been in Pharmaceutical sales for over 20 years. You can count on one hand the number of times I didn't wear a suit and tie. Those were bad snow days. You can't go wrong by dressing in a presentable manner. I cover urban and rural areas, and a suit is always appropriate. I have never been criticized for 'over dressing'.

All the best in your new career. As an aside, if your company offers stock purchase with re-invested dividends, make sure you enrol.

Dress according to what makes you comfortable and what makes your customers comfortable. I like a suit, while others feel a golf shirt and Dockers is appropriate. Conservative is your best approach, regardless of what you choose to wear.

Dress according to what makes you comfortable and what makes your customers comfortable. I like a suit, while others feel a golf shirt and Dockers is appropriate. Conservative is your best approach, regardless of what you choose to wear.

Ok, this is such a stupid thread. By the time you figure out what to wear, your job will be history or your company will have been bought out. Get a clue. If you have any sense, you will wear what anyone might wear in an office. No one wears a 500 dollar suit and tie to the office unless they work in the financial district, stand in court, or work in the C-suite. Representatives who dress up are NOT going to get told they look stupid, but they do. Older women can dress funky and get away with it. . . because we're OLD! (No flip-flops!) Hospital reps who need to sell in critical care areas should dress down so as to NOT draw any attention to themselves. Device reps almost always wear scrubs even for in-services. I have been doing this most of my adult life. I listen and patients cannot stand to see industry catering a lunch and wearing an expensive suit. It gives off a horrible impression that has helped to stir the pot of discord, leaving the impression we do nothing, are paid too much by an industry that over-charges for prescription drugs. Knock it off. Look at the expressions on the faces of staff and patients in some lobby or office as the different reps parade through the door. You will figure it out real quick. The guy on here obsessed with his suit and tie is probably a sample dropper who has been doing it for 10-plus years. His suit is the only thing that makes him feel valuable and important, which we are not. Important: is the patient, not you or your f&cking clothes.

50 year old male here. Been doing this for 10 years. Previous in sales with a Fortune 500 Co. and always wore a suit. This past summer I started wearing my suit without a tie. So much more comfortable. Now it's a sports jacket, nice dress pants and a nice shirt....and no tie.

I only wear a tie when I'm with my manager. I also keep one in the car, just in case he shows up un announced. I can't stand to have a tie around my neck anymore.

50 year old male here. Been doing this for 10 years. Previous in sales with a Fortune 500 Co. and always wore a suit. This past summer I started wearing my suit without a tie. So much more comfortable. Now it's a sports jacket, nice dress pants and a nice shirt....and no tie.

I only wear a tie when I'm with my manager. I also keep one in the car, just in case he shows up un announced. I can't stand to have a tie around my neck anymore.

20 year pharma vet here - I dress according to the weather - If it is over 85 degress or under 25 degress - No tie. In summer, I wear a golf shirt or a short sleeve dress shirt with dress pants. In the winter on very cold days, I wear cords and a sweater with a turtle neck. I always look professional and feel comfortable at the same time.

Offices have complimented me on my 'casual' dress and most of the docs don't even wear ties anymore. It's really a matter of what you feel comfortable with - there are days I wear a sport coat and tie. I only own one suit and I wear it only for national meetings - I haven't worn a suit in at least 15 years in the field. I may be way off the company 'dress code', but it works for me - I'd rather ask for forgiveness than permission.

I am doing whatever my company tells me to do. Who cares if wearing a suit makes you look stupid, or doesn't give you more time with the doc or puts people off. I do what my company tells me to do.

Female Reps are the worst for dressing down and unprofessionally! I see them in sundresses and flip flops these days...slacks and trashy blouses....

They used to be dressed like professionals- business suit, pantyhose, nice shoes.... Now they dress like skanks from Sex and the City....with tatoos showing

have to agree with this. Capris and tight jackets with low cut tank tops -- but those ARE the ones who get the business.

True, DD. I lost biz to a little trashy whore who let her boobs hang out, always wore skin tight everything in her little size 2s and DDDs. She always looked like she was going out to a club rather than to work, but the docs loved her and still do. I cannot bring myself to dress like that. It's unprofessional to look overly sexy and do this job. I wish they would knock it off because patients do notice!

Has anyone else noticed how casual some reps are dressing these days? The women seem to think that a sweater & pants is acceptable. I never walk out of the house in anything other than a suit, tie etc. It degrades the industry when reps are not professionally dressed! Am I alone on this?
Oh Please....Ya think this makes you credible? "Degrades the industry"? You are nothing BUT a suit.

True, DD. I lost biz to a little trashy whore who let her boobs hang out, always wore skin tight everything in her little size 2s and DDDs. She always looked like she was going out to a club rather than to work, but the docs loved her and still do. I cannot bring myself to dress like that. It's unprofessional to look overly sexy and do this job. I wish they would knock it off because patients do notice!

You lost WHAT business? You don't get "business" - you stock samples and sign up for lunches. The only thing her DDD's got her was maybe a personal hello from the sex-deprived doctor who wanted to see if he could catch a nip-slip. Whatever...this job is not selling anything - it is finding opportunities to deliver a marketing message. In that regard, maybe the boobs help, but it doesn't "move market share." You people are so delusional.

You lost WHAT business? You don't get "business" - you stock samples and sign up for lunches. The only thing her DDD's got her was maybe a personal hello from the sex-deprived doctor who wanted to see if he could catch a nip-slip. Whatever...this job is not selling anything - it is finding opportunities to deliver a marketing message. In that regard, maybe the boobs help, but it doesn't "move market share." You people are so delusional.

Hello! Hey, "boy do I jump to conclusions:" I do not drop samples, seldom bring lunch or any food and I do not call on offices. Some of us that come here are NOT your traditional pharma trained monkeys. But I am in sales and MY business depends on what I can "sell" because my boss is only looking at dollars. I do know if I grew my business when I leave the room.

Hello! Hey, "boy do I jump to conclusions:" I do not drop samples, seldom bring lunch or any food and I do not call on offices. Some of us that come here are NOT your traditional pharma trained monkeys. But I am in sales and MY business depends on what I can "sell" because my boss is only looking at dollars. I do know if I grew my business when I leave the room.

You are the exception to the rule then.

20 year pharma vet here - I dress according to the weather - If it is over 85 degress or under 25 degress - No tie. In summer, I wear a golf shirt or a short sleeve dress shirt with dress pants. In the winter on very cold days, I wear cords and a sweater with a turtle neck. I always look professional and feel comfortable at the same time.

Offices have complimented me on my 'casual' dress and most of the docs don't even wear ties anymore. It's really a matter of what you feel comfortable with - there are days I wear a sport coat and tie. I only own one suit and I wear it only for national meetings - I haven't worn a suit in at least 15 years in the field. I may be way off the company 'dress code', but it works for me - I'd rather ask for forgiveness than permission.

You wear a turtle neck????? Dude, that is really fucking gay.

Hello! Hey, "boy do I jump to conclusions:" I do not drop samples, seldom bring lunch or any food and I do not call on offices. Some of us that come here are NOT your traditional pharma trained monkeys. But I am in sales and MY business depends on what I can "sell" because my boss is only looking at dollars. I do know if I grew my business when I leave the room.

Whatever you have to tell yourself... Anyone who has ever been in pharma in the last 10 years knows exactly how big a tool you are