I am new to the field, working in specialty Pharma for a small private co.(save all the negative notes on the industry and its demise please, it beats where I was previous). My question re dress is this; How can it hurt to be suited up each day if I am calling on office based customers? Beats dressing like a clown does it not?
Are these boards worth anyones time that is new to the biz, it appears in the few threads I have read its mostly for folks pissed off or reps with to much time on there hands and looking for conflict. Please send me to any boards that may actually be helpful....Thanks.
I have been in Pharmaceutical sales for over 20 years. You can count on one hand the number of times I didn't wear a suit and tie. Those were bad snow days. You can't go wrong by dressing in a presentable manner. I cover urban and rural areas, and a suit is always appropriate. I have never been criticized for 'over dressing'.
All the best in your new career. As an aside, if your company offers stock purchase with re-invested dividends, make sure you enrol.