POLL: How long does Cadence have?

Really? 1st year was a foot race. Award with family was touching. It's okay to be upset and Imagree the current ranking system is a joke with established accounts being absorbed w/o data correction, but dissing a top performer and the company's reward??? You lost all credibility. Oh wait.......this is CP.......you never had any credibility.

Really? 1st year was a foot race. Award with family was touching. It's okay to be upset and Imagree the current ranking system is a joke with established accounts being absorbed w/o data correction, but dissing a top performer and the company's reward??? You lost all credibility. Oh wait.......this is CP.......you never had any credibility.

Oh please get off your self righteous soap box. Im not even the original poster, but that wasnt touching. It was a sham and all about how the company looks. That guy got up there and gave this long speech and gave out advice to everyone else. The fact is he has been blessed with a great territory from the very beginning. Sincerely congrats on being number 1, but that doesnt make him any better than most of us. I am happy for someone that wins that award, but they shouldnt be elevated on this gigantic pedistal. Was he truly a better rep than number 2? Why the special treatment.

Really? 1st year was a foot race. Award with family was touching. It's okay to be upset and Imagree the current ranking system is a joke with established accounts being absorbed w/o data correction, but dissing a top performer and the company's reward??? You lost all credibility. Oh wait.......this is CP.......you never had any credibility.

"A Foot race" LOL. I would argue that year 2 really shows what people are made of. Year 1 was mainly based on Hospital Rx timelines. Now we see who can grow and really sell.

"A Foot race" LOL. I would argue that year 2 really shows what people are made of. Year 1 was mainly based on Hospital Rx timelines. Now we see who can grow and really sell.

This is the most ignorant comment I have ever heard. What, finally some of your hospitals are coming onboard after a full year and this shows what you are made of? let's not forgot all the other external forces that come in play like hmmmm I don't know perhaps some of your colleagues near your territories have had early success forcing some of your hospitals to finally come to action. You have absolutely no argument. I would argue the opposite point that perhaps you didn't have what it takes to create a sense of urgency and get the job done within 12 months. Many would also argue that they are fighting for every single vial in a very difficult territory even what some would consider as existing business.

The point is, you have no right to judge other territories and make a false argument like you did. The fact is, in many cases this industry is a joke. Some people are blessed with territories that are a lot easier and a lot more accessible. In the end, you points are meaningless now that many reps have absorbed second territories. Take a look at some of the reps in the top 1/4. Many of them were at the very bottom and then were given several more additional accounts and now suddenly they are at the top and get a pat on the back for a great job in growth and an overinflated and unfair awarded bonus check. The weekly sales report is a complete fraud and everyone knows it, including the reps that are unfairly climbing the rankings. So please, hold your comments about rep growth in the second year as it is now absolutely unfair to compare anyone now, territory versus territory.

you guys write to much. i'm waiting for year four as that will really decide the best rep and if thats not my year i must have meant year 6 or 7 as the true example of being a top rep.

by the way when did cp start advertising a singles forum. are you seeing all the eastern european ladies online. they look like hookers

Other than a VP resigning from the board, I saw where that analyst on yahoo finance talked about us. Something like if we beat the patent infringement in 2013, we should be a buy through 2017. Q2 ahead of forecast. Q3-4 should be too. He's on an island, but it was good to see anything positive. If he answered this thread, he would say Cadence has 4 more years on Ofirmev alone.

Other than a VP resigning from the board, I saw where that analyst on yahoo finance talked about us. Something like if we beat the patent infringement in 2013, we should be a buy through 2017. Q2 ahead of forecast. Q3-4 should be too. He's on an island, but it was good to see anything positive. If he answered this thread, he would say Cadence has 4 more years on Ofirmev alone.

ur a serial poster on multiple thrds, probably during commercial breaks in front of the tube. It is making you stupid. er.

Other than a VP resigning from the board, I saw where that analyst on yahoo finance talked about us. Something like if we beat the patent infringement in 2013, we should be a buy through 2017. Q2 ahead of forecast. Q3-4 should be too. He's on an island, but it was good to see anything positive. If he answered this thread, he would say Cadence has 4 more years on Ofirmev alone.

What..The Seeking Alpha moron?! HAHAHAHA. You can not be buying into his nonsense can you? wow.