POA meetings

But then you mightiest build-a-bear or build-a-bike or whatever the hell they make is do.

LOL. Loved that! I thought the idea was nice, but do these people think? Why have something like that the first night after many people had just traveled by plane for hours. The timing sucked and people were tired and not in the right frame of mind, but then again they are always going to make it convenient for west coast time.

I wish they wouldn't make the nights mandatory events. Not in the mood to hang out at a bar and graze on bar food. Yuck.

They SERIOUSLY need to give us a break in the evenings. I can maybe understand ONE mandatory dinner but not every night. We spend all freaking day together. One needs space and to decompress

Horrible!!! There are 2 mandatory evening activities. Oh what fun :(

Tuesday night will be boxed supper after we're finished with our Habitat for Humanity effort. Wednesday night will be out to dinner with your district and at least one person from home office forcing everyone to act engaged and interested in working for this company.

Tuesday night will be boxed supper after we're finished with our Habitat for Humanity effort. Wednesday night will be out to dinner with your district and at least one person from home office forcing everyone to act engaged and interested in working for this company.

Boxed supper that we can take to our room? Thank god. The least amount of time I have to spend around the management this company the better.

Boxed supper that we can take to our room? Thank god. The least amount of time I have to spend around the management this company the better.

Sorry to give bad news, but both nights are mandatory. Everyone should have received an email regarding the meeting this week where it specifically states 2 mandatory evening events. Sucks.

They had HR ask us to give candid feedback. HR. HR who is loyal and works for the company. To get true feedback, have Unbridled meet with us. Scott tried to reassure us the company is ok. I never got any indication that there would not be a reduction in salesforce.

They had HR ask us to give candid feedback. HR. HR who is loyal and works for the company. To get true feedback, have Unbridled meet with us. Scott tried to reassure us the company is ok. I never got any indication that there would not be a reduction in salesforce.

I tried to give candid feedback a couple of times to my manager. His response? He told me I should find another job.