When people of substance and integrity are gone. When nepotism and phony people are in. Genentech died. Now they are just buildings occupied by hollow people with a political agenda. The field is reduced to a few 2nd and 3rd tier salespeople managed by a bunch of clueless backstabbers and boot-lickers who haven't worked in the past 10 years. Many will soon be looking for their next gig as the shipwreck will finally hit the bottom. How exciting! No company on earth can survive this kind of self mutilation and dismemberment. Only the idiots in SSF and Basel can believe that something good can come out of this. The sad part is that the inept and ruthless senior leaders already have their lifeboats ready to go when it is over. What is left on the shipwreck will be the jerks who have the ludicrous "mindset". Honestly, I think it is funny as hell. You simply cannot make this sh_t up!
The equivalent of replacement players.