Please don't destroy Allergan


We know you are the mother of all Pharma but please give us a chance to survive! All we want to do is find drugs to help people preserve vision, good skin, no headaches and who needs wrinkles!!! We are simple people - it works, please don't break it. Your friendly neighborhood, bold Allergan employee.


We know you are the mother of all Pharma but please give us a chance to survive! All we want to do is find drugs to help people preserve vision, good skin, no headaches and who needs wrinkles!!! We are simple people - it works, please don't break it. Your friendly neighborhood, bold Allergan employee.

But you can get rid of all the Forest people. Please. BTW. You should hear what they say about you guys. Wow. It ain't pretty

Ask around and if people are ready to talk to you they will tell you that Allergan as a company has lost value, good people, good culture and good processes since Actavis took over. Actavis management has never really ran a company.. they are M&A 'experts'

We know you are the mother of all Pharma but please give us a chance to survive! All we want to do is find drugs to help people preserve vision, good skin, no headaches and who needs wrinkles!!! We are simple people - it works, please don't break it. Your friendly neighborhood, bold Allergan employee.

Look at all the other companies Pfizer has purchased and you can determine your fate:
Warner lambert
All the others

Look at all the other companies Pfizer has purchased and you can determine your fate:
Warner lambert
All the others

Yes but Forest AKA Actavis AKA Allergan is bringing over legacy Forest Brent Saunders and Bill Mauery.

And Bill Mauery will bring Jerry Lynch......and Carry Renner.

Remember the name Carry will not forget him. Ha.

Check out the Carry Renner thread on the Actavis CP thread.

but we must, that's what we the company, keep the products and get rid of the people. Pfizer has no real interest in developing products, we suck at it, so we must buy other peoples products

legally it's called a merger. The DMs might have been told to do this. But don't be fooled. Pfizer is calling all the shots here.

But Brett S and Bill M are already heading to Pfizer.....and BS and BM will take legacy Forest people with Jerry L and Cary R. Jerry and Cary will make sure that Forest reps are protected.

But Brett S and Bill M are already heading to Pfizer.....and BS and BM will take legacy Forest people with Jerry L and Cary R. Jerry and Cary will make sure that Forest reps are protected.

50/50 odds that Brent stays with PFE after the close. He wanted the top job and didn't get it, and he doesn't like being #2. He could make a lot more money by walking with his $150 Mil and starting all over again with another small company. If BS leaves, Allergan is toast. If he stays, could be painful for Pfizer.

Yes but Forest AKA Actavis AKA Allergan is bringing over legacy Forest Brent Saunders and Bill Mauery.

And Bill Mauery will bring Jerry Lynch......and Carry Renner.

Remember the name Carry will not forget him. Ha.

Check out the Carry Renner thread on the Actavis CP thread.

Lets be clear: no one does anything here unless Pfizer senior leadership approves it. Former Actavis or Allergan people could try to bring in reconstituted Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, AND Og Mandino, and Pfizer would STILL veto the move and choose one of our own patsies. This is how we roll. Read the Fortune Mag. article on Pfizer for a dumbed-down version of how we roll.

When I came here in the later 90s, within a few years I'd noticed that the COX-2 portfolio, Warner Lambert's Lipitor team, Pharmacia's Oncology team, etc etc etc were mostly supplanted by people that didn't need to be "Pfizerized" (a term you'd better get used to).
Pfizer people that would have NEVER moved up th food chain had it not been for the windfall of new products were now Director, Team Leader over departments that just a few months earlier were run entirely by competent people with a different logo on their paychecks.

How many sucky Pfizer reps or Managers moved over to lead districts and regions with their antagonistic "if you don't like it, Burger King is hiring" attitudes? (I remember well the horror stories from PD people when they attended their first Pfizer POA headed by one of Pfizer's empty suit.)

If you don't believe me, read the Fortune Magazine article for a PG13 version of an X rated movie showing how we rolled back then.

Yes but Forest AKA Actavis AKA Allergan is bringing over legacy Forest Brent Saunders and Bill Mauery.

And Bill Mauery will bring Jerry Lynch......and Carry Renner.

Remember the name Carry will not forget him. Ha.

Check out the Carry Renner thread on the Actavis CP thread.

Wyeth boy GET OVER IT ....PFE is unstoppable and your whining on boards for YEARS is pathetic.....Go post another retirement thread

Wyeth boy GET OVER IT ....PFE is unstoppable and your whining on boards for YEARS is pathetic.....Go post another retirement thread

I'm one Wyeth person who has seen the Pfizer buyout as a huge positive. Sure, Pfizer cut out a lot of fat and nonsense, but anyone arguing that such action wasn't needed is kidding themselves. Other industry players may hate Pfizer for being the Borg of the Pharmaceutical industry, but they cannot argue with the fact that the company remains in the top tier and will remain so.

I'm one Wyeth person who has seen the Pfizer buyout as a huge positive. Sure, Pfizer cut out a lot of fat and nonsense, but anyone arguing that such action wasn't needed is kidding themselves. Other industry players may hate Pfizer for being the Borg of the Pharmaceutical industry, but they cannot argue with the fact that the company remains in the top tier and will remain so.
The difference here is this is Alergan in 2016 and not Wyeth back in the day. The fat to be cut at Allergan was already addressed by BS. In today's pairing, the fat is on Pfizer but are we ready to admit it?

Amen to the above post. We didn't get to be in the position we are without making the tough choices to clean house when there was overlap. If you aren't here anymore it's because you weren't pulling your weight. Stop complaining and realize this is corporate America.