Please don't destroy Allergan

Amen to the above post. We didn't get to be in the position we are without making the tough choices to clean house when there was overlap. If you aren't here anymore it's because you weren't pulling your weight. Stop complaining and realize this is corporate America.

This is only half true. Many HQs at Corporate America are loaded with sycophants and cronies. Many leadership books and articles point out this fact. Yes, Pfizer HAD gotten rid of a lot of dead weight, but some of those deleted from our payroll were cut because they were too sharp or were independent thinkers that did not "align" with the right leaders. Its not quite as bad as it used to be 10 years ago, but we still could lose a layer of management inside and out, and some divisions out in the field, and not lose a step.

While I'm on it, this whole business model of managers' small districts, rep redundancy, KAMs, etc is a 1990s strategy that should've gone away 10 years ago. I'm reaping the benefits (as are most reading this), but it makes no sense any more.

The difference here is this is Alergan in 2016 and not Wyeth back in the day. The fat to be cut at Allergan was already addressed by BS. In today's pairing, the fat is on Pfizer but are we ready to admit it?

There is STILL fat at Forest....I mean Actavis....I mean be cut. The 90s POD selling method that occurs in Forest/Actavis/Allergan??? Does Forest still need all of the reps that it has now?

And why does Forest/Actavis/Allergan need all of these Chiefs? People like Bill M, Jerry L and Cary R....basically all doing the same job??

The difference here is this is Alergan in 2016 and not Wyeth back in the day. The fat to be cut at Allergan was already addressed by BS. In today's pairing, the fat is on Pfizer but are we ready to admit it?

What fat are you referring to?

The way I see it, Pfizer cut itself down as much as any of the legacy organisations it has taken over. It doesn't do sentimentality, which I like.

There is STILL fat at Forest....I mean Actavis....I mean be cut. The 90s POD selling method that occurs in Forest/Actavis/Allergan??? Does Forest still need all of the reps that it has now?

And why does Forest/Actavis/Allergan need all of these Chiefs? People like Bill M, Jerry L and Cary R....basically all doing the same job??

Try to find Pfizer employees that were senior managers from the companies that we "ate" over the past 15 years. For those that claim that we have plenty I submit to you that the great majority either didn't want to come over, or were never offered a spot here.

Don't you worry your sweet little head none about all of these people that you keep posting about. Odds are that by mid 2017 they'll be headed over to Publicis Touchpoint or InVentiv with hat in hand.

Try to find Pfizer employees that were senior managers from the companies that we "ate" over the past 15 years. For those that claim that we have plenty I submit to you that the great majority either didn't want to come over, or were never offered a spot here.

Don't you worry your sweet little head none about all of these people that you keep posting about. Odds are that by mid 2017 they'll be headed over to Publicis Touchpoint or InVentiv with hat in hand.
If that's the case, that is worrisome. There are some very decent leaders in Allrgan post actavis merger (these were the ones that made the cut) and it would be sad to see them go simply because there is perceived overlap with a Pfizer person

Allergan isn't a real pharmaceutical company anyway! It's a mess of small companies bolted together into one ugly construct. Just don't look under the hood!

Bunch of companies bolted together? You mean like Sanofi Aventis, our very own Pfizer, and Novartis? Tell me, great sage of E. 42nd St, outside of Viagra (launched during Bill Clinton's administration---NO coincidence, that) which one of our recent blockbusters did we discover and bring to market? None of our pain drugs, no vaccines, and none of our oncology drugs were discovered here. Sheeee-it, if it wasn't for Warner Lambert and Pharmacia, and co-promotes with Esai, UCB, BI, etc, someone would've eaten us whole 10 years ago.

Bottom line is that we aint no better than Allergan, OK? I really hate the arrogance of this company!

One more thing---as another poster pointed out, only one pharma company has been the cover story of a major financial/business magazine in a funky TMZ-type expose'. Ours. Just don't look under YOUR OWN hood!

Bunch of companies bolted together? You mean like Sanofi Aventis, our very own Pfizer, and Novartis? Tell me, great sage of E. 42nd St, outside of Viagra (launched during Bill Clinton's administration---NO coincidence, that) which one of our recent blockbusters did we discover and bring to market? None of our pain drugs, no vaccines, and none of our oncology drugs were discovered here. Sheeee-it, if it wasn't for Warner Lambert and Pharmacia, and co-promotes with Esai, UCB, BI, etc, someone would've eaten us whole 10 years ago.

Bottom line is that we aint no better than Allergan, OK? I really hate the arrogance of this company!

One more thing---as another poster pointed out, only one pharma company has been the cover story of a major financial/business magazine in a funky TMZ-type expose'. Ours. Just don't look under YOUR OWN hood!

I'm one Wyeth person who has seen the Pfizer buyout as a huge positive. Sure, Pfizer cut out a lot of fat and nonsense, but anyone arguing that such action wasn't needed is kidding themselves. Other industry players may hate Pfizer for being the Borg of the Pharmaceutical industry, but they cannot argue with the fact that the company remains in the top tier and will remain so.
Oh yeah. Stock price reflects this. LoL.
BTW I'm legacy pharmacia....pfe killed our can do culture. Now pfe is eating their own.

Oh yeah. Stock price reflects this. LoL.
BTW I'm legacy pharmacia....pfe killed our can do culture. Now pfe is eating their own.
Legacy Pharmacia and Warner Lambert people that are here know the real deal. If you can still find some inside HQ, ask them what it was like to be Pfizerized, or to have to deal with dregs that we used to have at that short-lived General Business Manager role.

Bunch of companies bolted together? You mean like Sanofi Aventis, our very own Pfizer, and Novartis? Tell me, great sage of E. 42nd St, outside of Viagra (launched during Bill Clinton's administration---NO coincidence, that) which one of our recent blockbusters did we discover and bring to market? None of our pain drugs, no vaccines, and none of our oncology drugs were discovered here. Sheeee-it, if it wasn't for Warner Lambert and Pharmacia, and co-promotes with Esai, UCB, BI, etc, someone would've eaten us whole 10 years ago.

Bottom line is that we aint no better than Allergan, OK? I really hate the arrogance of this company!

One more thing---as another poster pointed out, only one pharma company has been the cover story of a major financial/business magazine in a funky TMZ-type expose'. Ours. Just don't look under YOUR OWN hood!

Dummy! You missed the most important point. Pfizer bought BIG companies with real research and real products that brought in tens of billions of dollars. Examples - Warner Lambert, Pharmacia and Wyeth. They were good investments, even though Pfizer then trashed them. Allergan on the other hand bought an ugly mess of SMALL companies, none of which had any critical mass, meaningful research or a broad portfolio of products. Allergan looks like a corporation built on hype rather than the substance that Pfizer was (painfully) built on.

Dummy! You missed the most important point. Pfizer bought BIG companies with real research and real products that brought in tens of billions of dollars. Examples - Warner Lambert, Pharmacia and Wyeth. They were good investments, even though Pfizer then trashed them. Allergan on the other hand bought an ugly mess of SMALL companies, none of which had any critical mass, meaningful research or a broad portfolio of products. Allergan looks like a corporation built on hype rather than the substance that Pfizer was (painfully) built on.

You miss the point. Allergan/Acatavis/Forest brings the Irish Tax rate. That is like basically bringing several Billion dollar products into the current portfolio immediately. Who cares about the products. He'll keep Botox. Maybe Linzess. That would be gravy. But sell the rest and cut the people.

Oh yeah. Stock price reflects this. LoL.
BTW I'm legacy pharmacia....pfe killed our can do culture. Now pfe is eating their own.

Legacy who?

You can use your rose tinted 20/20 hinsight to convince yourself that pharmacia and the other legacy companies were doing better before being bought out, but the fact remains that those at the top of these organisations knew that selling out was the best way forward for the companies in question.

See, unlike you & your romantic vision of the past these guys have access to a crystal ball, and could see that the future was bleak on their own, so they chose the comfort that can be garnered only by cosying up to a rich sugardaddy.

Sure, these guys at the top benefitted hugely in the course of proceedings but if you are in a broken down car stuck in the middle of a rail crossing with a huge locomotive bearing down upon you, you take whatever help necessary to help you get out of its way.

Analogies aside, procrastination over what you believe might have been doesn't reflect reality. Could've; Would've; Might have, neglects the reality of the relatively recent & contemporary business logic & strategy, which (notwithstanding that it can & is sometimes cruel and uncompromising) is uncaring beyond improving the bottom line. In this scenario, might is right, and might comes from who holds the biggest stick to beat everyone else with.

I like you, don't like that this is the way things are, but y'know when push comes to shove it's better to be on board a battleship during a war at sea than a dingy.

Look on the bright side; at least you didn't get to suffer the indignity of the inevitable demise of your company as by now your top selling product would most likely be the active ingredient for medicated dog shampoo.

You miss the point. Allergan/Acatavis/Forest brings the Irish Tax rate. That is like basically bringing several Billion dollar products into the current portfolio immediately. Who cares about the products. He'll keep Botox. Maybe Linzess. That would be gravy. But sell the rest and cut the people.

Doubt Pfizer would be foolish enough to sell too many Activis legacy products. Many are market leaders or approaching market share leaders. Likewise Botox franchise has no end in sight for potential therapeutic uses, and AGN has some good quality eye products. We shall see!

We know you are the mother of all Pharma but please give us a chance to survive! All we want to do is find drugs to help people preserve vision, good skin, no headaches and who needs wrinkles!!! We are simple people - it works, please don't break it. Your friendly neighborhood, bold Allergan employee.

Pfizer will absolutely destroy Allergan, just like it destroyed Warner Lambert, Pharmacia, and Wyeth. You can count on it. They can't produce new products, so they have to buy good companies to keep their stock price reasonable.

Pfizer is the worst, and will go down as the worst pharmaceutical company in the the history of this industry.

Never buy their stock, because they don't stand for anything, and they can't produce anything.

Pfizer will absolutely destroy Allergan, just like it destroyed Warner Lambert, Pharmacia, and Wyeth. You can count on it. They can't produce new products, so they have to buy good companies to keep their stock price reasonable.

Pfizer is the worst, and will go down as the worst pharmaceutical company in the the history of this industry.

Never buy their stock, because they don't stand for anything, and they can't produce anything.

Pfizer will absolutely destroy Allergan, just like it destroyed Warner Lambert, Pharmacia, and Wyeth. You can count on it. They can't produce new products, so they have to buy good companies to keep their stock price reasonable.

Pfizer is the worst, and will go down as the worst pharmaceutical company in the the history of this industry.

Never buy their stock, because they don't stand for anything, and they can't produce anything.

At least with Pfizer you know that it's always only a matter of time before they buy someone else. That makes the stock relatively stable.

Most big pharma has been suffering from an innovation drought. If you think Pfizer is bad at least they buy other companies to shore up the company. Take the like of Lilly as an example of how much worse things could be, who haven't produced anything of significance for a decade & is living on borrowed time.

If you seek a quick buck gamble then you buy stock like regeneron & then wit for them to get bought out by the likes of Pfizer. LOL.