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Please Bring Back Mark Booth!


Mark Booth yes I can see. Mark Dabrowski? Really you are kidding right. He was the most insecure piece of dirt that lived and breathed. I had an interview with him and one of his EARTH SHATTERING questions, oh god, lets just go TWO of his questions what the heck: Number one--what does PROACTIVE stand for? Question number two, the mcdaddy of all mcdaddy questions---"So, what are people saying about me in the Training Department these days?" So please, for the love of a company car, and paid gas----dont suggest that num-nut come back....I would much rather slit my wrist!!!

Dabroski was a good guy. I worked for him. Frankly, if your were an Actos rep and you didn't know what the acronym for the largest CV outcomes study (PROspective pioglitAzone Clinical Trial In MacroVascular Events) in the OAD market stood for, you had no business applying for a training position. He asked you a valid question. You didn't get the job. Obviously it was Mark's fault that you weren't fully prepared right?

Mark Booth yes I can see. Mark Dabrowski? Really you are kidding right. He was the most insecure piece of dirt that lived and breathed. I had an interview with him and one of his EARTH SHATTERING questions, oh god, lets just go TWO of his questions what the heck: Number one--what does PROACTIVE stand for? Question number two, the mcdaddy of all mcdaddy questions---"So, what are people saying about me in the Training Department these days?" So please, for the love of a company car, and paid gas----dont suggest that num-nut come back....I would much rather slit my wrist!!!

He asked me the same question about "PROACTIVE". I told him it was to clear up my "zits"...needless to say I didn't get the job either. And in an ironic turn of events I ended up selling zit medicine...go figure!

I say bring back Alan McKenzie!! He started our company and was the BEST! He wouldn't have us promoting an ARB. He wouldn't have wasted millions of dollars on a weight loss product.

We are a floundering company with upper management doing all they can to protect THEMSELVES. They are not doing what is best for the company.

They should have kept Booth and Alan-they get along and would have been a good team. Seriously what has the current leadership really accomplished. The layoffs is the one thing they can point to and even that was done late.

Seriously, under Booth we had a motivating culture, a vision and we pretty much hit the #s. I felt connected to the company....had anybody heard senior leadership articuate a vision for TAPEDA....really, how can you inspire any confidence unless you can talk intelligently about the future. This crew can't figure out tomorrow much less next year.

Let's not forget that Mark Booth convinced Takeda to buy into Contrave. Then again, I guess we can conclude that Mark Booth was smart and saavy enough to convince Takeda to risk $50 million and keep ourselves "right-sized" for a high-risk, low-reward weight loss drug. Hell, at least Mark Booth is out there doing SOMETHING! I have to agree that he may not have been the "ultimate" corporate leader but he sure as hell carried himself with a whole lot more confidence, credibility and mutual respect compared to these jokers we have now. The only time I've heard or seen John Campbell was during our last national meeting and during a webcast after the layoffs. Does Shinji really have any influence at TPNA? I finally heard the first words from my Area Director at my recent POA during a pre-recorded message. That dumbass has been my Area Director since the TAP/Takeda integration and he just barely sent an introductory message to his teams a few weeks ago - seriously. Pre-recorded no less! What a joke.

What makes anyone think Booth would want to rejoin this clusterf@#$! of a company-can you imagine that conversation!


Takeda: hey come join us
Booth: why?
Tak: hey we got EDARBI, we saved Actos for at least one year, Teva is going down and we may just have Actos for a while, we have advanced cancer drug, we are making alliances with R&D companies, we have GPS monitoring in all our vehicles now, morale is all time high, most reps are working 50-60 hours a week on their own, whats not to love.
Booth: sign me up and while your at it send me a non-compete.

There is a common theme in this thread-can anyone in leadership these days actually articulate a 3 year plan....where are we going and how are we going to get there? Shinji-we need to know and deserve to know. Whats the freakin plan?!

There is a common theme in this thread-can anyone in leadership these days actually articulate a 3 year plan....where are we going and how are we going to get there? Shinji-we need to know and deserve to know. Whats the freakin plan?!

The "Plan"-"Put your head between your knees and sing Dixie"! Easy enough??

I say bring back Alan McKenzie!! He started our company and was the BEST! He wouldn't have us promoting an ARB. He wouldn't have wasted millions of dollars on a weight loss product.

We are a floundering company with upper management doing all they can to protect THEMSELVES. They are not doing what is best for the company.

Idiot. The reason you had Alo delayed, contrave axed and lapaquistat axed was because Alan "kickback" McKenzie pissed off the FDA soooo bad with his Lupron shenanigans. Layoffs and zero products can be laid right at Alan's feet. That is why he is gone.

Dean Hart was the best VP the company ever had...period.