there have been good questions in this thread, anyone have speculations?

In response to the question- Why "next year" when things are so poor now?

The person you meant it for will never give you a reasonable answer but I will answer.
It's a practice of continuing to promise great things in the future because it's all they can do. History and the current situation do not give any reason for optimism, so they do the next best thing which is to be exuberant about the future with not much to base it on. Sound familar? They don't learn.

Im not sure what these people are thinking. They are PIPing top performers that speak up, new hires, and everyone inbetween. If you don't kiss their bottoms and tow the line you are out. The problem is that there are 4-5 companies just dying to get us and we will see a mass exodus from the field force in Q1. There wont be anyone left that truly knows the marketplace/customer base and infusions will continue to decline.

Maybe they want this as we've all heard of a massive headcount reduction in the sales force here shortly.....no need to have more than 40 reps nationwide. They continue to hire rep after rep for the same territory which is absurd. It's funny how there has been ZERO communication on all the people that have left in the last 3 weeks. Many more will be gone before Q2 as well.

Sad because Provenge is such a revolutionary product but the management team from the new DMs to the RDs on up are so clueless this place is already sunk. Hopefully JJ has an ace up his sleeve and has already negotiated a sale.

All complete BS from someone that does not work for the company. He is here solely to spread false rumors in his efforts to hurt the 1,000 employees of Dendreon. He could care less how many people he hurts so long as he can try to profit from his short position in the stock.

Im not sure what these people are thinking. They are PIPing top performers that speak up, new hires, and everyone inbetween. If you don't kiss their bottoms and tow the line you are out. The problem is that there are 4-5 companies just dying to get us and we will see a mass exodus from the field force in Q1. There wont be anyone left that truly knows the marketplace/customer base and infusions will continue to decline.

Maybe they want this as we've all heard of a massive headcount reduction in the sales force here shortly.....no need to have more than 40 reps nationwide. They continue to hire rep after rep for the same territory which is absurd. It's funny how there has been ZERO communication on all the people that have left in the last 3 weeks. Many more will be gone before Q2 as well.

Sad because Provenge is such a revolutionary product but the management team from the new DMs to the RDs on up are so clueless this place is already sunk. Hopefully JJ has an ace up his sleeve and has already negotiated a sale.
This person works for Dendreon. You may argue with their opinion but not the validity that they work there.

I am legit... Pips happened and they are not legit. unrealistic goals in a very short time frame are the norm here. My territory had HUGE reimbursement issues where infusing MD's were burned for MONTHS! I don't blame them for not wanting to infuse, until they were paid... and then they were/are still concerned. Being out $90,000 x 4 for months is no laughing matter!
All is not Rosey here... Half of us in the district are actively looking to move on while other districts as a whole are looking to move on.

My territory had HUGE reimbursement issues where infusing MD's were burned for MONTHS! I don't blame them for not wanting to infuse, until they were paid... and then they were/are still concerned. Being out $90,000 x 4 for months is no laughing matter!

Owners of the company never knew about this "cost density" issue until it was too late.
Management always knew the 93k had to be fronted by providers. This was news owners of the company wish they had known before becoming owners.

Owners of the company first found out on August 3, 2011 that docs had to front this money and have uncertainty about that kind of money. By this time it was too late. Owners lost 3 billion the day they found this out.

The reimbusement issues have behind us fo over a year. Providers are being paid within 2 to 4 weeks and are offered 3 months credit, so they receive financial float on top of the $6,000 they are paid at asp +6%.

Owners of the company never knew about this "cost density" issue until it was too late.
Management always knew the 93k had to be fronted by providers. This was news owners of the company wish they had known before becoming owners.

Owners of the company first found out on August 3, 2011 that docs had to front this money and have uncertainty about that kind of money. By this time it was too late. Owners lost 3 billion the day they found this out.

Someone might claim the "cost density" issues are over, but the legal issues surrounding the disclosure of this issue and when it was first disclosed to owners of the company are far from over.

Rick Hamm and Dendreon always knew this cost 93k over 4-6 weeks and had to be fronted by providers. This is a first of its kind dynamic in any drug launch

If Rick Hamm thinks he can just write generic risk factors that would apply for almost any drug launch and not include very specific rick factors for a first of its kind "paradigm shift" then his Harvard Law and Wharton Business Education were a pathetic waste. His sudden and mysterious resignation shortly before the August 3, 2011 disaster leave all kinds of questions.

The reimbusement issues have behind us fo over a year. Providers are being paid within 2 to 4 weeks and are offered 3 months credit, so they receive financial float on top of the $6,000 they are paid at asp +6%.

If the MD's only believed there was a clinical benefit for their patients, we'd be just fine.

The "cost density" issues are long over with. That is a fact and not a "claim". The MDs are getting reimbursed in 2 to 4 weeks. Hamm left the company over a year and a half ago. OCD.

The "cost density" issues are long over with. That is a fact and not a "claim". The MDs are getting reimbursed in 2 to 4 weeks. Hamm left the company over a year and a half ago. OCD.

There is a post that says there are lingering issues of "concern." You are recently too cowardly to quote posts but it seems your post was a response to that post. Who the fuck are you to negate what a saleperson is saying and claim there aren't lingering trust issues? There had to have been some providers in the past who had terrible experiences with "cost density." Have you ever been a salesperson? Or a human being? Trust is a hard thing to gain back. "Concerns" linger for a long time.

It sure can't help provider trust when the CEO who first told the owners of this company about this "cost density" issue on August 3, 2011 is still a very highly compensated employee of the company.

Your contstant posts minimizing time frames of events that happened a year ago, a year and a half ago in the legal world are CURRENT events. Those are short time frames.

Owners of the company never knew about this "cost density" issue until it was too late.
Management always knew the 93k had to be fronted by providers. This was news owners of the company wish they had known before becoming owners.

Owners of the company first found out on August 3, 2011 that docs had to front this money and have uncertainty about that kind of money. By this time it was too late. Owners lost 3 billion the day they found this out.

Good post. All great points...

I am legit... Pips happened and they are not legit. unrealistic goals in a very short time frame are the norm here. My territory had HUGE reimbursement issues where infusing MD's were burned for MONTHS! I don't blame them for not wanting to infuse, until they were paid... and then they were/are still concerned. Being out $90,000 x 4 for months is no laughing matter!
All is not Rosey here... Half of us in the district are actively looking to move on while other districts as a whole are looking to move on.

I'm just waiting for mine to come around. There are so many of us that have been in discussion on suing for a hostile work environment. This mgmt team has another thing coming. One call to OIG and "poof!"

I'm just waiting for mine to come around. There are so many of us that have been in discussion on suing for a hostile work environment. This mgmt team has another thing coming. One call to OIG and "poof!"

Talk to the Chief Compliance Officer. That would be the one they waited 4 months to hire when he was just blocks away at Seattle Genetics. Conveniently there was no CCO during the 4th quarter of 2011 and all or most of January 2012.