PIP Question

And why are our products so expensive? Hmmmm.

Probably the hundreds of millions vasella & his ilk fleeced from Novartis , the billion in fines for various reasons & wasteful investments in things like diagnostics that lost more billions as well as white elephants like the NIBR Oh & lost revenue from shuttered feces laden plants like Lincoln Nebraska & the patent expirations didn't help

Of course big pharma at least for the time being can suck on the teet of govt welfare with idiotic restrictions on price negotiations & re-importation the spineless politicians succumbed to via billion $ lobbying effort by pharma , most of it during the Med D , negotiations

Thanks for the idea. I think I will go see my doc tomorrow and claim back pain. You can say you got it at work from sitting too long and getting up too quickly. Work comp is even better.

Take medical or psych leave during pip and find another job or start process. You can't get fired while on leave