Pip/goals/ legal question

of course, when there is discrimination is discrimination, that is called a tautology you fucking moron.

and nothing above spoke of discrimination, just ludicrous whining about bad data and how unfair the pmp system is. but if it makes you feel better to think that you came out of this looking good by finally coming around to agreeing that when there is discrimination then there is, you can keep on bro. it looks like you have it down pat the ol' "soft bigotry of low expectations" deal ya' know, after all, you are a scum bag slinger of worthless pharma hash.

Nice mouth. I am sure you make your family proud!

of course, when there is discrimination is discrimination, that is called a tautology you fucking moron.

and nothing above spoke of discrimination, just ludicrous whining about bad data and how unfair the pmp system is. but if it makes you feel better to think that you came out of this looking good by finally coming around to agreeing that when there is discrimination then there is, you can keep on bro. it looks like you have it down pat the ol' "soft bigotry of low expectations" deal ya' know, after all, you are a scum bag slinger of worthless pharma hash.

Someone is STUCK with their anger.

of course, when there is discrimination is discrimination, that is called a tautology you fucking moron.

and nothing above spoke of discrimination, just ludicrous whining about bad data and how unfair the pmp system is. but if it makes you feel better to think that you came out of this looking good by finally coming around to agreeing that when there is discrimination then there is, you can keep on bro. it looks like you have it down pat the ol' "soft bigotry of low expectations" deal ya' know, after all, you are a scum bag slinger of worthless pharma hash.

Wow and what does that make you bro? You think you are so smart. Fate is on the way big boy.

of course, when there is discrimination is discrimination, that is called a tautology you fucking moron.

and nothing above spoke of discrimination, just ludicrous whining about bad data and how unfair the pmp system is. but if it makes you feel better to think that you came out of this looking good by finally coming around to agreeing that when there is discrimination then there is, you can keep on bro. it looks like you have it down pat the ol' "soft bigotry of low expectations" deal ya' know, after all, you are a scum bag slinger of worthless pharma hash.

No worries law enforcement has it all under control. Sleep well.

Big boy. You are constantly on cafe pharma. You thought you would just drive me out. You have affected too many lives. Nothing is sealed. All technology can be traced. Everyone knows what a scum bucket you really are amongst a variety of companies. They kept you hear to cover things up. Your fate is on the way big boy. Have a great weekend.

Having packages sent through the mail is considered a federal crime. Everything can be traced-including your love affair with a desperate horse lover. Perhaps your wife should be informed, ya know since you enjoyed sending porn to someone else's wife.

Having packages sent through the mail is considered a federal crime. Everything can be traced-including your love affair with a desperate horse lover. Perhaps your wife should be informed, ya know since you enjoyed sending porn to someone else's wife.

Boy is Novartis lucky not to have you on board anymore.

Having packages sent through the mail is considered a federal crime. Everything can be traced-including your love affair with a desperate horse lover. Perhaps your wife should be informed, ya know since you enjoyed sending porn to someone else's wife.

Oh no it wasn't me it was my partner in crime. Before you decide to do any more shit, just remember that I have a relative that is an ex-attorney in the white house. Keep that in mind when you and your partner in crime continue to use mobile devices to plot the next PIP VAL AV.

Oh no it wasn't me it was my partner in crime. Before you decide to do any more shit, just remember that I have a relative that is an ex-attorney in the white house. Keep that in mind when you and your partner in crime continue to use mobile devices to plot the next PIP VAL AV.

Happy Belated Father's Day to you. What an All American allstar dad you are.

Having packages sent through the mail is considered a federal crime. Everything can be traced-including your love affair with a desperate horse lover. Perhaps your wife should be informed, ya know since you enjoyed sending porn to someone else's wife.

It might become the next Lorrain ST-abbit case. Got the idea. Have your partner in crime stay away from my family, neighborhood, gyms, and county. Novartis is very lucky that you left after what they went through over you and what all the other women went through. We are not playing.

It might become the next Lorrain ST-abbit case. Got the idea. Have your partner in crime stay away from my family, neighborhood, gyms, and county. Novartis is very lucky that you left after what they went through over you and what all the other women went through. We are not playing.

Just ask for a severance and take the money and run. The intranet has payouts. Be sure to line up your next gig first