great friends outside of pharma can't fathom how someone like me, (award-winning, polished, professional account executive-(I was in managment at one point too) can end up in his 50s, unemployed, uninsured, unemployable, and basically blacklisted because I spent 24 years in this insane industry. (Of course, it was a great industry when I joined in the 80s.)
Pharma is a sick, twisted, and bizarre industry...How I rue the day I ever joined the industry and wasted so many valuable years.
Good luck and thanks again for your wonderful post.
Wow, justnsawnthismthread, you just defined my life to a T.
OP if you are still here, Here's what I have observed:
1. Anyone in your company, who is not now in the field, can not grasp what sales reps lives are about. They don't get the daily negativity/rejection of sales (they say it must be tough to do but they don't understand), so they don't understand the free car, high bonuses, promotions, trips, etc. They work in a bureaucracy, with cubicles. Dilbert's, nice people, but office people.
2. Managers don't always make decisions on PIP's, it comes from above.
You cost them too much over time; higher salary, big bonus, etc., multiple charges to insurance plan (kids, spouse). New reps cost far less. White males are costly.
3. You think you're good but rookies can get the business after about a year, too, and for far less $, true or not. They can get a lot of business with contract reps and they can have 2 of them for your cost, 5 for the cost of a DM.
4. You've got the awards, but HQ still think its 50% them and luck, plus their hard work; they get you the great plan coverage; anyone can sell doctors-they aren't business smart, they'll buy anything if they have free samples/lunches/dinners/speaking fees, etc. Advertising brings in a lot of business, ie, Claritin, Nexium, Vaniqua, etc.
5. Now, most Doctors often have to suggest/prescribe something or they could be sued for failure to treat. Truth is, it's not rocket science, I have convinced docs to write without the science and convinced some with weak pooled-data or the n=30 pt. study data 5 that the company gave us to make our me-too look like it was better (love that evidence-based medicine argument too) remember, rookies believe all that stuff in training and yet experienced
6. Did you know that the line is, "He or she has had multiple awards, it must be due to the territory, coverage, etc.? Let's hire someone cheaper.
7. What manager is valuable? I know, I am one of the highest ranked at my company and was dumped and have seen tons of great ones cut.
Is there any other industry that sells to people that don't buy anything?
Think Lobbyists and Congress.
Client needs RX, doctor gives free samples to try, it works and patient pays only a portion of the cost(premiums and copay) and their company pays the rest.
Any of you had a serious life threatening illness in your family? Final bill of $200-$300k?
What were you paying in premiums? You are expensive. You really think the dirty scum at BCBS doesn't alert employer to costly claims, by Region/state. People knew about the surgery your child had to save their life.
It all adds up, you cost too much and they think you can be replaced for less with a brand new employee who "loves helping people and saving lives".
"do not think so highly of yourselves", it's a business, to make $$$$$.