Pioneer Sites - What have you heard?

The list of Pioneer territories is far less than the information they convey about layoffs and placements. Whether or not you happen to be in one of the first territories, you will learn extremely valuable information about what will inevitably come.

I heard BAMs and RGMs have to interview as well for positions. Their geographies are pretty large, so where do they fit in? Impacted or Affected?

During full rollout they will be impacted. For pioneers it is some of both. Depending on the BAM/RGM some will go for the manager/director roll. Others for BEM and probably some will be TAMs. Some RGMs might be competitive for exec director of a small ecosystem.

During full rollout they will be impacted. For pioneers it is some of both. Depending on the BAM/RGM some will go for the manager/director roll. Others for BEM and probably some will be TAMs. Some RGMs might be competitive for exec director of a small ecosystem.
I heard that global warming, err, climate change, will decimate all forms of known ecosystems. That’s what AOC said. The new green deal is code for severance. Good luck.

I heard BAMs and RGMs have to interview as well for positions.

BAMd RGMs DMs RSDs... all fluff and worthless. These POS paper pushing wind bags couldn’t land a job at Hobby Lobby. Go lay by your dish fruitcake and enjoy your success stories. Maybe mom can role-play with you and iron your blouse before your interview at Applebee’s.

Pioneers by definition were risk takers who had to crap in the woods, forage for food and defend themselves against hostile inhabitants of the areas they wandered through. I guess this is what those of you that are left after the slaughter at the Alamo will have to endure. Good luck

Pioneers by definition were risk takers who had to crap in the woods, forage for food and defend themselves against hostile inhabitants of the areas they wandered through. I guess this is what those of you that are left after the slaughter at the Alamo will have to endure. Good luck

LMAO. Have you seen half the guys that work here? I don’t think most of them ever went camping. I’m pretty sure they are not the outdoorsy type.

LMAO. Have you seen half the guys that work here? I don’t think most of them ever went camping. I’m pretty sure they are not the outdoorsy type.

Yes, I once did and, yes, 1/1,000 have ever dropped their pants in the woods to take a dump. That would translate to 3-4 total CS’s. My old buds from Minnesota, Michigan and New York (upstate) who ate long gone from there would have succeeded as pioneers

RGMs, MCCO and BAMs getting the management positions in the ecosystem. Houston we have a problem. When the ED can’t even land an interview outside of the company but gets the ED position. Train wreck!