Since we are handing out a VP title for the 1099 team, I thought i would inform the team about some other VP titles that were just as hard earned.
Betty Jo Bob-- VP of water fountains, vending machines and Keurig machines.
Mary Sue Poo-- Vp of outside mulched areas, parking spaces and grassy areas
Joe Bambam-- VP of lightbulbs, paper towels and mop buckets, bathrooms fall under him
Keli Chewchew-- VP of paper clips, rubber bands and staplers, hole punchers not included
Zu Numnum-- VP of attitude, altitude and aptitude
Mr. Zupzup-- VP of pens, pencils and erasers.
This is not politics, not a presidential pardon on the way out the door, not cronyism, our new VP closed nothing, thats 100% failure rate, and we here at PCLS are all about 100%.