Sales is all about asking would you buy from this guy? The answer is no for most of our senior leaders. You wouldn’t trust them to buy a product so don’t put your career in their hands.
Sales is all about asking would you buy from this guy? The answer is no for most of our senior leaders. You wouldn’t trust them to buy a product so don’t put your career in their hands.
Phil certainly does not come across as sincere or trustworthy. Really just seems like an ass especially over GSM. Good thing I see him once a year and rarely open his emails.
serious question, what does he do? Yah he's vp but only time we hear about him is when rd says he wants more crap in salesforce as if the bargain basement salesforce used even works. my territory is never right in it.
I am just glad Phildo has received his vaccine and NOW will be spending time in the field. As if this is a new concept and us lowly sales sales reps have not been working in the field for the last 12 months.
He has gots to go. Incompetent and getting in way of progress.
How many cases he sold since he knows so much! Low IQ, low EQ deadweight.
I am just glad Phildo has received his vaccine and NOW will be spending time in the field. As if this is a new concept and us lowly sales sales reps have not been working in the field for the last 12 months.
Will continue to spiral until he’s gone. Go back to enterprise.
If Natera wants to play in real clinical markets you need staff who knows the actual market. The good old boys have to get out or you fail.
serious question, what does he do? Yah he's vp but only time we hear about him is when rd says he wants more crap in salesforce as if the bargain basement salesforce used even works. my territory is never right in it.
Phil certainly does not come across as sincere or trustworthy. Really just seems like an ass especially over GSM. Good thing I see him once a year and rarely open his emails.
good news to avoid him again this year. Reason for most bad decisions here has no idea wtf he is doing.
Company will be a joke until pg is sent out to pasture. At some point Steve will have to wake about his harassment
I couldn’t agree more. I 100% attribute the drop in stock price to decisions made by morons. Dickhead running it into the ground. You know it’s bad when investors start reaching out to reps to ask about the culture and leadershipSecond this comment. He is an ignorant bully. Needs to stick with women health primary care and stay out of specialties where he lacks all fundamentals. Responsible for some of the worst hiring decisions ever made at public company.
Couldn't agree more. Worst leadership I have ever experienced in my career - absolute joke! But let's keep watching modules about harassment in the workplace and filling out GDocs to help Natera cover their ass woohooCompany will be a joke until pg is sent out to pasture. At some point Steve will have to wake about his harassment