OK fine. Clearly this is not a real sales job. I’ll be the first to admit that. So why then do our out of touch trainers and managers take this job so seriously and, “lead”, “coach”, and “train” like we are negotiating hostage deals in the Middle East or selling the Dept of Defense a fleet of jets? Why do we have sales models and training crafted and geared towards a B2B, tangible good sales process? What other “sales job” to you continually pester your customer to buy more…even when they use your product every day or every week? We oversell in this industry like no other I’ve been a part off. We are walking, talking, breathing product commercials and sample/patient education delivery boys & girls. That’s it. Again, I’m OK with that. What’s funny is the good DM’s and trainers get what this job IS and equally important what this job ISN’T, and they lead and train to that versus pretending we are selling 100 MRI units for the entire VA system. Stop making this job more complicated than it is.
I agree, everyone in the world can benefit from some form of (key word here) RELATIVE constructive criticism and training. If the training or coaching was on something relative that if changed would actually result in a different outcome. Something meaningful, not to the DM or the trainer but to our customers. Unfortunately the bad trainers and DM’s offer up nit picking IRRELEVANT criticism that will not make the rep any better. Bad trainers and DM’s coach to what they like and are comfortable with, or what worked for them 10 years ago, and not what is best for the customers.
I went through training here and I have been a trainer here and this is the weakest most out of touch team of trainers and DM I have ever worked with.