Pharmacosmos Therapeutics

I am interviewing for a position here. Any insight as to the culture? Quality of leadership here? Thanks!

RUN! I just left after 2 months, place is a total shit show from top to bottom. Leaders clueless on the iron market but say they are experts. Do yourself a favor and ask the MD experts you know before you spend a second preparing for your interview. Should have let the name of the company guide me that they are definitely from a different cosmos if they think with their business plan that monoferric will be exclusive without the contracting knowledge. Look at what happened to Amag when they attempted the same thing with their iron, FAIL! Bottom line, iron is a commodity but don’t price it like it’s a rare earth enigma, it’s the most used and cheapest metal in the world and generics own the market.

Run! Leadership at this company is a shit show.

Corporate credit cards are never paid on time and reps have to use their own $ to pay for meals.

Car allowance is a scam…avg monthly is $400 which includes gas-they told us $650 with a gas card.

Zero payer coverage and docs can’t ever get meds covered.

Primary care company selling iron -not clinical

Agree. Leadership or Leaderless shit is in place here. Starts from top down. Complete incompetence. Plus could this company be an more political? A lot of turnover and a lot of openings says it all.

How many more stupid posts are we going to put on Linkedin? The culture here is a joke. Everything here is phony and most of the supposed leaders are frauds. Don't come here. Keep looking for a real job with real products.

Run! Leadership at this company is a shit show.

Corporate credit cards are never paid on time and reps have to use their own $ to pay for meals.

Car allowance is a scam…avg monthly is $400 which includes gas-they told us $650 with a gas card.

Zero payer coverage and docs can’t ever get meds covered.

Primary care company selling iron -not clinical

Does this company use Motus, Runzheimer or similar to oversee mileage etc. I’ve heard some not so good things about them. Thanks in advance

Does this company use Motus, Runzheimer or similar to oversee mileage etc. I’ve heard some not so good things about them. Thanks in advance
I’d like to know this as well. I’m interviewing in the south. I already own a car but it’s a few years old. It’s my understanding that that does not always meet with the parameters needed. Buying a new car is just so much fun right now

This place is a complete joke. Bait and switch during interviewing (lots of verbage that never makes it to the offer, piss poor communication and alignment between the business / hiring teams and HR (the two have no idea what each other are saying / thinking), and the behavior is very unprofessional at the VP level and above. They want everything for nothing, with no questions. Please pass, unless you have low self-esteem or are strapped to take anything. Not worth it!