Pharma Rep = Jehovah Witness

I have older clients that were in the industry and it seems that they all were pharmacists before they came in. When did that change?

I understand about the MBA managers. I've seen them. All that extra education can't replace walkin' around sense. All of America has witnessed that.

It changed in early 2000s, when the big pharma's started hiring Barbie/ken in mass quantities for reach and frequency.

When I started, upteen years ago, you had to have a science degree to even be granted an interview. All of the reps that I started with had either a chem/pharmacist/biology/or other science degree. Not one MBA in the bunch. Then a few years later we had massive expansions- thus we started hiring right out of college, and business experts-- that is what ruined the industry. Reps used to be well respected by doctors in those "good old days". The other negative thing that happened was PHarma guidelines- put an end to our jobs. Now we are just walking/talking advertisements.

I was in a waiting room a few weeks back, and out came a male and female rep...together. They sat down near me and we started up a conversation. I was wondering why they were sitting down after the call, and then they told me that they were actually "e-detailing" and running through their presentation screens. I almost vomited. I swear, if my company starts that shit, I start job hunting. I BS a lot of things, but I won't be bothered with that garbage. They can fire me before I pretend I am detailing while sitting in a waiting room. To me, that will be the ultimate in lowering myself for pharma, and I can already crawl under a pregnant snake's belly.

The reason for the e-detailing is that so many companies have been investigated by the DOJ and fined big$$$$ for off-label-- that now companies are afraid to let reps say anything that is not in the script-- some have gone so far as the e-detailing tablet-- which I have heard is comming to the majority of the companies soon.

The reason for the e-detailing is that so many companies have been investigated by the DOJ and fined big$$$$ for off-label-- that now companies are afraid to let reps say anything that is not in the script-- some have gone so far as the e-detailing tablet-- which I have heard is comming to the majority of the companies soon.

I read all these posts and every one echoes my thoughts. This one, however, nailed the reason dead-to-rights. The company that acquired my company just paid a mega fine for off-label promotion. We began e-detailing in January. I hate it, I'm happy I'm at the end of the trail on this because it is a skill I am not interested in learning.

With that said though, if I had to do it, I guess I would. Last POA, I saw some incredible e-details but it takes a rep to redo the order of the slides presented. Thank god I'm, at the point where they have no choice but to let me slide until I retire.
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Correct! Any big pharma company will and does use eDetailing...a joke.
It is because of the fines levied against them!

They never use hard copy of any kind for promotional purposes and/or training. This allows the companies to pull something immediately or as needed from servers.

What happens is that the rep in this case BEATS the system. They eDetail in the car, waiting room, hall. A total degradation of a representative.

Yep, my daughter came by to cheer me up and basically laughed and said that my job value, being a pharma rep calling on doctors and nurses is pretty much like when a Jehovah Witness shows up at your door just before dinner. He/she has interrupted your day with something they think is of value to you. You have far better things to do and already know everything they're going to say . . . and it's of no value, but nearly laughable.

Now, you combine being over fifty, a sucky primary relationship, shit for a pension/401k and a burning desire for a different life - and that's my day today. The real goodnews: I get to do it all over again tomorrow.
Did you tell her to fuck off and eat shit? That she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about? That that's a shitty thing to say to your mom who has been that Jeehovah Witness for years in order to put her through cosmetology school?
Seriously GG and everyone else who is bashing pharma lately, I really don't know what you people are seeing out there. After all these years in pharma, I've never enjoyed myself so much. The offices are friendly again, I rarely see reps in the waiting room anymore, it's easy to get lunches and people seem to appreciate the food I get, docs take the time to talk even for those quick stand-ups, and I really think that they think what I tell them is important.
Maybe it's just me.


Many of us LOVE this industry. I hate the processes in many cases but always loved what I was doing. I think it's a matter of attitude also. My own kids have seen me in this industry for many many years are are positive because I never bashed it or thought it was demeaning. They heard about the people in my company and the POAs etc. To them, they see mom enjoying what she does. I have even taken my older daughter to the office to meet people and get an idea of the protocols etc.

That being depends on the company you work for honestly. Every culture is different.

Thank God!!! End of week!;)

Ditto, picked up my daughter yesterday, phone detailing today, the other daughter in tomorrow, ready for a fun, family weekend courtesy of the Bank of Dad.

Over the years, I've felt like everyone here at one point in time. I've hated it, loved it, found it humiliating, enjoyed the freedom and friends I've made, on and on. I have friends who were in industries that looked great 10 years ago. Some of them would give their eye teeth to have my job and my pay now and some moved on to greener pastures. As I near the end, I realize I'm happy for the life I was able to lead, the educations I was able to provide and the retirement I'll soon embark on. It's cliche to say but it is what it is.
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Did you tell her to fuck off and eat shit? That she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about? That that's a shitty thing to say to your mom who has been that Jeehovah Witness for years in order to put her through cosmetology school?
Seriously GG and everyone else who is bashing pharma lately, I really don't know what you people are seeing out there. After all these years in pharma, I've never enjoyed myself so much. The offices are friendly again, I rarely see reps in the waiting room anymore, it's easy to get lunches and people seem to appreciate the food I get, docs take the time to talk even for those quick stand-ups, and I really think that they think what I tell them is important.
Maybe it's just me.

Actually, where I live there is nearly NO access anywhere so she was spot on. I laughed; we both laughed because in many cases it seems like I'm trying to break into Fort Knox. She is a good kid and funny. I needed a good laugh with all the B.S. ride alongs coming my way soon. We have so many layers it is ridiculous and they all want to ride with a rep to show them around. My customers hate it yet we are suppose to be customer oriented. More than any other time in my career this is starting to truly feel like a bad joke. I cannot get that degree soon enough and get out. This will be the longest year of my life, if I even live through the stress of HQ riding with me as well as several new layers who need to "see" what it's really like in the field. Ask yourself: If I were in surgery, would I really want two reps standing off to the side watching? Then picture my day.

Actually, where I live there is nearly NO access anywhere so she was spot on. I laughed; we both laughed because in many cases it seems like I'm trying to break into Fort Knox. She is a good kid and funny. I needed a good laugh with all the B.S. ride alongs coming my way soon. We have so many layers it is ridiculous and they all want to ride with a rep to show them around. My customers hate it yet we are suppose to be customer oriented. More than any other time in my career this is starting to truly feel like a bad joke. I cannot get that degree soon enough and get out. This will be the longest year of my life, if I even live through the stress of HQ riding with me as well as several new layers who need to "see" what it's really like in the field. Ask yourself: If I were in surgery, would I really want two reps standing off to the side watching? Then picture my day.

Some areas of the country have way more difficulties with access than others. When I began, every doctor I called on had 'some' percentage of private (vs Medi-care) patients. Calls were relatively easy. Now about 50% of the action in my territory is from 'Medicare clinics' and that's a whole different ballgame. Hang in there lady.
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Did you tell her to fuck off and eat shit? That she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about? That that's a shitty thing to say to your mom who has been that Jeehovah Witness for years in order to put her through cosmetology school?
Seriously GG and everyone else who is bashing pharma lately, I really don't know what you people are seeing out there. After all these years in pharma, I've never enjoyed myself so much. The offices are friendly again, I rarely see reps in the waiting room anymore, it's easy to get lunches and people seem to appreciate the food I get, docs take the time to talk even for those quick stand-ups, and I really think that they think what I tell them is important.
Maybe it's just me.

Easy to bring people free food? Seriously? Ask any other sales professional if they have to bring food to get appointments.

Easy to bring people free food? Seriously? Ask any other sales professional if they have to bring food to get appointments.
No, easy to get the lunch appointments compared to a couple years ago when everything was booked a year out. And don't start with that "real" salesperson shit with me. My wife is a "real" sales person and she takes people out to lunch and dinner all the time.

No, easy to get the lunch appointments compared to a couple years ago when everything was booked a year out. And don't start with that "real" salesperson shit with me. My wife is a "real" sales person and she takes people out to lunch and dinner all the time.

I have to agree! I've been in the industry a long time. While I'm not on the sales side anymore, what the industry has done to itself is sad. It's the only business where you aren't allowed to treat your customers like customers! Most sales people not only do lunches and dinners but sporting events, golf, shows, tickets and other social events!

But GG, it's not that bad if you look around at other jobs. You can't let what you do to earn a paycheck define you. Unless you are at one side, doing work to better the community like a fireman, policeman, or doing something that destroys society like a drug dealer, then the job is a paycheck to allow you to live your life, provide for your family, and to spend time with family and friends. If you think of it that way, it is a pretty good gig. Sure, the companies aren't perfect but they are no more 'evil' than any other corporation. It's a business, not a charity, even though there is a charitable side to the health care biz. I work hard, travel way too much, work too many hours, and always do the best job I can. This crazy industry has supported me, along with many kids and endless college bills for a very long time. I won't retire rich but won't starve or be on the street either. I've had time to spend with my kids, taught them a great work ethic and to take pride in their job, no matter what it is. I don't care if your job is pulling weeds on a city street or cleaning toilets, if you do your best at it and it takes care of your family's needs, what more do you want? A job isn't where you find fullfillment and purpose IMO but allows you the money and ability to have a purposeful life!

DD is right! Not everyone gets to get up tomorrow and do it all again. It's like getting older...some days it sucks but it sure beats the alternative!
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Did you tell her to fuck off and eat shit? That she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about? That that's a shitty thing to say to your mom who has been that Jeehovah Witness for years in order to put her through cosmetology school?
Seriously GG and everyone else who is bashing pharma lately, I really don't know what you people are seeing out there. After all these years in pharma, I've never enjoyed myself so much. The offices are friendly again, I rarely see reps in the waiting room anymore, it's easy to get lunches and people seem to appreciate the food I get, docs take the time to talk even for those quick stand-ups, and I really think that they think what I tell them is important.
Maybe it's just me.

No, easy to get the lunch appointments compared to a couple years ago when everything was booked a year out. And don't start with that "real" salesperson shit with me. My wife is a "real" sales person and she takes people out to lunch and dinner all the time.

You really don't see the distinction between taking a client out to lunch and having to feed an office staff of 35?

You guys really have to stop reading things into peoples posts. I never said "real" salesperson, but now that you bring it up, no I don't believe that Pharma is real sales.In fact you should check out the overtime lawsuits. Pharma reps said just as much.

Their argument was that you are paid to parrot the company line therefore you are not true sales people and entitled to overtime. The court agreed. You don't have to take my word for it.

I am giving a deposition for one of those lawsuits. A total joke...because some lazy ass is suing the company saying that he 'had' to go above and beyond. I didn't have anything to do with him or his manager, but because departmentally we are tied in, I am speaking on behalf of the company. Total lack of work ethic. These people will never get a job.
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I am giving a deposition for one of those lawsuits. A total joke...because some lazy ass is suing the company say that he 'had' to go above and beyond. I didn't have anything to do with him or his manager, but because departmentally we are tied in, I am speaking on behalf of the company. Total lack of work ethic. These people will never get a job.

Well, I have an oposing view to that. At my company we really had to work becuase we were heavily monitored with every available technology. The times we had to travel to meetings for a week, and leaving on Sundays, and then all of the dinner programs and early morning breakfasts plus the lunches almost every day----- and then to get home and we have to do all the admin work--- I know I put in way over 40++++++hrs most weeks. But I do not have a problem with that, what I had a problem with was the company taking advantage of us. I know there ARE many, many slackers but most werent.

You really don't see the distinction between taking a client out to lunch and having to feed an office staff of 35?

You guys really have to stop reading things into peoples posts. I never said "real" salesperson, but now that you bring it up, no I don't believe that Pharma is real sales.In fact you should check out the overtime lawsuits. Pharma reps said just as much.

Their argument was that you are paid to parrot the company line therefore you are not true sales people and entitled to overtime. The court agreed. You don't have to take my word for it.

I agree with you here, we were not real "sales" people. We were misclassified- we should have been "marketing reps" that is why all the companies are in trouble-- it is the misclassification and taking advantage of reps. You cant have it both ways and the companies tried to have their cakes and eat it too --- now they have to pay up- just like all the off-label lawsuits.