do you think its that easy?
I'd love to get into device sales.
I can't find any jobs or recruiters.
what worked for you?
I sold capital equipment prior to pharma which helped.
Long post here but I know you will appreciate it.=:
I'll sound like a jerk when I say this but the recruiter called me up out of the blue when I wasn't really looking in 2008 and said "you have the experience my client is looking for in the specialty they are looking to hire for. PLEASE interview with them." I interviewed and nailed the two interviews and had a job offer within 2 weeks of the recruiter calling me. I was also interviewing with another company, so I looked like I was in high demand, which companies seem to like.
I took the job and love it. Bad year would be 135 a year for me. Good year (this year) I am on track to make 170k or so (based on pipeline I have built, commissions on a killer Q1 I had, confidence in myself...which ironically pharma seemed to want to beat out of me, and the product that I sell is good).
One ride along every 6 months. 2 national sales meeting a year. Hands off management. Don't tell them where I am or how many closing appointments I have. I may not make quota every month, but my pipeline is always building up and I took this job 6 months before the market crashed in 2008 and while it hasn't been easy to sell in this environment, but other device reps i speak to, both in and out of my sub specialty I sell to, all agree tht if you can just survive in this market you'll live to see a better economic day.
Our top reps. prior to the crash were doing 225. Some of my bigger competitors were doing 300 a year. I mean, that is STUPID money, let's face it.
This job isn't the stress that drug reps make it out to be. If you find the right company you mesh with AND can sell, you'll kick ass.
My advice to you. GIve yourself 6 months to find a gig like this. Put in your objective statement you want medical device and/or surgical SPECIFICALLY. Blast the resume out to 1000 recruiters via the pay service you can find on the internet. I did that 3 years ago and I still get calls from recruiters asking "Hey are you looking?" In fact I got one last month where the CEO called me and said "How much would it take for you to come work for me?" He couldn't meet my salary requirements, but it was an ego boost to say the least.
Then, spend a good 2 hours a day for 6 MONTHS (it is a part time job) scouring the internet, making calls to recruiters, calling companies, calling friends who are device reps., etc. If you are in a particular specialty (or sub specialty like I was) USE THAT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. Learn the companies that sell to your kind of doctor. Seek them out. They are now your targets, just like in sales. Be discplined. Keep Excel spreadsheets of who you called, when, wat the next step is, etc. Some companies will not like your pharma experience, others won't care. In your situation, like in sales, it is all a numbers game. The more people you talk to, the greater your chances of landing a good gig are. And, don't be afriad by jobs offering a 50-60k base. If you are good and your product is good, you look at your base salary as predictable income and the commission as the real prize. Trust me, its a good feeling of accomplishment when you wake up on pay day and look at your account and see another $10,000 that wasn't there the day before.
Doing all of the above will, in my opinion, greatly increase your chances of getting a job like I have. I have NEVER been this "unstressed" in my life. I work 40 hours a week, travel 6 nights a month and my boss has an unofficial "No calls after 5 pm or during the weekend" so he is not on my ass.
Good luck.