It comes up the individual employer in device. I sell a depreciable asset where people sign on the dotted line. The company wanted a "hunter" which by definition a pharma rep isnt. So, during the interview, the manager looks at my resume, see copiers which I sold out of college and said "Good" and then paused on pharma and smiles and goes "Well, I like you, I'll pretend I didn't see this. However, because the device we are selling is in the same field, at least you know the anatomy part."
So I guess pharma is good if you come from the same industry, your Medtronic example is actually VERY true in terms of going from from cardio drugs to cardio sales. I would say that the reps though that interview and only have pharma background versus a rep that already has experience in pacemakers, for example, or a rep from a hardcore sales job like Stryker, would be at a much bigger advantage.
With the thousands of drug reps that have been laid off recently and with very few device jobs out there due to the economy and low turn over, every one in pharma (or any field for that matter) is a dime a dozen. If you can market yourself well in the interview, that is all the better.
You are right, most device reps don't make the 300k mark. I can name a few I think might, but unless you see their w2s, consider them to be liars. Just like most pharma reps. I know don't make 100k. I will honestly do $165-170 this year when all is said and done. Which for device is pretty decent, and comparing it to pharma is fantastic. Do I want to earn more, yes, but I am 31 years old, so 170 at 31 ain't bad. I don't work any more or less than a drug rep. I just found a company where I like the culture, they like me because I post numbers up consistently and I don't bother anyone.
It isn't that I hated being a drug rep. I just didn't like the phonies in my company I was at. The micromanaging squeezed any joy that job had out of me. Call metrics, when the first call was made, how much you sampled, what targets did you visit...It squeezed out any notion of real "Doctor, may I earn your commitment to write this...?"
Al the company I am at now cares about is "What have you closed this quarter and tell me about the following large accounts." With 2 ride alongs a year and one one week training at corporate a year, I found a company that allows me focus in on selling, not proving to my manager that he should allow me to keep my job like in pharma.