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Pfizer merger?


Right. Share price at 43, +30% in the last year. Couldn't you at least try to make up a better fairy tale?

Holy crap, what a brain washed sh!t brain. You actually think $43 is good? Good compared to what....... most other pharma companies are in 60`s,70`s & 80`s. Typical drone who will be on his death bed still thinking Bms is a great place to be.

Wow! Stoopid calling somebody stoopid. Company value is measured by market cap, not stock price. Were you the kid who cut a large pizza into 20 pieces instead of 8 so you had more pizza? Stay at BMS because you will find out: stupid is one thing, but not knowing you're stupid and criticizing others is much worse.

Last post hit on Market Cap that most people don't get. Celgene stock around $120. BMS around $40. Celgene must be better. Except the cap for Celegene is 50 billion and for BMS is 70 billion. Celegene would be an easier target

Holy crap, what a brain washed sh!t brain. You actually think $43 is good? Good compared to what....... most other pharma companies are in 60`s,70`s & 80`s. Typical drone who will be on his death bed still thinking Bms is a great place to be.

Wow, you're dumb even by Cafepharma standards. Are you like, blond or something?

Last post hit on Market Cap that most people don't get. Celgene stock around $120. BMS around $40. Celgene must be better. Except the cap for Celegene is 50 billion and for BMS is 70 billion. Celegene would be an easier target

Depends on whether you believe the share price is driven by fundamentals or speculation. AOL acquired Time Warner for $166B... that value evaporated in less than 2 years (apparently dial-up internet service turned out not to be synergistic with old media). 7 years later, the market cap of TW/AOL had shrunk to $28B and TW spun off AOL. Goodbye $138B. So market cap isn't everything...

Holy crap, what a brain washed sh!t brain. You actually think $43 is good? Good compared to what....... most other pharma companies are in 60`s,70`s & 80`s. Typical drone who will be on his death bed still thinking Bms is a great place to be.

5/17/13 closing prices

PFE $28.96
ABBV $47.17
MRK $45.99
NVS $74.15
SNY $54.50
LLY $55.90
TEVA $40.23
GSK $52.22

Who's the sh!t brain?

Because your statement was shown to be factually incorrect on "most other pharma companies" share prices?

Uhhh, no. Because (as other posters have pointed out) absolute share price isn't much of an indicator of a company's value. That you seem to be fixed on this one number, as opposed to market cap or P/E ratio suggests that you are either deluded or have an Asperger's like fascination with closing share price. In other words, you have demonstrated that you are completely incapable of understanding even rudimentary financial analysis. You clearly are ready to launch your own financial advisory website.

Uhhh, no. Because (as other posters have pointed out) absolute share price isn't much of an indicator of a company's value. That you seem to be fixed on this one number, as opposed to market cap or P/E ratio suggests that you are either deluded or have an Asperger's like fascination with closing share price. In other words, you have demonstrated that you are completely incapable of understanding even rudimentary financial analysis. You clearly are ready to launch your own financial advisory website.

Dead is dead ya fool. Does not matter which part of the fish died first, it's still dead. Yes, face reality, BMS is dead.

where is the market genius? Please post out how many shares outstanding for each, then the EPS for each.

aside from that, share price is ONLY a reflection of expectations relative to guidance, it not an objective standard like a 90 share price would be an A, 80-89 would be B..whist would suggest that share price of $65 or below would be a failing company.

A $45 per share company doesn't have twice the market cap of a $22.50 share comapny..How many shares are there? Duh. Then of course, you also have to factor indebt (bonds, etc), and the expected viability of CONTINUED operations..that is, for example, maybe a company with lost a revenue stream due to patent cliff. Etc.

Open a finance book son. Besides, no matter what happens, you get nothing zero nada UNLESS you have vested stock options. THAT is where the $ is.